2000字范文 > 东西文化 Eastern and Western Culture英语短句 例句大全

东西文化 Eastern and Western Culture英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-20 10:42:59


东西文化 Eastern and Western Culture英语短句 例句大全

东西文化,Eastern and Western Culture

1)Eastern and Western Culture东西文化


1.Strength of Cultures: East and West东西文化的“长”与“短”

2.The Convergence of East and West Cultures and the Innovation of Chinese Culture in 21~(st) Century;二十一世纪东西文化趋近与中国文化创新

3.The Features Shown in the Development Of Chinese and Western Cultures --Westernizing of Chinese Literature; Oriental Tendency of Western Literature;中西文化之衍变——东方文学西方化、西方文学东方化

4.The Eastern Civilization Spread Out to the West and the Western Civilization Taking over the East;“东学西被”与“西学东渐”——中西文化交流的历史考察

5.Thought Consciousness and Culture "Reforming" Oriental Cultural;在中西文化冲突中“改造”东方文化

6.A Probe into Cross-Cultural Differences in Communication;跨文化交际中的东西方文化差异研究

7.A Brief Comment on the Impact of the Ancient Near-east Culture on the Western Culture;试论古代近东文化对西方文化的影响

8.Differences Between Chinese and Western Cultures in Nouns of Locality:East,South,West and North;从“东南西北”方位词看中西文化的差异

9.Cross-cultural Comparison on Wen Xin Diao Long and Poetics;东方《文心》与西方《诗学》的跨文化比较

10.What is moral for a culture is what is normal for that culture;对一种文化来说,道德的东西就是那种文化正常的东西;

11.Explanation of the Oriental and Western Cultures in the Background of Giobalization;全球化语境下东西方体育文化的阐释

12.Western Culture s Spreading in China and Chinese Culture s Spreading in the West--The Study of Wushu s Development from the Angle of Conflict and Introjections between Chinese and Western Culture;“西学东渐”与“东学西渐”——从中西文化的交融、对接看武术的发展

13.Metaphors between Chinese and Western Culture in the View of Cross-Cultural Aesthetics;跨文化美学视野下的东西方文化中的隐喻

14.A comparison between some featured Chinese and English words expressions on wine culture;从酒文化的语词形态异同点看东西方文化特质

15.Expatriates Cultural Clash in the View of Cultural Differences;从东西方文化差异看外派经理的文化冲突

16.On the Inevitability of Conflict in Cross-cultural Communication between the East and the West从东西方文化差异看跨文化交际冲突的必然性

17.There is a world of difference between the cultures of the East and the West.东西方文化有着天渊之别。

18.as well as Eastern and Western cultural influences.以及东方与西方文化的兼容并蓄。


Eastern and Western cultures东西文化

1.Lin Yutang s compensation and advertisement between eastern and western cultures were actually to express the native culture on the broad background of international culture.林语堂的东西文化互补观 ,林语堂对东西文化的双向宣传 ,实际上是要在国际文化的广阔背景下探讨传播本土文化的新途

3)western and eastern culture东西文化

1.The crisis from "moral maze","maze of existence" and "philosophical maze",Liang Shuming senses the strong responsibility,which urges him to plunge himself to the heated discussion aboutwestern and eastern culture.作为现代新儒学的开启者 ,面对 2 0世纪初叶东西文化的剧烈冲突 ,西学东进 ,传统文化日趋瓦解。

4)Eastern and Western cultures东西方文化

parison and analysis about face in eastern and western cultures;东西方文化中“面子”的比较和分析

2.The novel differentiates itself from the previous immigrant writing by a manifestation of her unusual reflection onEastern and Western cultures.《天望》以新移民荣微云出国后与欧洲某国青年弗来得结婚后的矛盾、苦闷、出走又回归的情节为贯串线,显示了作家对东西方文化的非同寻常的探索和思考,从而大大超越了在此之前的新移民文学。

3.From the view of development, we should work creatively for an integration of eastern and western cultures.从发展眼光看,必须努力融合创新东西方文化。

5)The eastern and western culture东西方文化

1.However, the snake s cultural connotation is different in the eastern and western culture, and it s usage is different as well.不同的东西方文化赋予蛇不同的文化内涵,有关用法也是琳琅满目。

2.This paper studies proxemics in terms of the contrast between the eastern and western culture,and points out functions of space language in communication.本文从东西方文化比较的角度,对空间语言学进行了分析,指出空间语言在交际中的作用,并重新对东方、西方的概念进行了界定。

6)east-west culture东西方文化

1.However,the influence ofeast-west culture resource is also a driving force to promote the reform and development of its education.在韩国的现代化快速发展进程中,教育起着至关重要的作用,而东西方文化资源的影响又是促进其教育改革和发展的动力。

2.As was stated above, Pamuk created the characters and fully demonstrates the Conflict and Integration of East-West Culture in Turkey.诺贝尔文学奖得主土耳其作家奥尔罕·帕慕克的小说创作致力于表现东西方文化之间的关系,以土耳其的历史和现实为创作蓝本,展现了在现代社会不同文化之间的碰撞。


