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电镜 electron microscope英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-28 12:22:45


电镜 electron microscope英语短句 例句大全

电镜,electron microscope

1)electron microscope电镜

1.Observation of retinal outer nuclear layer cells in rds mouse with retinal pigment degeneration postnatal 5 weeks by light microscope andelectron microscope;视网膜色素变性rds小鼠生后5周内视网膜外核层细胞光镜和电镜观察

2.Study throughelectron microscope of focal vascular injury caused by temporary clipping;暂时阻断夹对局部血管壁损伤的电镜研究

3.Observe the pollen grains of Vallisneria longipedun-culata byelectron microscope;长梗苦草花粉粒的电镜观察


1.ALM and EM Observation of the Retroperitoneal Malignant Mesenchymoma腹膜后恶性间叶瘤的光镜与电镜观察

2.objective lens of the scanning electron microscope扫描电子显微镜物镜

3.objective lens of the transmission electron microscope透射电子显微镜物镜

4.(26) Electronic microscopes;(26)电子显微镜;

5.electrostatic electron mirror microscope静电电子反射镜式显微镜


7.evision scanning electron microscope电视扫描电子显微镜

8.Resection of Esophageal Carcinoma via VATS or Mediastinoscope Associated with Laparoscope;电视胸腔镜或纵隔镜联合腹腔镜食管癌切除

9.emission electron microscope发射电子显微镜;发射式电子显微镜;放射电子显微镜

10.integrated circuit inspection microscope集成电路检查用显微镜

11.cryoelectron microscopy冷冻电(子显微)镜术

12.desk type scanning electronic microscope台式扫描电子显微镜

13.transmission scanning electron microscope透射扫描电子显微镜

14.use of scanning electron microscope扫描电子显微镜的使用

15.high performance scanning electron microscope高性能扫描电子显微镜

16.popular scanning electron microscope普及型扫描电子显微镜

17.microscopy with the use of electron microscopes.用电子显微镜的方法。

18.energy-selecting electron microscope能量选择电子显微镜


electron microscopy电镜

parative study on staining methods of CB-HRP for visualization of CSF-contacting neurons inelectron microscopy;霍乱毒素亚单位B结合辣根过氧化酶电镜观察触液神经元几种显色方法比较

2.The Observation of the Mucosal Repair and Regeneration after Sinus-channel Area Open Surgery with Electron Microscopy;窦口-通道区开放术后粘膜修复和再生的电镜观察

3.Characterization and effect of drug treatment of Eperythrozoon suis byelectron microscopy;猪附红细胞体电镜特点及药物治疗效果的电镜观察

3)electronic microscope电镜

1.Lastly,mitochondrial ultrastructure was observed by transmissionelectronic microscope.方法利用不同分离介质,通过低温离心机在不同转速下分离出肺脏线粒体,用固定液固定,在电镜下观察。

2.Then we observe the change of myocardium enzymatic dynamics and detect myocyte apoptosis withelectronic microscope and situ end labeling way.观察各组家兔血清心肌酶学变化,并通过电镜形态学及原位末端标记法检测心肌细胞凋亡情况。

3.The ultrastructure was observed withelectronic microscope.方法采用大鼠部分肝切除法复制肝细胞再生模型,给予慢肝合剂,并与促肝细胞生长因子治疗者对比,同时计算肝指数的变化,采用光镜观察肝脏HE的变化及用电镜观察肝脏超微结构的变化。

4)Transmission electron microscope电镜

1.The maintenance of EM208Transmission electron microscope;EM208型电镜的维护

2.The proliferation of ARPE-19 was evaluated in respect of morphology and function by TUNEL assay and transmission electron microscope(TEM).方法质量浓度0mg·L-1、10mg·L-1、30mg·L-1、300mg·L-1TA分别作用ARPE19细胞24h和72h后通过TUNEL和电镜观察2种方法从形态和功能方面观察TA对ARPE19细胞生长的影响。

3.The authors observed the phenomennon of cell growth and differentiation inside and outside the interface between the muscular tissue and the implants at various periods by means of the transmission electron microscope.作者将多孔复相磷酸钙陶瓷种植体植入于狗肌内,通过对早期阶段种植体内外及其肌界面组织学的研究,并利用光镜和电镜对该阶段不同时期种植体内外细胞的生长、分化现象进行了观察。


1.The particle size distribution of ferrous micro-bead was analyzed by utilizing laser granulometer,and the microstructure of its outer surface,cross section,inner surface and inside enwrapped micro-sphere was characterized by scanning electron microscopy(SEM) coupled with an energy dispersive spectrometer(ED.采用带有能谱的扫描电镜观察了磁珠的外表面、断面、内表面及内包裹微珠形貌。

2.Waterproofing mechanism of CN2000B coating was explored with Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM).研究了该方法的抗渗性能,并通过扫描电镜试验,研究了CN2000B型涂料的防水机理。

3.The structure of leaf epidermis was studied with scanning electronic microscope (SEM) in 3 cultivars of litchi and longan respectively.用扫描电镜观察了荔枝、龙眼各3个品种的叶表皮。

6)Electron [email protected]光镜电镜


