2000字范文 > 中国大陆 Chinese Mainland英语短句 例句大全

中国大陆 Chinese Mainland英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-08-24 00:48:43


中国大陆 Chinese Mainland英语短句 例句大全

中国大陆,Chinese Mainland

1)Chinese Mainland中国大陆

1.The Observation About Sorts, Means and Directions of Making Up Up-to-date Ancient Books ofChinese Mainland From It Status Quo;从中国大陆当代古籍整理的现状看其类别、方式方法及走向

2.Regional characteristics of crustal stress field and tectonic motions in and around Chinese mainland;中国大陆地壳应力场与构造运动区域特征研究

3.Region-related features of crustal and upper-mantle velocity structure of the Chinese mainland detected by surface waveform modeling;利用面波波形模拟探测中国大陆地壳和上地幔波速结构的分区特征


parative Study on Crime of Bribery between China Mainland and Hong Kong SAR;中国大陆与中国香港受贿罪比较研究

2.Summarization on the 25-year Researches of the History of Chinese Esthetics in Chinese Mainland;25年来中国大陆中国美学史研究综述

parison of Teacher s Professional Ethics among Mainland China,Hong Kong and the America;中国大陆、香港、美国教师专业伦理比较

4.American Pop Music Research in Chinese Mainland (1983--);中国大陆对美国流行音乐的研究(1983-)

5.More than 460 are on the Chinese mainland.其中,460多家都在中国大陆。

6.Analysis of CLP s Development Strategies in Mainland China;中电控股在中国大陆的发展战略分析

7.Study on English-language Newspapers and Periodicals for External Communication in Mainland China试论中国大陆对外传播中的英文报刊

8.In China: north eastern provinces( formerly Manchuria), Gansu, Zhejiang, Guangdong, Guangxi provinces.于中国大陆分布于东北﹐肃﹐江﹐东﹐西等地。

9.In China, students are not familiar with roman characters.中国大陆的孩子不熟悉拉丁字母。

10.hitting China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Singapore especially hard,袭击中国大陆、台湾、香港和新加坡尤剧。

11.By the end of 1990, the mainland population had reached 1.14 billion.1990年末,中国大陆人口已达11%4亿。


13.The murderer was arrested in Hong Kong and repatriated back to the mainland.凶犯在香港被捕并被遣返中国大陆。

14.He was invited into China by courtesy of the government.他蒙政府特许被邀请到中国大陆。

15.Soliciting a scarlet woman in China can be a serious crime.在中国大陆拉皮条,可能是重罪。

16.stock market of China"s Mainland looks forward to and predicts one with the tendency in 2001中国大陆股市2001年展望和走势预测

17.We often ask questions like: "How do the mainland Chinese translate this?"我们时常会问:“中国大陆怎么译?”

18.China fir from mainland China are used here in reforestation work.该地用中国大陆的杉木以更新森林。


Mainland China中国大陆

1.Anthropogenic CO emission inventory ofMainland China;中国大陆CO人为源排放清单

2.Bibliometric Analysis on Papers of First Authors fromMainland China Published in Science;中国大陆学者作为第一作者在《SCIENCE》杂志上发表文献统计分析

3.A new record of Ophraella communa of mainland China;在中国大陆发现豚草条纹萤叶甲

3)China mainland中国大陆

1.Introduction,Development and Innovation of China Mainland s Communication Science;论中国大陆传播学的引进、发展与创新

2.Research on the future earthquake situation ofChina mainland after the earthquake of the West of the Kunlun Mountain pass;昆仑山口西地震后中国大陆未来地震形势研究

3.A positive research on the demand of high school students for private higher education inChina mainland;中国大陆高中生需求民办高等教育的实证研究

4)China continent中国大陆

1.Inventory of atmospheric pollutants discharged from biomass burning inChina continent;中国大陆生物质燃烧排放的污染物清单

2.State analysis on M7 earthquake activity inChina continent;中国大陆7级地震活动状态分析

3.The system of crust-mantle ductile shear zones inChina continental lithosphere.;中国大陆岩石圈壳幔韧性剪切带系统

5)Mainland of China中国大陆

1.A new record of bryophyte to the mainland of China——Daltonia aristifolia;中国大陆苔藓植物新记录种——芒尖小黄藓(Daltonia aristifolia)

2.On Gravity Field Variations and Geodynamic Characteristics inMainland of China;中国大陆重力场变化及其引起的地球动力学特征

3.Retrospect of educational sociology in the mainland of China in the 20~th century;20世纪中国大陆教育社会学的回顾

6)Mainland China大陆中国


