2000字范文 > 公路网发展 highway networks development英语短句 例句大全

公路网发展 highway networks development英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-04 23:14:00


公路网发展 highway networks development英语短句 例句大全

公路网发展,highway network"s development

1)highway network"s development公路网发展


1.Study on the Prediction and Optimization Method for Development Scale of Regional Highway Network;区域公路网发展规模的预测与优化方法研究

2.Study on the Development Strategy and Lay-Out Method of the Rural Highway Network in the West of China;西部县乡公路网发展战略及布局规划研究

3.Systems Analysis and Structure Optimize for the Development of Highway Network in Hunan Province;湖南省公路网发展系统分析与结构优化

4.Study of Unbalanced Regional Development Patterns and Spatial Distribution of Expressway Network;非均衡区域高速公路网发展模式及空间布局研究

5.Research on Estimation System of the Adaptability between the Urbanization Level and the Artery Network;城市化进程中干线公路网发展适应性评价体系研究

6.Application of Traffic Locatapn Theory to Highway Network Development Stratagy and Planning of Shandong;交通区位理论在山东公路网发展战略与规划中的应用

7.Analysis of Regional Highway Network s Development Based on Fractal Theory and Impact Assessment;以分形理论与影响评价为基础的区域公路网发展分析

8.Study on Local Highway Network Topology and Development Scale区域公路网布局形态及发展规模研究

9.Discussion on the significance,barrier and ways of citizen s network participation;公民网络参与的意义、障碍及发展路径

10.Research on the Evolution Routine of Online Brokerage Firm;美国网上证券经纪公司发展路径研究

11.Construct Road Systems in Country Sides and Accelerate Rural Development建设农村公路网 促进农村大发展

12.Study on the Highway Traffic Network and Regional Economic Development of Henan Province;河南省公路交通网络与区域经济发展研究

13.Study on the Development Rule and Rationality of Scale about Region Road Network;区域公路网规模的发展规律及合理性研究

14.Regional Impaction and Evolution of Express Way Networks in China;中国高速公路网的发展演化及区域效应研究

15.Research on the Highway Network Construction in Jilin Province Based on the Regional Coordinated Development吉林省促进区域协调发展的公路网建设研究

16.Developing countermeasures of service area joint logistics based on superhighway net基于高速公路网的服务区共同物流发展对策

17."Expressway Development Co., Ltd."高速公路发展有限公司

18.A Study on Countermeasures of Developing Tourist Highway Traffic Network in Undeveloped Regions:A Case Study of Tourist Highway Traffic Network in the Loess Plateau of Northern Shaanxi;经济欠发达地区旅游公路网络发展对策研究——以陕北黄土高原旅游公路网络的分析为例


highway development公路发展

1.Furthermore,China shighway development at present cannot meet the increasing needs of the national economy,and there is still a long way to go in constructing more highways.而且,从我国目前公路发展难以满足国民经济增长需求这一现状来看,今后公路建设的任务仍十分繁重。

3)highway development stratagem公路发展战略

4)Highway development of future project analysis under construction未来公路发展

5)the evolution of highway construction公路建设发展

1.The thesis discusses some problems on BOT model or concessionary management inthe evolution of highway construction such as highway investment system, toll road, highway financing, government function and etc.本文对我国公路建设发展中BOT模式及特许经营所涉及的公路投资体制、收费公路、公路融资、政府职能等问题进行了研究。

6)highway continuous development公路可持续发展


