2000字范文 > 面孔表情 facial expression英语短句 例句大全

面孔表情 facial expression英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-12 03:22:24


面孔表情 facial expression英语短句 例句大全

面孔表情,facial expression

1)facial expression面孔表情

1., face recognition (FR) andfacial expression cla.要求被试者进行面孔识别(face recognition,FR)和面孔表情分类(facial expression cIassification,FEC)2种作业。

2.Many studies from behavior, neuropsychology, neurophysiology, and brain imaging have indicated some important characteristics aboutfacial expression and identity processing.这表明面孔身份和面孔表情加工存在分离,一些研究也支持身份和表情是并列加工,而另一些研究认为两者并不是完全独立,而是存在内部联系。

3.Objective To study the developmental characteristics of fivefacial expressions cognition of children aged 1~3 years old.目的探讨1~3岁幼儿对5种面孔表情的认知反应发展特征。


1.ERPs Studies on the Process of Recognizing Facial Expression and the Difference between Familiar and Novel Face under Unattentional Circumstance;非注意条件下面孔表情和熟悉度识别的ERP研究

2.Gender effect of event-related potentials in a facial expression recognizing task;面孔表情识别事件相关电位的性别效应

3.Standardization and Assessment of College Students Facial Expression of Emotion;大学生面孔表情材料的标准化及其评定

4.Study on the Characteristics of Facial Expression Cognition of Children Aged 1~31~3岁幼儿面孔表情认知发展特征研究

5.a gloomy face, expression, voice, person忧伤的面孔、 表情、 声音、 人.

6.a woebegone child, expression, face悲哀的孩子、 表情、 面孔.

7.the glazed faces/expressions of the survivors生还者木然呆滞的面孔[表情

8.He searched her face for a sign of her true feelings.他审视她的面孔看看有无真情的表露。

9.A sea of faces betrayed their grief.无数面孔的表情流露出内心的悲伤。

10.An ERP Study Investigating the Regulation of Cognitive Tasks on Expressive Faces Processing;认知任务调节表情面孔加工的ERP研究

11.The Effectiveness of Expressive Impression Operation on Face Cognition;面孔认知中表情的印象操作的有效性

12.Experimental Study of Negative Facial Expression Influence Facial Identity Recognition;负性面部表情影响面孔身份识别的实验研究

13.With a blank, expressionless face.冷若冰霜的以漠然的、毫无表情的面孔的

14.Each face bears an expression of anxiety, nervousness, or puzzle.每一个面孔都带着不安、紧张或困惑的表情。

15.A face having a blank, fixed, or enigmatic expression.茫然的脸具有空洞、僵硬、谜样表情的面孔

16.The lines of his fastidious face showed a vague disquietude.那过分讲究的面孔上的表情是一种隐隐的不安。

17.Gwyn searched the doctor"s neutral face carefully.格温认真地注视着大夫的无表情的面孔。

18.She concealed her strong emotions behind a poker face.她一副面孔毫无表情,可其背后却隐藏着强烈的情感。


expression face表情面孔

1.Recent imaging work has usedexpression faces as the ma.近几年来由于脑功能成像技术的快速发展,人们也广泛的把脑成像技术运用到了情绪和情绪调节的相关研究中,以表情面孔为主要刺激材料,通过注意控制和认知改变来进行研究,取得了一定的研究成果。

3)an expressionless face无表情的面孔

4)emotional faces情绪面孔

1.Objective:This study aims to investigate the effects of type A behavior pattern on Attentional Bias foremotional faces in dot probe paradigm.目的:探讨A型行为对情绪面孔注意偏向的影响。

2.Objective:This article aims to investigate the evaluation of depressed persons foremotional faces.目的:为探讨不同抑郁状态个体对情绪面孔的效价评价情况。

5)facial expression面部表情

1.Design and development on human head imitation portrait robotic system with vision andfacial expression;具有视觉及面部表情的仿人头像机器人系统设计与研制

2.Methods: Differentfacial expression video slices of happiness, sadness, surprising, fear, anger, disgust at three levels of intensity and neutral (including non-emotional and chewing) were recorded.目的:建立本土化的中国面部表情视频系统(chinese facial expression video system,CFEVS)以增加情绪研究的取材范围。

3.Teachers may use somefacial expressions,gestures and body movement to make their teaching more acceptable and more understandable.随着教学方法的不断改进,教师应营造良好的学习环境并更好的组织课堂教学,使其达到最佳教学效果,除传统的教学方法外,更需要借助于一些类似于面部表情或身体动作的肢体语言。

6)facial expressions面部表情

1.However, with the limitation of students’ vocabulary, teachers have to simplify their teaching language with the help offacial expressions and body movements, In this article, the possibility and the effect of using body language in listening, speaking, reading and writing will be further discussed.随着英语教学和学习方法的不断改进,英语教师需要在课堂上用英语组织教学,并极力营造学习的课堂氛围,然而,学生词汇量的有限,使他们的理解能力受到限制,教师需要借助丰富的面部表情和肢体语言来简化课堂的组织语言。

2.However, in actual person-to-person interactions people usually neglect the communicative functions offacial expressions and their differences between cultures, and consequently fail to communicate efficiently.面部表情作为非言语行为不可或缺的组成部分,在人际交往中起重要作用。




斯人先生主编本书是浓缩的传世名著,精致的文学大餐,高效阅读 震撼体验,为适应21世纪读者的需要,我们在此套书基础上推出了这本《经典的面孔――101部世界文学名著速读》。与前书比较,这本书篇幅缩小了,更方便携带阅读,但内容却更丰富。这本书增加了“阅读导航”、“相关链接”在“作者点击”中,补充或完善了对作者的介绍。同时,在篇目的选择上,除精选前书介绍过的作品外,还增加了多篇前书未加介绍的著名作者,例如《生命中不能承受之轻》、《铁皮鼓》、《小径分岔的花园》等。
