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锚板 anchor plate英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-15 23:29:01


锚板 anchor plate英语短句 例句大全

锚板,anchor plate

1)anchor plate锚板

1.Based on Mindlin stress solution,the stress state of deep buried rectangularanchor plate under horizontal load is studied.根据Mindlin应力解,研究了长方形深埋锚板(当然也可以是圆形或其他形状的锚板)承受水平抗拔荷载下的应力状态,提出采用修正分层总和法计算深埋锚板变形特性的新方法。

2.An example for deep buriedanchor plate is given w.结果验证与深埋锚板的算例分析表明,本文的理论解答对实际工程具有一定的理论及应用价值。

3.Through the comparison of the force property ofanchor plate under different bolt diameter,bolt spacing,it discusses the relation betweenanchor plate thickness,bolt diameter and spacing as well as the thickness that should be taken to guarantee the stiffness that is out of the surface ofanchor plate.采用通用有限元分析软件对混凝土后锚固受拉节点进行了模拟计算分析,通过比较不同螺栓直径、螺栓间距的条件下锚板的受力性能,探讨了锚板厚度与螺栓间距、直径的关系以及为保证锚板的出平面刚度应采用的厚度。


1.Model Experiment Analysis on Steel Anchor Plate Cable-Pylon Anchorage Zone钢锚板式索塔锚固区足尺模型试验研究

2.Pullout capacity of deeply embedded plate anchors in undrained clay不排水黏土中深埋锚板的抗拔承载力

3.hanging pendant吊锚短挂绳(舢板载锚

4.Discussin on Bolt and Cable Supporting Technique of the Comples Roof复合顶板巷道锚杆锚索支护技术探讨

5.The anchorages may be located on the outside of the deck.锚碇可布置在桥面板上。

6.To uncoil(an anchor cable)on deck so the anchor may descend easily.解开锚缆在甲板上解开(缆绳)以便能更快下锚

7.Application of supporting technology combination of anchor cable and bolt in friable roof support锚索锚杆联合支护在破碎顶板中的应用

8.Study and application of the technique of bolting stope roof beforehand by long cable anchor采场顶板长锚索预锚固技术的研究与应用

9.The Analysis of the Reliability and Design for Anchorage of Steels钢板的锚固可靠度分析及设计锚固长度

10.Experiment Study in Anchorage Behavior of Headed Reinforcement;带锚固板钢筋机械锚固性能的试验研究

11.Model Test on the Cable-beam Anchorage Structure with Tensile Anchor Plate of Cable-stayed Bridges斜拉桥锚拉板式的锚固结构模型试验与研究

12.Pre-stressed Bolt Anchor-truss Support Technology in Composite Roof Roadway复合顶板巷道预应力锚杆锚索桁架支护技术

bined Support Technology with Anchor Net and Anchor Cable under Extreme Broken Roof极破碎顶板条件下锚网锚索联合支护技术

14.hydraulic roof bolting equipment液压式顶板锚栓安装设备

15.either of a pair of strong posts that support a windlass on a ship"s deck.船的甲板上的支撑起锚机的强桩。

16.Drill three holes in the floor/base plate for anchoring the leg.在地面/底板上为锚固支柱打钻三个孔。

17.a horizontal beam that provides bearing and anchorage.提供支撑或抛锚点的平木板。

18.Install guide plate and adjuster cable on anchor pin.将导向板和调整器钢缆安装到锚销上。



1.The development history of computational methods for vertical uplift capacity of horizontalanchor plates is reviewed.简要回顾了水平锚板抗拔极限承载力计算方法的发展历史。

2.The development history of computational methods for vertical uplift capacity of horizontalanchor plates was reviewed.针对水平锚板抗拔极限承载力计算方法的研究现状,考虑对数螺旋线的破坏面并结合特征线理论,提出了一种新的浅埋条形板极限上拔力的计算方法并编制了程序。

3.Plateanchors are commonly used as foundations for structures that require uplift resistance because of the characteristic of convenience and practicality.锚板作为一种提供抗拔力的基础形式具有方便、实用等特点,在工程中应用很广泛。

3)Plate Anchor锚板

1.Pullout capacity of deeply embedded plate anchors in undrained clay不排水黏土中深埋锚板的抗拔承载力

4)boat anchor艇锚、舢板锚

5)anchor plate固定板,锚板

6)the roof bolt顶板锚杆


