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体能训练 physical training英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-10 06:21:19


体能训练 physical training英语短句 例句大全

体能训练,physical training

1)physical training体能训练

petitive calisthenics on thephysical training study;关于竞技健美操体能训练的研究

2.Year-roundphysical training load design for professional football players and stress control of physical functions;职业足球运动员全年体能训练负荷的设计与身体机能状态应急调控

3.A study on evaluation ofphysical training effects of staff for special services;特勤人员体能训练效果的评定方法


1.On the Integration of Fitness Training and Military Training军人体能训练与军事训练一体化探讨

2.On the Combination of Mental Training and Fitness Training in the Military;浅谈部队体能训练与心理训练的结合

3.Physical Training Establishment [PTE] [Fire Services Department]体能训练组〔消防处〕

4.Physical Fitness Training Course [Customs and Excise Department]体能训练课程〔香港海关〕

5.On Modern Military Physical Fitness Training;论现代军事体能训练——训练原则、模式及基础体能训练

6.Dance Sports Theoretical Analysis of the Physical Training Principles and the Contents of Training体育舞蹈体能训练原则和训练内容的理论分析

7.Controlling the Training Intensity Scientifically to Achieve a Optimal Training Effect in Physical Training;体能训练中通过对训练量的科学调控实现最佳训练效果

8.The New Thought on Athlete Physical Fitness Training: Core Stability Training;运动员体能训练的新思路——核心稳定性训练

9.Analysis of U.S. Army Basic Combat Training and Concerned Physical Fitness Training;浅析美国陆军新兵基本战斗训练及体能训练

10.Review on Trend of Modern Training and Training Methods of Physical Performance现代训练发展趋势及体能训练方法手段概述

11.How to carry out the principle of "three requirements and heavy load" in physical fitness training for police警察体能训练中如何贯彻“三从一大”训练原则

12.Research on Character of LIU Xiang’s Training from the Perspective of Specialized Physical Training从专项体能训练视角探析刘翔训练的特征

13.The primary exploration of the energy supplying s characteristic and stamina training in the 800 meters race;800米跑的供能特点及其体能训练初探

14.Police Physical Training and Students Capability Cultivating;浅谈警察体能训练与学生能力的培养

15.The reflection on the problem of physical fitness training of polices vocational training公安民警在职培训中体能训练问题的探讨

16.Management of Physical Training Instructors" Course [Hong Kong Police Force]体能训练管理及教学课程〔香港警务处〕

17.Fire Services Fitness Training Centre [Fire Services Department]消防体能训练中心〔消防处〕

18.The students trained themselves physically before hiking.学生们在长途步行前作体能训练。


physical fitness training体能训练

1.By literature,investigation,and interviewing experts,the article attempts to discuss the approaches of thephysical fitness training for the submarine crew.采用文献资料法、专家访谈法,探讨了潜艇艇员体能的需求,提出相适应的体能训练方法和对策。

2.The paper studies the contents,methods,principles and noticeable items of thephysical fitness training and it points out that the specific physical fitness of tennis players,for example,force,speed,resistance and so on can be enhanced by scientific and effective physical training,and .就网球运动员体能训练的内容、方法、原则和注意事项展开论述,指出可以通过科学、有效的身体训练方法来提高运动员的力量、速度、耐力等专项体能,提高运动成绩。

3.This paper introduced the physical fitness demand and discussed how to improvephysical fitness training for chemical defense corps.分析了防化兵的特殊体能需求,探讨如何开展体能训练,为防化分队开展体能训练提供参考。

3)physical ability training体能训练

1.This paper analyses the causes,mechanism and precautions of gymnastic injury,and expounds the functions of variousphysical ability training on preventing the gymnastic injury from the perspecti.针对运动损伤发生的原因、机理,采取有效的预防方法,并从身体形态训练、身体机能训练及力量训练、平衡能力训练、耐力训练、灵敏与协调性训练、心理素质训练等角度出发,详细阐述了各体能训练要素对预防体操运动损伤的重要作用。

2.The teenager s athlete is the main reserve strength of our country competitive sports,thephysical ability training is the guarantee to improve the movement performance,but at present,there are still some questions in the progress of carrying on thephysical ability training to the teenager s athlete.青少年运动员是我国竞技体育的主要后备力量,体能训练是提高运动成绩的保证,但目前在对青少年运动员进行体能训练的过程中,尚存在一些问题。

3.The author discusses football players contest ability composition factor, the structure of football players physical ability and their role relativity on the field,physical ability training s construction factors and so on.采用文献资料法,对足球运动员的竞技能力构成因素、足球运动员的体能结构及其场上角色的相关性、体能训练的构成要素等问题进行了论述,力求对足球运动员的竞技体能结构有一个全面的认识,并对足球运动员体能训练的构成要素进行了理论阐述,从而在训练中有的放矢,提高训练效率。

4)physical stamina training体能训练

1.Problems existing inphysical stamina training for basketball sport in China and countermeasures against the problems;我国篮球运动体能训练存在的问题与解决对策

2.Owing to the load characteristic of the excellent athlete,the author analyses the energy supply characteristic and the mainphysical stamina training in the modern basketball and provides the theory basis for modern basketballphysical stamina training.基于现代篮球运动竞赛优秀运动员的负荷特征,分析机体供能的特点及篮球运动的主要体能训练。

5)stamina training体能训练

1.Contemplation of problems existing in and theories aboutstamina training in China;我国体能训练存在的问题与理论思考

2.A comparative study onstamina training of antagonistic sub event-related group athletes ——Taking Chinese antagonistic advantageous events as an example;对抗性亚类项群运动员体能训练的比较研究——以我国部分对抗性优势项目为例

3.With methods of comparison,this paper studiesstamina training of antagonistic athletes of wrestling,net antagonism and ground antagonism.运用比较学方法 ,就格斗性对抗、隔网对抗、同场对抗项运动员的体能训练进行了对比研究 ,探讨了对抗类不同项群运动员的体能训练特征。

6)fitness training courses体能训练课


"贞德"号训练/直升机巡洋舰主尺度:舰长182米,舰宽24米,吃水7.3米排水量:10000吨(标准)/13270吨(满载)航速:26.5节续航力:6000海里/15节动力装置:2台蒸汽轮机,功率40000马力.舰员编制:626名(26名)武器装备:2座100毫米舰炮;4座12.7毫米机枪;2座三联装"飞鱼"mm38型导弹发射装置.雷达:1部drbv 22d型对空搜索雷达;1部drbv 51型对海搜索雷达;2部drbn 34a型导航雷达;3部drbc 32a型火控雷达;1部srn-6战术导航雷达.声纳:1部drbv 2c型声纳.舰载直升机:8架"山猫"或"黑豹"直升机.
