2000字范文 > 合文 Words-Character英语短句 例句大全

合文 Words-Character英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-07 16:46:35


合文 Words-Character英语短句 例句大全



1.Words-Character in ancient Chinese language is common phenomenon which early emerged from the inscriptions on the bones and tortoise shells in the Shang Dynasty from 16th to 11th century B.合文是汉语古文字常见的现象。

2)cooperative culture合作文化

1.Teacher scooperative culture is a complex psychological phenomenon of social culture.教师合作文化是一种复杂的社会文化心理现象。

2.The paper generalizes the present state ofcooperative culture study of institutions of higher learning in recent years and focuses on analysis of related concepts,feature,function,constructive way and hotspot of thecooperative culture.文章对近年来关于高校合作文化研究的现状进行归纳总结,着重分析了合作文化的相关概念、特征、功能、构建合作文化的途径以及研究热点五个方面的问题,并在此基础上提出作者自己的一些看法和见解。

3.Based on three aspects, the putting forward and guide principle of the learning school, the necessity of construction ofcooperative culture of the learning school, and the construction and cultivation of innercooperative culture of the learning school, the author put forward that the successful construction of the learning school should be supported bycooperative culture.从学习型学校的提出与指导理念,学习型学校建设合作文化的必要性,学习型学校内部合作文化的建立与培养三个方面,阐述学习型学校的成功建设要依据合作文化的支持。


1.The Reform of Teacher Culture and the Reconstruction of Teacher Collaborative Culture;教师文化的变革与教师合作文化的重建

2.Mosaic Culture or Cooperative Culture: The Choose of Transferring Curriculum Leadership;马赛克文化抑或合作文化——课程领导转型与教师文化选择

3.School-based Teaching and Research Serve as the Space for Teachers Cooperative Culture;校本教研——教师合作文化的创建平台

munity:An Effective Organization of Teachers Cooperative Culture;共同体——教师合作文化的有效组织

5.Construction and Cultivation of the Learning School and Cooperative Culture;学习型学校与合作文化的建立与培养

6.Agency for Cultural and Technical Cooperation文化和技术合作机构(文技合作机构)

7.Declaration of the Principles of International Cultural Cooperation国际文化合作原则宣言

8.Agence de Cooperation Culturelle et Technique文化和技术合作机构

9.culture of cooperation and partnership合作与伙伴关系的文化

10.Media and Culture in the Cultural Industries: Interaction and Confliction;文化产业中的媒体和文化:合作与冲突

11.Cooperation Agreement between the United Nations and the Agency for Cultural and Technical Cooperation联合国与文化和技术合作机构的合作协定

12.Harmonious Culture and Constructing of the Regional Cooperation Ideas in East Asia;和合文化与东亚区域合作理念的建构

13.Culture Coherence and Regional Economic Cooperation in Northeast Asia;文化的融合与东北亚的区域经济合作

14.Culture view to Northeast Asia Regional Cooperation-Set up culture base of regional cooperation;东北亚区域合作的文化视角——打造区域合作的文化基础

15.On the Function of Harmonious Culture in Building up the Regional Cooperation Ideas in East Asia;论和合文化在东亚区域合作理念构建中的作用

16.Cooperation and Conflict in East Asian Cultural Change--Strategic Culture View on the Construction of Sino-Japanese Cultural Environment;东亚文化裂变中的合作与冲突——从战略文化看中日文化环境的建构

17.(The writer is Lianhe Zaobao"s art journalist.·作者是《联合早报》文化艺术记者。

18.(Note to "Chen Hsueh-meng, Pace-Setter in Co-operative Transformation")(《合作化的带头人陈学孟》一文按语)


cooperative culture合作文化

1.Teacher scooperative culture is a complex psychological phenomenon of social culture.教师合作文化是一种复杂的社会文化心理现象。

2.The paper generalizes the present state ofcooperative culture study of institutions of higher learning in recent years and focuses on analysis of related concepts,feature,function,constructive way and hotspot of thecooperative culture.文章对近年来关于高校合作文化研究的现状进行归纳总结,着重分析了合作文化的相关概念、特征、功能、构建合作文化的途径以及研究热点五个方面的问题,并在此基础上提出作者自己的一些看法和见解。

3.Based on three aspects, the putting forward and guide principle of the learning school, the necessity of construction ofcooperative culture of the learning school, and the construction and cultivation of innercooperative culture of the learning school, the author put forward that the successful construction of the learning school should be supported bycooperative culture.从学习型学校的提出与指导理念,学习型学校建设合作文化的必要性,学习型学校内部合作文化的建立与培养三个方面,阐述学习型学校的成功建设要依据合作文化的支持。

3)combinatorial library组合文库

1.Constructing a phage-displayed randomcombinatorial library of single domains of immunoglobulin-binding molecules;噬菌体展示免疫球蛋白结合分子单结构域随机组合文库的构建

2.Objective: To construct a phage-displayed site-directed random mutationcombinatorial library of immunoglobμLin-binding molecμLes, which can provide reference the study of the in vitro molecμLar evolution of the library with different immunoglobμLins,and the relationship of their structure and function.克隆产物转化大肠杆菌TG1,辅助噬菌体M13K07拯救,构建噬菌体展示定点随机突变组合文库。

3.Objective: To construct a phage-displayed site-directed mutationcombinatorial library of Staphylococcal Protein A(SPA) and screen it in vitro with different immunoglobulins, for obtaining new Ig-binding molecules with new Ig-binding characteristics, and also laying a foundation for studying interaction mechanism between Ig and Ig-binding molecules.目的:构建由噬菌体展示的免疫球蛋白结合蛋白Protein A的定点随机突变体组合文库,并应用各种类型免疫球蛋白对该组合文库进行体外亲和筛选,以获得各种具有不同结合特性的新的Ig结合分子结构,同时也为研究Ig与Ig结合分子相互作用的分子机制打下基础。

4)Cultural integration文化整合

1.Cultural Integration:The Coordination between Urban and Rural Area in the Rapid Urbanization in China: A Case Study of Guangzhou Urban-village;文化整合是城中村改造的核心——以广州城中村为例

2.Yangtze-River-Delta Cultural Integration & Economic Cooperation;长三角区域文化整合与区域经济合作初探

3.Cultural Significance of Poetry Formation in Sui Dynasty:A perspective of cultural integration for the evolution;文化整合视野中的诗史进程——论隋代诗歌的文化史意义

5)contract document合同文件

6)contract documents合同文件

1.From reading constructingcontract documents,grasping contract terms correctly,checking material price carefully,it analyzes and summarizes on how to improve project settlement checking quality,so as to improve evaluating level,and embodies the evaluating principles of fair,open and impartial.从阅读施工合同文件、正确把握合同条款约定、核对与编制好结算资料、认真审核材料价格等方面对如何提高工程结算审核质量进行了总结,以提高审价工作水平,并使其真正体现出公开、公平、公正的审价原则。

2.Its essence is to analyze main contractors operational means in the international construction market,to compare the differences on project management between China and overseas,and to expatiate oncontract documents and price.本文简介新加坡的建筑业概况;解析国际主承包商的动作方法;比较国内外建筑工程项目管理;详述国际工程合同文件和合同价格;综述国际工程的发展趋势;提出中国承包商进军国际市场的对策。


合文指合写在一起的汉字。汉字是音节文字,一个字代表语言的一个音节。用汉字记录汉语,从古至今一直是字与字分开写的,但在商代的甲骨文和周代的金文里有少数把两个字或三个字合写在一起的,文字学家称之为合文。在商代,合文的形式有4种:①上下合写在一起,如(五十)、(六十)、(小甲)。②左右合写在一起,如(太乙)、(太丁)、(太甲)、(示癸)、(五月)。③包容在一起,如(雍巳)。④左右上下排在一起,如(十三月)、(十三月)。在金文里,也有少数的合文,如( 小子 )、(小臣)、(武王)、(文王)。到秦汉以后就不大出现了。
