2000字范文 > 控制机 controller英语短句 例句大全

控制机 controller英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-31 08:40:53


控制机 controller英语短句 例句大全



1.Design of the stationcontroller of remote monitoring sediment;泥沙遥测终端控制机的设计


1.cybernetic model控制论模型, 模拟控制机

2.Central Organ of the Mechanism for Conflict Control冲突控制机制中央机构

3.machine program control机器程序控制机床程序控制

4.control mechanism控制机构,开关机构

5.machinery control console机械控制台船机控制台

6.microcomputer remote control system for mainengine微机控制主机遥控系统

7.control unit of control processor控制处理机的控制器

puter Control in Mechanical Manufacture机械制造中计算机控制

puterized process camera计算机控制制版照相机

10.automatic generator control system自控发电机控制系统

puter numerical control计算机数字控制(数控)

12.Projector does not respond to remote control投影机不受遥控器控制

13.Entering airport controlled area without airport pass;无机场控制区通行证进入机场控制区;

puterised flaming machine计算机控制的火焰机

15.microprocessor controlled weaving machine微处理机控制编织机

16.multi-head computer controlled embroidery machine多头计算机控制刺绣机

17.microcomputer-controlled multifunction respirator微机控制多功能呼吸机

puter off-line control system计算机脱机控制系统


control mechanisms控制机制

1.Study of QoScontrol mechanisms based on IPv6 flow label;基于IPv6流标签的QoS控制机制

2.In the light of the latest criteria stipulated by the IMO for GMDSS, this article analyses the pre - emption system of Inmarsat - F incontrol mechanisms, messages and processes.此文围绕IMO对GMDSS的新要求,从控制机制、控制信息及控制过程三个方面对In-marsat-F系统中的优先权控制进行了分析。

3.According to neuropsychological research,there are two differentcontrol mechanisms in languagearea of human brain for both first language and second language.神经心理学发现,脑部语言区对于第一语言和第二语言具有不同的控制机制,这种机制是翻译时双语转换的必要条件。

3)control mechanism控制机制

1.On the Principal-agent relationship and Control Mechanism in Venture Capital Fund;风险投资家的代理风险表现与控制机制

2.The effect ofcontrol mechanisms on process of indigenous innovation;控制机制对自主创新过程的影响研究

3.The impact of differentcontrol mechanisms on the eutrepreneurial competence and radical innovation;控制机制对创业能力与突变创新关系影响研究

4)control system控制机制

1.Measures to strengthen thecontrol system against research misconduct:a lesson from Schn event;强化科学论文造假控制机制的举措——舍恩事件的反思

2.In the modern stock system enterprises,the ownership and the operation right are separated,since the differences between stockholders and operators,such as the aim,the asymmetry about information,they conflict of interest,so they need to set up thecontrol system and try to make it perfect.在两权分离的现代股份制企业中,由于股东和经营者各自目标不同、信息不对称等原因而产生种种利益冲突,为此需要建立健全相应的控制机制。

3.There are great differences in dynamic andcontrol systems between Chinese and foreign enterprises.中外企业档案工作动力机制与控制机制客观上存在着巨大的差异,外国企业档案工作动力机制中的内发型动力及多元、差异化的管理体制与模式和我国企业档案工作动力机制中的外发型动力及集中式管理体制形成了鲜明的对比,在控制机制上也存在外国企业档案工作注重间接法规控制与我国企业档案工作注重直接法规控制的明显差异,认识及分析这一现象的原因,发现其中的启示,对进一步完善我国企业档案工作不无益处。

5)mechanism control机制控制

6)Controlling Mechanism控制机制

1.Dynamic Logistics Alliance Modeling Based on SystemControlling Mechanism;基于系统控制机制的动态物流联盟建模研究

2.OnControlling Mechanisms of the Operation of Socialist Harmonious Social System;试论社会主义和谐社会系统运行的控制机制

3.This paper analyses on the causes and harms of excessive financial estimates of industrial construction projects of our country at present, and puts forward some ideas of forming external and internal controlling mechanism for excessive financial estimates of industrial construction projects under market mechanism.分析了我国目前工业建设项目超概算的原因及危害性,提出了在市场机制下形成工业建设项目超概算内外控制机制的思路。


