2000字范文 > 电视娱乐 television entertainment英语短句 例句大全

电视娱乐 television entertainment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-05 09:59:29


电视娱乐 television entertainment英语短句 例句大全

电视娱乐,television entertainment

1)television entertainment电视娱乐

1.Thetelevision entertainment can be divided into pure entertainment and aesthetic entertainment in the aesthetic field of view.在审美的视野中电视娱乐可分为纯粹娱乐和审美娱乐,前者属于感官的快乐,后者是人的精神愉悦。

2.Now is the age oftelevision entertainment, and whilst being hugely beneficial, the negative effects have become increasingly obvious too.在这个电视娱乐泛滥的年代里,电视娱乐的负面效应也日益明显。


1.Entertainment Program and Hedonism:a Cultural Analysis of Entertainment Programs in Korian Television娱乐节目与快乐哲学——韩国电视娱乐节目分析

2.A Survey of the Audience in Guangzhou On the Entertainment TV Channels By Foreign Capital;境外电视娱乐频道广州受众收视调查

3.Thoughts on "the Television Entertainment Program Craze of China";关于“中国电视娱乐节目热”的思考

4.A Study on the Formation and Increment of Value Chain for TV-Entertainment Industry;论电视娱乐产业价值链的形成及增值

5.A Cultural Criticism on The Image Communication of Recreational Stars on TV;对电视娱乐明星形象传播的文化批判

6.The Cause of TV Entertainment Vulgarization and Its Game Effect电视娱乐节目低俗化成因与博弈效应

7.Carnival Theory and TV Entertainment Business Strategy“狂欢化”理论与电视娱乐节目经营策略

8.Chinese Television Entertaining Programs in the Context of Mass Culture大众文化语境下的中国电视娱乐节目

9.From "Every day up" to see TV entertainment programs Innovate从《天天向上》看电视娱乐节目的创新

10.ENTERTAINMENT CONDITIONS ADOLESCENTS’ DEVELOPMENT: Analysis of Negative Effects of Television Entertainment Programs of Hunan on the Adolescents;娱乐影响成长——兼论湖南电视娱乐节目对未成年人的消极影响

11.On the Pseudo- Viewing Phenomenon in the Entertainment-shows on the Mainland of China;中国大陆电视娱乐节目“伪收视”现象分析

12.Civil Ententainment--Thinkings on the Pan-enfer tainment of TV Program全民娱乐——对电视节目娱乐泛化的思考

13.Yes, but at the same time TV is entertaining.是的,但是同时电视使人获得娱乐。

14.Chinese Entertainment Television Limited [CETV]华侨娱乐电视广播有限公司

15.Watching TV is my favorite pastime.看电视是我最喜欢的娱乐活动.

mercial television has mixed entertainment and advertising.商业电视把娱乐和广告内容融为一体。

17.Watching TV is a popular family pastime.看电视是一种大众化的家庭娱乐。

18.But television is about entertainment.不过,电视节目终究是娱乐性质的。


TV entertainment industry电视娱乐业

1.Through this cultural phenomenon, we could clearly find out the prospective trend ofTV entertainment industry of our country: first, the civil common people-oriented route will be continued, so as to be on the way of enjoying culture together with our people; secondly, the characterized route will.透视这一文化现象,可以清晰地洞察出我国电视娱乐业的未来走向:坚持平民化路线,走与民同乐之路;坚持特色化路线,走自主创新之路;坚持集约化路线,走战略联合之路。

3)TV entertainment program电视娱乐节目

1.At first,the paper regards theTV entertainment program as a text in which the linguistic signs were encoded by certain process.将电视娱乐节目视为依照特定程序对语言符号进行编码的文本,依据语言学和结构主义方法,从娱乐节目的本体特征进行文本要素-结构性分析,以期清晰阐释潜隐在娱乐节目文本之中的形色话语的生产、运作机制和流通、控制过程。

2.In fact, whether the gatekeepers can check the information seriously and strictly or not has a decisive effect on the quality ofTV entertainment programs.电视“守门人”的把关好坏,对电视娱乐节目的品质好坏具有举足轻重的作用,因此,电视“守门人”必须树立正确的把关意识。

4)television entertainment program电视娱乐节目

1.Research on mass-decentralization dissemination strategy of Chinesetelevision entertainment program;中国电视娱乐节目分众化传播策略研究

5)the television news entertainment电视新闻娱乐化

1.News in nowadays,and it also tell the characteristics of the mass culture whatthe television news entertainment appear.在电视进入以受众为中心的消费时代后,中国的电视新闻纷纷打出“娱乐”牌,出现了一种电视新闻娱乐化的倾向。

6)TV Entertainment Marketing电视娱乐营销


