2000字范文 > 沙脊 sand ridges英语短句 例句大全

沙脊 sand ridges英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-05-04 10:30:02


沙脊 sand ridges英语短句 例句大全

沙脊,sand ridges

1)sand ridges沙脊


1.The Influence on Current Ridge, Sand Wave and Topography of Dongfang Offshore by Typhoon;台风对东方岸外沙波沙脊和海底地貌的影响

2.Sedimentary Environment Analysis of Ancient Sand Ridges from Zk23 Hole in the East China Sea东海Zk23孔的古沙脊沉积环境(英文)

3.The Morphology and Grain-Size of Tidal Sand Ridges in the North of Bohai Bay渤海湾北部潮流沙脊的形态与粒度特征

4.Evolution of sand ridge-channel systems of Jiaozhou Bay driven by sea transgression海侵驱动下的胶州湾沙脊-水道体系形成与演变

5.The study of scouring and silting evolution of radiative sand ridge filed of the South Yellow Sea in support of DEM基于DEM的南黄海辐射沙脊群冲淤演变初步研究

6.Cheniers have a parallel, gently arcuate alignment reflecting the migratory history of the shoreline.沙脊呈平行的、微弓形排列,这能反映滨线迁移的历史。

7.Remote sensing based bathymetry reversion in radial sand ridge of South Yellow Sea and its 3-D visualization simulation南黄海辐射沙脊群水下地形遥感反演及三维可视化


9.The Studies on the Vertebrates and Paleoenvironment in Jinsha Site, Chengdu;成都金沙遗址脊椎动物及古环境研究

10.Records on the Vertebrates in the Desert at the Lower Reaches of Keriya River and at the Ruins of Yuansha City;克里雅河下游及圆沙古城脊椎动物考察记录

11.Clinic Observation of Treatment of 65 cases of ankylosing spondylitis with Thalidomide therapy沙利度胺治疗强直性脊柱炎65例临床观察

12.Lao Sha lodges in a ridge with a bowl of porridge on a wedge of the ridge.老沙盖房在屋脊楔子上的冰和里,手中拿着一碗粥。

13.Clinical study of low-dosage etanercept combined with thalidomide for treatment of ankylosing spondylitis依那西普联合沙利度胺治疗强直性脊柱炎的临床研究

14.The straight out route will take you across many coral heads and sandy channels holding a multitude of invertebrates and reef fish.这条线路将带你穿过许多寄生着无脊椎动物和鱼类的珊瑚头及多沙水道。

15.Tess went down the hill to Thantridge Cross, and inattentively waited to take her seat in the van returning from Chaseborough to Shaston.苔丝下了山,走到纯瑞脊十字架,在那儿恍恍惚惚地等候从围场堡回沙氏屯的篷车。

16.Relationship between lumbar spine injury and the type of disposition of excellent beach volleyball athlete;我国优秀沙滩排球运动员脊柱腰段损伤与气质类型之间关系的研究

17.a saddle of lamb, venison, beef, etc羊脊肉、 鹿脊肉、 牛脊肉.

18.The vertebrate spine or spinal column.脊骨脊椎动物的脊椎或脊柱


dune ridge沙脊

1.Studies on stratigraphic structures,sedimentary environment and sedimentation history of submarinedune ridges in the East China Sea have indicated the following results.东海中南部海底分布着广泛的脊槽状地形引起了人们广泛关注 ,有关文献称之谓全新世海进期的潮流沙脊 ;但对于沙脊的内部结构及其沉积环境序列、沙脊的活动性等问题 ,尚无明确结论。

2.Following the investigation of sandy sediment on continental shelf of the East China Sea,this paper shows that the reworked sand distributing on the continental shelf of the East China Sea has taken thedune ridges as background, Its material mainly generated from the dune rige which formed in Late Pleistocene.其物质来源为晚更新世末生成的沙脊物质,是在晚更新世末至全新世初期间,原始物质被掀起再沉积的产物。

3)sand ridge沙脊

1.The propagation paths of tidal waves from the Pacific to the northern South China Sea and the regional distributions of sea bottomsand ridges and sand ripples are described.阐述了太平洋潮波传入南海北部的途径与海底沙脊和沙波的区域分布 ;分析了各沙脊和沙波区的潮流动力环境和地貌沉积特征 ;讨论了海底沙脊和沙波发育演变问题。

4)sand dune and hill沙波沙脊

5)transverse ridge横向沙脊

1.Distribution model of grain size ontransverse ridge at Changli Golden Coast in Hebei Province;河北昌黎黄金海岸横向沙脊表面的粒度分布模式

6)desert ridge line沙脊线

1.The advance and retreat of sand dunes were commenly shown with the move-ment ofdesert ridge line, controlling the movement ofdesert ridge line by engineering methodis useful for the highway desert control where the desert has obvious ridge line.沙丘的进退一般表现为沙脊线的摆动,用工程(或机械)措施控制沙脊线移动防沙方法适用于沙脊线明显的格状沙丘和新月形沙丘链地区公路防沙。


科素亚 ,氯沙坦钾,氯沙坦, 芦沙坦, 洛沙坦药物名称:洛沙坦英文名:Losartan别名: 科素亚 ,氯沙坦钾,氯沙坦, 芦沙坦, 洛沙坦外文名:Losartan, Cozaar, Novartis成分: 氯沙坦钾 适应症: 高血压。 用量用法: 通常剂量为50mg,qd,治疗3-6周后达到最大抗高血压效应。在部分病人中,每天剂量可增加到100mg。血容量不足的病人(例如应用大量利尿剂)起始剂量应该为25mg,qd。 禁忌: 儿童,妊娠和哺乳妇女。 不良反应: 轻微而短暂的头晕,剂量相关性体位性低血压。罕见皮疹、荨麻疹,血管神经性水肿(包括面、唇和/或舌肿胀)。腹泻及偏头痛。偶有高血钾,罕见ALT升高。敏感个体和动脉狭窄的病人可出现肾功能异常。 注意事项: 血容量不足的病人应先补充血容量,减少起始剂量。有肝功能损害病人应使用较低剂量。 规格: 片剂 50mg x 7片。 类别:抗高血压药
