2000字范文 > 景观生态风险 Landscape ecological risk英语短句 例句大全

景观生态风险 Landscape ecological risk英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-06 05:11:47


景观生态风险 Landscape ecological risk英语短句 例句大全

景观生态风险,Landscape ecological risk

1)Landscape ecological risk景观生态风险

1.Landscape ecological risk index is related to landscape fragmentation, landscape isolation, landscape dominance and landscape vulnerability, Landscape fragmentation in which is the greatest impact.本文以鄂陕界至安康高速公路沿线途经的白河县、旬阳县和汉滨区为研究区,利用RS/GIS技术为主要研究手段,通过对鄂陕界至安康高速公路中心线两侧各500m的范围区域展开景观类型研究,运用景观生态学的原理,建立基于景观格局和过程的生态风险指数,得到各研究区的景观生态风险综合指数,从景观学的角度定性和定量的分析了公路建设对经过的区域所带来的生态风险,揭示了景观类型、景观破碎度和区域道路密度与景观生态风险综合指数的关系。


1.The Study of Regional Landscape Ecological Risk Assessment and the Environmental Risk Management Countermeasure;区域景观生态风险评价及生态风险管理研究

2.Landscape Ecological Risk Assessment and Landscape Pattern Optimization in Yanqing Sandstorm Region延庆风沙区景观生态风险评价及景观格局优化

3.Study of Road Landscape Ecological Risk Assessment Based on RS and GIS基于RS/GIS技术的公路景观生态风险评价研究

4.Assessment of Ecological Risks on Regional Landscape Patterns of Hydropower Station基于景观尺度的水电站生态风险评价

5.Method and Case Study of Ecological Risk Assessment Based on Landscape Structure of Regional Development区域景观结构的生态风险评价方法与案例研究

6.Study on the landscape-ecological construction of Fuzhou water and soil conservation supported by ecological appraisal of risk;基于水土流失生态风险分析的福州市水土保持景观生态建设

7.The Landscape Pattern Dynamics Analyst and Landscape Ecological Planning in Laoshan Scenery Spot;崂山风景区景观格局动态分析及景观生态规划

8.The Ecological Risk and Risk Management Countermeasures of Qian-da Lake Scenic Area;千岛湖风景区生态风险及风险管理对策研究

9.Analysis and Assessment on Ecological Risks in Scenic Spot;旅游风景区生态风险分析与评价研究

10.Ecological Risk Analysis Based on Landscape Structure in Catchment Area along the Weihe River基于景观结构的渭河下游河流沿线区域生态风险分析

11.A Study on Landscape-Ecological Planning of Shugang-Slender West Lake Scenic Spot in Yangzhou City;蜀冈—瘦西湖风景区景观生态规划研究

12.Sustainable Planning of Tourism Spot Based on Landscape Ecology;基于景观生态学的风景区保护性规划

13.The Ecological View Situation and Traditional Scenery Building in Sichuan四川传统风景建筑与景观生态态势研究

14.Dissection of Landscape Ecology Thought in Theory of Geomancy and Application风水说中的景观生态思想探析与应用

15.Inquiring into Landscape Innovation Design for Central City Proper Ecological Amenity Forest in Zunyi City遵义市中心城区生态风景林景观改造设计探讨

16.Landscape Ecological Assessment and Planning of Mu-Yan Scenic Spot, Nanjing;南京幕燕风景名胜区景观生态评价与规划

17.Effects of Thinning Intensities on Landscape Qualities of Suburb Ecological Landscape Forest间伐强度对城郊生态风景林景观质量的影响

18.Spread and Evolution of Landscape Ecological Planning of Forest Scenic Spot试论森林风景区景观生态规划的拓展与流变


landscape spatial ecological risk景观空间生态风险

3)landscape ecology risk information system(LERIS)景观生态风险信息系统

4)landscape ecological risk assessment景观生态风险评价

1.Regionallandscape ecological risk assessment is one branch of ecological risk assessment, for which both the receptors and sources of risk must be in landscape scale, and the exposure and effects assessment must account their uncertainty and spatial heterogeneity.区域景观生态风险评价是在景观基础上,描述人类活动或自然灾害对区域内生态系统结构、功能等产生不利作用的可能性和危害程度。

5)ecological landscape生态景观

1.Space-time change of oasisecological landscape information spectrum in arid areas;干旱区绿洲生态景观信息图谱的研究与应用

2.Study on the characteristics of urbanecological landscape and its building;城市生态景观的特征与构建研究

3.Analysis of the function of plants in building interiorecological landscape;植物营造住宅室内生态景观之探析

6)landscape ecology景观生态

1.The Discussions on Landscape Ecology Principles and Its Application Educational System and Innovation with the Orientation of LA;面向LA专业的景观生态教学体系改革

2.Construction of the urbanlandscape ecology of mountains in Lanzhou;兰州市南北两山景观生态构建

3.The effect on eco-environment and construction oflandscape ecology of coastal shelterbelt system of Yantai;烟台海岸带防护林的生态环境效应与景观生态建设


