2000字范文 > 京剧传播 Peking Opera spread英语短句 例句大全

京剧传播 Peking Opera spread英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-13 06:28:39


京剧传播 Peking Opera spread英语短句 例句大全

京剧传播,Peking Opera spread

1)Peking Opera spread京剧传播

1.The impact of Shanghai newspapers onPeking Opera spread was enormous.晚清上海报刊对京剧传播的影响是巨大的。

2)Traditional Peking opera传统京剧


1.But, may I ask, in what way is the modern Beijing Opera different from the classical,我可否问问现代京剧和传统京剧有哪些不同,

2.The modern Beijing opera is a far less rigid form than the classical.现代京剧在形式上要比传统京剧灵活得多。

3.The Force of Lightness:Ghost Plays of Beijing Opera轻盈的力量——论传统京剧中的怪力乱神

4.Question: In your opinion, how can traditional Chinese opera be accessible to the younger generation?问:在你看来如何让年轻一代接受传统京剧呢?

5.Accompaniment to the old operas is done with a few traditional instruments and the scores are more or less the same.传统京剧的伴奏是用几种传统乐器来完成的。调子相差不大。

6.Everything in classical opera has become so conventionalized that there"s little room left for creative development in the music and singing.传统京剧非常格式化,很难在音乐和唱腔上有所创新。

7.Transformation of Traditional Drama as seen in Model Opera;从“革命现代京剧”看传统戏剧的转型

8.Miss Wang, I hear that the traditional Beijing Opera is governed by certain conventions.王小姐,我听说传统的京剧有各种规定。

9.The Tradition of "Qiandan" and the Female Consciousness in Taiwan’s New Peking Opera;“乾旦”传统、性别意识与台湾新编京剧

10.On the Close Relationship between the Peking Opera and Chinese Traditional Culture;试论京剧与中国传统文化的密切联系

11.Examples of this are the musical arrangements for the Peking operas Open the Door a Little, Deep in the Night and audience With the Emperor.如京剧传统曲牌州〈小开门》、《夜深沉》、《朝天子》等。

12.For reasons that are not quite understood,there has been a revival of strong interest in traditional Chinese drama,such as Beijing Opera and Shaoxing Opera, among the college students.不知是何原因,许多大学生又表现出对中国传统戏剧如京剧和越剧的浓厚兴趣。

13.On the stage of the Beijing People Art Theater, Ren keeps on practicing his theatrical ideal of“ harmonizing the traditional and modern aesthetic sensibility on the theatrical stage”.任鸣在北京人艺的舞台上不断地实践着"把传统美与现代美和谐统一在话剧舞台上"的戏剧理想。

14.The Rise of Peking Opera and the Modern Transition of Traditional Chinese Culture: Based on the Cultural Role of Kun Qu;京剧崛起与中国文化传统的近代转型——以昆曲的文化角色为背景

15.traditional Chinese theatre course中国传统戏剧艺术课程

16.They say Chinese classical theater abounds in stylized conventions.据说传统戏剧程式很多。

17.alternative comedyph.1. 非传统的喜剧

18."Many young kids are quite familiar with McDonald"s but know little about Peking Opera or other traditional parts of Chinese culture.“很多(中国)小孩子对麦当劳十分熟悉,却对京剧或其他传统中国文化知之甚少。


Traditional Peking opera传统京剧

3)Peking opera京剧

1.A Discussion of the Dancing and Martial Arts of Peking Opera in an Aesthetic Way;用舞蹈审美的方式谈谈京剧中的做、打艺术

2.The mixture of the Manchus Folk Music and Peking Opera;满族民间音乐与京剧音乐交融

4)Beijing opera京剧

1.On the Manifestation of Metonymy in the Performance Stylization,Make-up and Costume Design of Beijing Opera;论转喻性思维在京剧艺术语言中的表现

parative analysis on tones of Yunbai in Kun Opera and Beijing Opera;昆剧与京剧韵白声调的比较分析

5)Beijing Opera And Opera京剧与歌剧

6)Beijing opera as national theater京剧国剧说


