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油层 oil reservoir英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-21 09:16:59


油层 oil reservoir英语短句 例句大全

油层,oil reservoir

1)oil reservoir油层

1.Determination of thermal parameters foroil reservoir using well testing data;利用试井资料确定油层的热物性参数

2.Calculatingoil reservoir saturation by using Logistic cycle;Logistic旋回计算油层饱和度的方法

3.Theoretical analysis of two-phase porous flow in low-permeabilityoil reservoirs in a five-spot pattern低渗透油层压裂五点井网两相流动理论分析


1.Study on the influence of intercalation on remaining oil distribution in thick reservoirs厚油层层内夹层对剩余油的影响研究

2.in situ biological process油层内微生物采油法

3.reservoir oil density油层条件下油的密度

4.The Description of Chang 8 Oil-bearing Beds of Yanchang Formation in Xifeng Oilfield;西峰油田延长组长8油层组储层描述

5.Reservior Predicted Study of Fuyu Oil Layer of Daqing Outskirt Oil Field;大庆外围油田扶余油层储层预测研究

6.Research on the Reservoir Evaluation of Fu-Yang Oil Layer in the North of Zhao Zhou Oil Field肇州油田北部扶扬油层储层评价研究

7.Reservoir Description for Dujiatai Reservoir at Shu 4th Section of Shuguang Oil Field;曙光油田曙四区杜家台油层油藏描述

8.Study on the Extra-heavy Oil Reservoir Heterogeneity and Remaining Oil Distribution of Du 229 Block"s Xinglongtai Oil Layer;杜229块兴隆台油层超稠油油藏储层非均质与剩余油分布规律研究

9.An underground accumulation of petroleum or gas in porous sedimentary rock.贮油层,瓦斯层位于多孔的沉积岩中的地下石油层或瓦斯层

10.lower sand screen下部油层防砂绕丝筛管

11.critical area of formation井眼周围的油层地带

12.offset injection rate补偿油层亏空的注入量

13.Reservoir pressure is approximately 2,150 p.s.i..油层压力大致为2,150磅/英。

14.The formation of cracks on the surface of paint layers.油画层皱裂油画表层裂纹的形成

15.Sequence Stratigraphy Study and Reservoir Prediction for Palogue Oil Field, Sudan;苏丹Palogue油田层序地层与储层分布预测

16.The windscreen has filmed over with some kind of oil.风挡玻璃蒙上一层油。

17.There was a film of oil on water.水面上有薄薄的一层油。

18.To cover with a layer, as of paint.涂上覆盖一层,如油漆



1.Evaluation ofreservoir wettability by means of conventional logging data;基于常规测井资料的油层润湿性评价

2.An Identification Method of Conventional Log for Low-Resistivity Reservoirs in Jiyang Depression;济阳坳陷低电阻油层常规测井识别方法

3.The mud logging properties of the non-sandstonereservoirs between salt beds in Qianjiang Depressed Area;潜江凹陷盐间非砂岩油层录井特征

3)oil layer油层

1.Transmission characteristic of low frequency hydrodynamic oscillation inoil layers;低频水力振动在油层中的传播特性

2.The analysis of influence factor about low resistoroil layer in Z oil-field;Z油田低阻油层影响因素分析

3.In view of the recognition difficult of the petroleum in in E31、E32、N22 reservoirs in the Qigequan Field, Chaidamu Basin, based on a great quantity of production information, according to the different lithology ,confirmed the recognition criteria ofoil layer in different reservoirs by using the convergence between ILd and AC .针对柴达木盆地七个泉油田E31~N22储层油气识别的难点,在占有大量生产资料的基础上,应用深感应声波时差交汇的方法,按层位、分岩性确定油层识别标准。

4)oil zone油层

1.Reservoir displaying features and genesis for low resistivityoil zones of Dongpu sag;东濮凹陷低电阻率油层显示特征及成因

2.The low levels in cutting show, abnormal showing value of gas logging andoil zone resistivity in Honggang area of Songliao Basin have brought considerable difficulties for distinguishing and evaluating oil and gas zones by using traditional mud logging means.松辽盆地红岗地区岩屑显示级别低、气测录井异常显示值低和油层电阻率偏低,这种“三低”特征给利用传统录井手段识别与评价油气层造成了很大困难。

5)oil bed油层

6)viscous crude reservoir稠油油层


