2000字范文 > 属性本体论 the ontology of attribute英语短句 例句大全

属性本体论 the ontology of attribute英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-21 17:53:49


属性本体论 the ontology of attribute英语短句 例句大全

属性本体论,the ontology of attribute

1)the ontology of attribute属性本体论

2)The Discussion of Noumenon Attribute of News论新闻的本体属性

3)ontological attribute本体属性

1.The acquisition attribute of press is the attribute press displays under the name of impure press relationship,which is a new attribute acquired or marked on the foundation of theontological attributes.新闻获得性属性是新闻在非纯粹的新闻关系名义下具有的属性,它是在本体属性基础上获得或凸现出来的一些新的属性。


1.A method of attribute dynamic weight based on Rough Set Theory in Ontology Matching基于粗集理论的本体属性动态加权法研究

2.An Ontological Attribute of Linguistic Structure:Structure-Boundary Unity认知语言学视角下的语言结构本体属性:结构—边界统一体

3.And our company are an enterprise under collective ownership.同时,本公司是属集体所有制性质的。

4.Discussion on Basic Attributes of Sports Arbitration System;对中国体育仲裁制度基本属性的商榷

5.A nonessential attribute of a thing.偶有属性非本质属性

6.This example demonstrates how to set the font of a text.这个案例展示了如何设置文本中的字体属性。

7.Proximity-based computation method for ontology concept similarity基于贴近度的本体概念属性相似度计算

8.Building ontology concept hierarchy by restrict relations of concept attribute利用概念属性的约束关系构建本体论概念层次

9.Ontology Instance-based Attributes Extracting for Deep Web基于本体实例信息的深度网表单属性自动抽取

10.Analysis on Essential Characteristics of Large Stadium Building and Investment Financing System大型体育场馆基本属性分析及投融资的启示

11.Tools and utilities Free utilities include the Font properties extension and our Web Embedding Fonts Tool.字体工具 本节包含字体属性扩展工具与网页嵌入字体

12.of or relating to proprioception.属于或关于本体感受。

13.Viewing the Return of Opera Ontology from the Relying on Literature Property--On the Art Ontology of Li Yu′s Opera theory从文学属性的倚重到戏曲本体的回归——论李渔戏曲理论的艺术本体性

14.of the nature of or relating to an autocrat.属于或关于独裁者本性。

15.animism: The attribution of conscious life to natural objects or to nature itself.泛灵论: 自然界物体或自然本身是有意识生命的属性。

16.The attribution of conscious life to natural objects or to nature itself.泛灵论,万物有灵论自然界物体或自然本身是有意识生命的属性

17.Create a standard entity/object and manipulate its properties.可以创建一个基本的实体/对象,并能操作它的属性.

18.Could the Matter Produce the Idea--A Query on the Proof of the Ontology of Traditional Materialism;物质能产生意识属性吗——对传统唯物主义本体论证明的质疑


The Discussion of Noumenon Attribute of News论新闻的本体属性

3)ontological attribute本体属性

1.The acquisition attribute of press is the attribute press displays under the name of impure press relationship,which is a new attribute acquired or marked on the foundation of theontological attributes.新闻获得性属性是新闻在非纯粹的新闻关系名义下具有的属性,它是在本体属性基础上获得或凸现出来的一些新的属性。

4)the theory of essentiality本质属性论

5)ontological nature本体论性

1.In view of this, an attempt has been made to re-explain aesthetic categories with the sublime as the central form of aesthetic activities in order to fully display and totally understand theontological nature of aesthetic activities and to correct the partial understanding of aesthetics as the science of sensibility.针对审美感性论、审美学是感性学的偏颇,本文尝试以崇高为中心重新解释审美活动,试图通过对诸审美形态的考察,全方位地显现审美活动的本体论性,以校正对审美活动及审美学的片面理解。

6)ontological meta-property本体元属性


