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自由思想 free thought英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-11 09:51:24


自由思想 free thought英语短句 例句大全

自由思想,free thought

1)free thought自由思想

1.The Sarttrefree thought is the existentialism person of this thought important constituent.萨特的自由思想是存在主义人本思想的重要组成部分。

2.Thefree thought is the core and the soul of Feyerabend s thought of philosophy.自由思想是费耶阿本德哲学思想的核心和灵魂。

3.In the year of 1960—1970,Guzhun showed the independent personality andfree thought as an intelligentisa played an important role in academic field.在20世纪六七十年代动乱的中国,他填补了中国思想家集体"失踪"的尴尬处境,彰显了知识分子应有的独立人格和自由思想的品性,其人其学对学术界起了典型的思想解放作用。


1.He affect the free thinker.他冒充自由思想家。

2.Culture and Free Thought Association文化和自由思想协会

3.The Road to Freedom--An Interpretation of Erich Fromm s Thought about Freedom;通向自由之路——弗洛姆自由思想解读

4.They did press for freedom of speculation, thought, and inquiry.他们确实要求自由研究、自由思想和自由探索。

5.From External Freedom to Inner Freedom: Yin Haiguang"s Liberalism从“外部自由”到“内心自由”:殷海光的自由思想

6.They are free to form associations and make friends, to have their own thoughts and beliefs, to speak and communicate, and to write and comment.他们可以自由结社自由交友,自由思想自由信仰、由言说自由通信、由写作自由评论。

7.Freedom·Nature·Norm: An Exploration of the Argumentation Logic of Guo Xiang s Idea of Freedom;自由·自然·名教——郭象自由思想之论证逻辑探析

8.Research and Reflection on Isaiah·Berlin s Liberal Thought;以赛亚·伯林自由思想的研究与反思

9.Marx s Thoughts on Personal Liberty and its Contemporary Significance;马克思的个性自由思想及其当代价值

10.On the Original Political Meaning of Liberty--About Hobbes Liberty;自由的最初政治意义——关于霍布斯的自由思想

11."to an age when thought is free,“向一个思想自由的时代,”

12.liberty of thought and feeling;思想和感觉的自由;

13."freedom of thought, conscience and religion"思想、信念及宗教自由

14.Freedom and Harmony--On the Thought of Freedom and Liberty of Human of Marx;自由与和谐——论马克思关于人的自由解放思想

15.Marx Thought of Freedom Personality and Its Contemporary Character;马克思的“自由个性”思想及其当代意义

16.On Marxist Ideology of Free Time and Wealth;论马克思关于自由时间与财富的思想

17.The Historical Generation of Marx"s "Free Individuality" Thought马克思“自由个性”思想的历史生成

18.On the Essence and Reflection of Neoliberalism Economic Thought新自由主义经济思想的本质及其反思


freedom of thoughts思想自由

1.Liberal libraries are necessary places where citizens exercise the basic rights of freedom,for instance,thefreedom of thoughts and intellectual freedom are guaranteed according to constitution.自由的图书馆是宪法保障思想自由、知识自由等各种形式之国民表现自由之基本权利的必要空间。

3)freedom of thought思想自由

1.Teachers should be fully aware of the importance offreedom of thought and expression of freedom and reflect it to the education practice.教师应该充分认识到思想自由和表达自由的重要性并将之反映到教育实践中去。

2.He assured the status of the Six Dynasties from all aspects and evaluated the period from the perspective offreedom of thought.魏晋六朝思想在中国现代史上是一个重要的研究领域,刘师培的研究在此领域中具有奠基作用,从各个方面对于魏晋六朝的地位进行了肯定,开启了从思想自由的角度进行论述的先河,后经鲁迅等的发扬,魏晋六朝思想遂成为现代文学中重要的研究领域。

3.Therefore,it is necessary to encouragefreedom of thought,crit ical spirit,free exchange of ideas and love of wisdom.理论创新也不可能在知行合一的思维路径上获得生长的条件,唯有到个人差异和社会多样性中找到其存在的条件,而思想自由、批判精神、自由地交流意见与经验、“爱智慧”的时尚是4个基本条件。

4)thought freedom思想自由

1.The significance ofthought freedom,teaching freedom and study freedom is elaborated from the orientation of China\"s college education in the new century.从新世纪中国的大学教育走向出发,阐述了思想自由、教学自由和学习自由的现实意义,分析了思想自由、教学自由和学习自由的边界问题,认为新时期中国化的大学理念应是中国传统哲学思想与西方大学精神相结合的产物。

5)the right of thought freedom思想自由权

1.In this paper the basic theory ofthe right of thought freedom and its importance in legislation is discussed.本文研讨思想自由权的基本理论及其在立法中的重要问题。



