2000字范文 > 上颌牙列 maxillary dentition英语短句 例句大全

上颌牙列 maxillary dentition英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-10 09:57:19


上颌牙列 maxillary dentition英语短句 例句大全

上颌牙列,maxillary dentition

1)maxillary dentition上颌牙列

1.Three-dimensional finite element analyses of stress distribution on periodontal tissue ofmaxillary dentition under various alveolar bone altitude conditions;不同牙槽骨高度条件下上颌牙列牙周组织应力分布的三维有限元分析

2.Construction of three-dimensional finite element models ofmaxillary dentition and MBT straight wire appliance;上颌牙列及MBT直丝弓矫治器三维有限元模型的建立


1.Development of three-dimensional finite element model of maxillary dentition and edgewise appliance based on CT images上颌牙列及方丝弓矫治器三维有限元模型的建立及验证

2.Construction of a visible three-dimensional model of maxilla and dentition可视化上颌骨与牙列三维模型的建立

3.3-D Reconstruction and FEA Modeling of Jaws and Dentition with Mimics;利用Mimics重建上下颌骨和牙列及有限元分析

4.superior prosthion上颌中切牙牙槽嵴顶点

5.Having the lower jaw or teeth projecting beyond the upper;underhung.下门牙或下颌突出的下颌或牙突出超过上颌或牙的;下颚突出的

6.An Investigation of Relationship between Cantilever Arm Length and Implant Place of Maxillary Whole Dentition Fixed Bridge and Stress Distribution;上颌全牙列种植固定桥悬臂长度、种植体位置与应力分布的关系

7.3-D Reconstruction of Jaw Bone and Dentition Based on Reverse Engineering and Rapid Prototyping;基于反求及快速成型技术的上下牙列及颌骨的三维重建

8.The Effect of the Acoustic Characteristics of the Removable Partial Denture in Maxillary Kennedy I Dentition Defect before and after Restoration;上颌肯氏I类牙列缺损可摘局部义齿修复对声学特征的影响

9.The combined effects of maxillary protraction and stopping loop in treatment of Class Ⅲ malocclusion with maxillary retrusion in mixed dentition上颌前方牵引加阻挡曲矫治混合牙列期Ⅲ类错的临床效果

10.Three Dimensional Simulation and Repair of Skull Maxilla and Dentition Based on CT Scanning and Laser Sintering Technologies基于CT扫描和激光烧结技术的上颌骨及牙列三维仿真与修复

11.Clinical Observation of Treatment of Deep Overbite for Single Maxillary Extraction Orthodontics;上颌单颌拔牙矫治深覆盖的临床观察

12.Investigation on Stomatognathic System Function of Subjects with Anterior Open Bite in Permanent Dentition;恒牙列前牙开(牙合)口颌系统功能的初步研究

13.Effects of Maxillary Molar Distalization on Dental and Maxillofacial Vertical Dimension;远移上颌磨牙导致牙、颌面垂直关系变化的研究

14.The prevalence of Carabelli"s trait in a Chinese population上颌恒磨牙卡氏牙齿特征的观察研究

15.Dental and Skeletal Changes of Posterior Crossbite Young Adults after Rapid Maxillary Expansion;年轻成人上颌快速扩弓(YA-RME)对牙颌结构的影响

16.The Analysis of Finite Element in Restoring Maxillary Edentulous Jaw with Implant and Attachment Denture;种植体和附着体修复上颌无牙颌的有限元分析

17.The application of implant reinforcing anchorage to depress the elongated opposed teeth for the mandibular implant prosthesis种植支抗压低上颌磨牙与下颌种植修复



maxillary edentulous jaw上颌无牙颌

1.Method:Amaxillary edentulous jaw was restored by four-implants-supported fixed bridge and extracoronal resilient attachment denture.目的:建立上颌无牙颌种植体义齿与附着体联合修复的三维有限元模型,为其生物力学分析提供数学模型基础。

2.Objective: To develop the stress distribution variation when restoremaxillary edentulous jaw with different cantilever arm length and implant place, to get a better design proposal.目的:探讨修复上颌无牙颌的种植固定长桥,悬臂长度与种植体位置改变时应力分布的变化,寻找一种更为合理的设计方案。

3.ObjectiverTo develop a new method to restoremaxillary edentulous jaw with front fixed bridge supported by implants and back attachment denture and choose a more reasonable design by comparing stresses of two kinds of attenchments(rigid and resilient) and different implant number and place.目的:探讨一种新的上颌无牙颌修复设计一前端种植体固定桥和后端附着体义齿联合应用,通过建立该设计的三维有限元模型,比较附着体弹性和硬性、种植体不同位置和数目在该设计中的应力分布,寻找合理的设计方式。

3)Lower Arcus Dentalis下颌牙列

4)upper defect of dentition Kennedy I上颌肯氏Ⅰ类牙列缺损

5)maxillary canine上颌尖牙

1.Palatally impactedmaxillary canine is common in clinic which affects the function and aesthetic of maxillary teeth.上颌尖牙腭侧埋伏阻生在临床上很常见,它会影响上颌牙列的功能和美观。

2.Objective To analysize the etiology, clinical examination, suitable diagnosis and treatment of impactedmaxillary canines.目的对阻生上颌尖牙的病因、临床检查、诊断及其相应的治疗进行了临床研究。

3.Maxillary canine impaction is a common problem in orthodontics, and is considered to be the most complex domain in orthodontics because of the uncertainty of its etiology and prognosis and the diversity of the treatment options.上颌尖牙埋伏阻生是口腔正畸医师较常遇见的错(牙合)畸形之一,由于其病因和预后的不确定性及治疗方法的多样性而成为正畸学科最复杂的领域之一,加之目前严格遵循统计学方法的临床实验较少,使得正畸医师难以整体上把握埋伏牙的诊断治疗预后。

6)maxillary anterior上颌前牙

1.Objective To investigate root canal curvature inmaxillary anterior teeth.目的了解上颌前牙根管弯曲情况。


