2000字范文 > 生态保护观 The view of ecological protection英语短句 例句大全

生态保护观 The view of ecological protection英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-05 05:40:09


生态保护观 The view of ecological protection英语短句 例句大全

生态保护观,The view of ecological protection

1)The view of ecological protection生态保护观


1.On Yi People"s Protection of the Nature in Their Traditional Religion and Its Real Value论彝族传统宗教中的生态保护观及现实价值

2.The discussion for landscape ecology and conversation of city biodiversity;论景观生态学与城市生物多样性保护

3.Conservation of City Biodiversity Using Landscape Ecology s A pproach;城市生物多样性保护的景观生态途径

4.Sustainable Planning of Tourism Spot Based on Landscape Ecology;基于景观生态学的风景区保护性规划

5.The Eco-environment Protection of Landscape Water Bodies in Pingdingshan New Urban District;平顶山市新城区景观水体的生态保护

6.System analysis on conservation for eco-environment in rural tourism;乡村旅游生态环境保护的系统观分析

7.Xu Xiake s Concept of Cultural Ecology and the Ecological Protection in Lijiang;徐霞客的文化生态观与丽江生态环境保护

8.Tibetan Traditional Ecological Viewpoint & Ecological Protection and Construction;藏族传统的生态观与藏区生态保护和建设

9.Great achievements were made in the ecological construction and rehabilitation. The ecological conservation was enhanced. However, the ecological situation is not so optimistic.生态建设取得大的进展,生态保护力度加大,但生态形势不容乐观。


11.On Application of Ecomuseum Theroy to Landscape Protection;生态博物馆理论在景观保护领域的应用研究

12.The Flood Control, Disaster Reduction and Landscape Ecology Protection Research on Mountainous Town;山地城镇防洪减灾与景观生态特征保护研究

13.The Study on Vegetation Landscape Ecology in Core Area of Pangquangou Nature Reserve;庞泉沟自然保护区核心区植被景观生态研究

14.A Study of Eco-tourism Development in Nature Reserve of Minshan Mountain Landscape and Countermeasures;“岷山景观”自然保护区开发生态旅游研究与对策

15.The Forest-Worship of the Dais in Yunnan and Its Significance to Ecological Protection;傣族的山林崇拜及其对生态保护的客观意义

16.Application of Landscape Ecology in Protection Research of the World Heritage;景观生态学在世界遗产保护研究中的应用

17.Analysis to the Prolection of Tourist Ecological Landscape of Wulingyuan World Natural Heritage;武陵源世界自然遗产旅游生态景观保护探析

18.Landscape Eco - planning and Eco - designing of Nature Reserve Tourism;自然保护区旅游开发的景观生态规划与设计



1.The paper analyzed the scholar clues related to the formation of the concept of Landscape Ecological Protection Area(LEPA),summarized the special characteristics of the concept different from Nature Preserve(NP) from the ways of setting reason,setting goal,spatial characteristic,developing trend,classified criteria and management styles.探讨了景观生态保护区概念形成的思想基础, 从设置依据、设置目标、空间特征、发展趋势、分类依据和管理特征等侧面概括了其不同于自然保护区的特点。

3)conservation of landscape ecology景观生态保护

4)Forest-land landscape ecological protection area林地景观生态保护区

5)ecological protection生态保护

1.Practice and revelation onecological protection of hydroelectric development;我国水利水电开发的生态保护实践与启示

2.Resource-based advantages ofecological protection project of Linyi Riverside Wetland and its benefit analysis;临沂滨河湿地生态保护工程资源优势及效益分析

3.Study on coastal wetlands use and itsecological protection of Jiangsu Province;江苏省沿海滩涂土地利用与生态保护研究

6)ecosystem protection生态保护

1.The basic conditions of natural resource andecosystem protection in Pizhou City were introduced,and the main reasons for current problems ofecosystem protection were analyzed.通过对邳州市自然资源和生态保护基本情况的调查,分析了生态保护中存在的主要问题及其原因,提出对邳州市今后生态保护的原则和对策。

2.In this paper,theecosystem protection measures in designing Yang-ping Expressway is expatiated.阐述了阳平高速公路在设计过程中的生态保护措施,说明了高等级公路设计是可以兼顾到环境保护的功能的。

3.The features of these plants in the livestock production and economic values in medicine industry,effects forecosystem protection were summarized as well.通过长期的科学研究和经验总结,综述了干旱、寒冷、荒漠化比较严重的青海海西地区草原上分布广泛、对畜牧业经济生产危害较大的棘豆属、黄芪属、野决明属、麻黄属、铁线莲属、狼毒属、芨芨草属7个属的主要有毒植物对放牧牲畜危害的具体表现和发病原理,及其在医药学、生态保护学等方面的传统应用和最新研究成果的经济价值及利用。


生态1.显露美好的姿态。 2.生动的意态。 3.生物的生理特性和生活习性。
