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比值 Ratio英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-19 21:43:26


比值 Ratio英语短句 例句大全



1.Advanced and Energy-savingRatio Control Strategy in Mass Synthetic Ammonia Unit;大型合成氨装置中的先进节能比值控制策略

2.The Value of Serum tPSA、fPSA Concentration and theRatio of fPSA/tPSA in the Diagnosis of Prostate Cancer;血清fPSA、tPSA及其比值测定在诊断前列腺癌的价值

3.Study on the correlation between the ratio of random urine protein to serum cystatin C and 24-hour urine quantitative protein;随机尿蛋白与血清胱抑素C比值与24h尿蛋白定量的相关性研究


1.scattering ion energy ratio散射离子的能量比值

2.reference-value scale(of a quantity or property)(量或特性)参比值标度

3.The table below shows the specific weights of metals .下表列出金属的比值。

4.isotopic ratio in Mars atmosphere火星大气的同位素比值

5.lecithin/sphingomyelin ratio卵磷脂与鞘磷脂比值

6.D"Alembert"s ratio test达朗贝尔比值判别法

7."Scale maximum must be greater than scale minimum."比例最大值必须大于比例最小值。

8.ratio of total liability to net worth负债总额对净值的比率

9.sales to net worth ratio销售与资产净值的比率

10.ratio of net worth to fixed assets净值对固定资产的比率

11.ratio of fixed assets to net worth固定资产对净值的比率

12.gravel-to-sand median diameter ratio砾石-地层砂直径中值比

13.ratio of net sales to net worth销货净额对净值比率

14.limiting distribution of ratio estimate比率估计值的极限分布

15.luminance-chrominance amplitude ratio亮度彩色信号幅值比

16.The value of diamond is above ruby.钻石的价值比红宝石高。

17.pulse improvement threshold脉冲信噪比改善阈值

18.an air mass of higher than normal pressure.气压比正常值高的气团。


ThE ratioThE比值

3)odds ratio比值比

1.After consistency check,Random effect model was selected to calculate the pooledodds ratio(OR) and its corresponding 95% .一致性检验后,应用随机效应模型(D-L法)计算合并比值比(OR)及其95%的可信区间(95%C I)。

2.Results: The pooledodds ratio(OR) values(95%CI) were melancholy 3.结果:各因素合并比值比(OR)及95%C I分别为:性格忧郁3。

3.Results: The pooledodds ratio(OR) values (95%CI) of different factors were as follows respectively: irregular diet 2.结果:各因素合并比值比(OR)及95 % CI分别为:三餐不定时2 。


1.Stochastic effect model was selected to calculate the pooled odds ratio(OR) for alcohol dinking,it was 2.[结果]27篇文献累计胃癌病例5 346例、对照12 084例,应用随机效应模型(D-L法)计算,饮酒的合并比值比(OR)为2。

2.Results The poolsOR values of family history of lung cancer, personal history of non neoplastic lung disease, cooking oil fume pollution, coal pollutio.结果肺部疾病史、家族肺癌史、油烟污染、煤烟污染、被动吸烟等 5个研究因素的合并比值比 (OR值 )分别是 2 。

3.0,to calulate theOR and 95%CI,Probability,X2 Test,Multivariate logistic regression.0软件对原始资料进行统计分析,并计算流行因素的比值比(OR)、95%可信区间(CI)、概率(P)及X2检验、多因素Logistic非参数回归分析。


6)odd ratio比值比(OR)


