2000字范文 > 如何有效安排托福口语答题时间


时间:2018-12-20 01:53:55







首先,在独立口语考试中,考生应该在六秒左右用一句话完成topic sentence,然后每一部分都以20秒左右,用3-4句话完成一个论点和例子的阐述。比如在TPO2中,如果考生选择的是positive,那么就应该用六秒左右说完自己的topic sentence即I think television has a positive influence on society. 然后用20秒的时间,组织自己的第一个论点并用具体的事例支撑,比如It’s a good source of news. The members in the society can get news easily from News Channels and thus keep themselves informed of what’s happening around. Like, my grandfather watches News on TV every day just to keep up with the latest events. 剩下的时间建议考生组织自己的第二个论点,即Besides, television can be a kind of entertainment. People can watch different shows on TV such as funny talk shows and soap operas. I have many friends who like watching late show with David Letterman and some other friends like watching TV series such as Lost and Friends.一般用两句话组织例子即可,并且句子不宜过长。

Task3和task4中虽然包括阅读和听力部分,但是考生应该把答题的重点放在听力上,所以在分配时间的时候,考生多分配一些时间给听力。建议考生用15秒的时间组织阅读中学校的规章制度的内容及做出这样选择的内容,然后用5秒的时间组织听力中两者对待这个问题的态度,最后用40秒的时间,组织它们做出这样选择的理由。比如在TPO1的task3中,考生就应该在15秒的时间内说完学校规章制度的内容及做出这样选择的理由即The writer of the letter opposes the university’s plan to acquire a new sculpture because the university’s financial condition is poor and the sculpture is so large.然后用五秒的时间叙述两者的意见。The woman in the conversation thinks the two reasons are totally unconvincing.最后,用40秒的时间说出做出这样选择的理由。The woman says it’s an anonymous donor who pays the bill of the sculpture not the university so there is no need to worry about the university’s financial condition. As for the point about the space, the woman thinks Paul, the writer of the letter, always plays soccer with his friends on the lawn where the sculpture will be. She thinks Paul just doesn’t want to move to another place. For him, it’s convenience versus sculpture.

Task5和task6虽然答题时间相同,但是侧重点有所不同,在task5中,建议考生用五秒的时间说完两者遇到的问题,然后用30秒的时间两者遇到的问题,最后留下25秒的时间重点说自己的判断。而在task6中,建议考生先用15秒的时间说完教授所说的定义,然后把重点放在对例子的阐述上。比如在回答TPO中的task5的时候,考生就应该把重点放在对自己观点的论述上即 I think the second solution is better. Because first of all, she gets to do both activities, so she can learn more in the process and gain more experiences. And also, it’d be better if she can keep her promise, because the other professor is counting on her.

