2000字范文 > 消防安全检查 inspection of fire safety英语短句 例句大全

消防安全检查 inspection of fire safety英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-06 12:59:56


消防安全检查 inspection of fire safety英语短句 例句大全

消防安全检查,inspection of fire safety

1)inspection of fire safety消防安全检查


1.(III) Those who arbitrarily make use of or start business in places where the public gather without going through fire control safety check or fail to pass the qualification check;(三)公众聚集的场所未经消防安全检查或者经检查不合格,擅自使用或者开业的。

2.territory-wide building survey on fire safety全港楼宇消防安全巡查

3.For key units for fire control safety, regular monitoring and inspection shall be conducted.对消防安全重点单位应当定期监督检查。

4.Fire Safety Command [Fire Services Department]消防安全总区〔消防处〕

5.Fire Security Officer [Fire Services Department]消防安全主任〔消防处〕

6.Fire Safety Warden [Fire Services Department]消防安全督导员〔消防处〕

7.The flyers are finding long long lines at security check points and canceled flights.飞行员在安全检查点的航线,航班取消。

8.Public security fire control institutions, when conducting fire control examination and approval and acceptance check, shall not collect fees.公安消防机构进行消防审核、验收等监督检查不得收取费用。

9.Research on the Investigation to the Fire-prevention Security Quality of the Minors and Countermeasures;未成年人消防安全素质调查与对策研究

10.Security checks are only a palliative (measure) in the fight against terrorism安全检查仅是反恐怖主义的一种消极措施

11.Security checks are only a palliative in the fight against terrorism.安全检查仅是反恐怖主义的一种消极措施.

12.Asia Pacific Center for Fire Safety亚太地区消防安全中心

13.(I) Formulate fire control safety system and operation rules on fire control safety;(一)制定消防安全制度、消防安全操作规程;

14.Working staff of public security fire control institutions, when conducting supervision and inspection, shall produce certificates.公安消防机构的工作人员在进行监督检查时,应当出示证件。

15.On the Existing Problems of Local Police Station in the Supervision and Inspection of Fire Prevention and Control and Its Countermeasures;谈公安派出所在消防监督检查中存在的问题及对策

16.We will prosecute owners who do not comply with the statutory fire safety requirements.如发现业主未有按照法例规定采取消防安全措施,便会加以检控。

17.Get to know some cops and firefighters, and join the local security watch group for your building.认识一些警察和消防员,加入你的大厦的安全巡查组织。

18.Article 16 Mining enterprises must regularly carry out inspection, maintenance and repair of mechanical and electrical equipments and protective installations thereof, as well as safety testing instruments, so as to ensure safe operation.第十六条矿山企业必须对机电设备及其防护装置、安全检测仪器,定期检查、维修,保证使用安全。


fire runner消防安全检查员

3)fire patrol防火安全检查

4)security inspection安全检查

1.Discussion onsecurity inspection of construction project;工程项目安全检查的探讨

2.However, there exist the phenomena of inadequatesecurity inspection.安全检查是安全保卫工作中及时发现、消除安全隐患的一项重要措施 ,但是在实际工作中却存在检查内容不完善 ,操作性不强 ,流于形式的现象。

3.The results show that terahertz radiation has strong penetrability to most of wrappers,and the technology can become an effective means in the field ofsecurity inspection.实验结果表明太赫兹辐射对大多数包装材料有很高的透射特性,可以作为在安全检查领域中的一项有效手段。

5)security examination安全检查

1.The speech of General Manager Li Yizhong on concluding meeting concerning 2001 Sinopecsecurity examination (abstract).;同时也再次证明了,坚持开展每年一次全系统安全大检查,坚持加强日常以岗位责任制为中心的各级检查,形成一个安全检查监督网,是我们搞好安全生产的好传统、好经验。

6)safety check安全检查

1.On how to increase the validity ofsafety check;浅谈如何提高安全检查有效性

2.This paper introduces technical request of ship construction criterions for the steering gear of ships, analyzes its usual faults and emphatically relates itssafety check.介绍了船舶建造规范对舵机技术要求对船舶舵机经常出现的故障进行了分析,并重点论述了船舶舵机的进行安全检查,这对轮机员在进行舵机维护保养工作时将有所帮助。


