2000字范文 > 土地复垦潜力 land reclaimation potential英语短句 例句大全

土地复垦潜力 land reclaimation potential英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-25 23:19:03


土地复垦潜力 land reclaimation potential英语短句 例句大全

土地复垦潜力,land reclaimation potential

1)land reclaimation potential土地复垦潜力


1.Research on Land Recovery Potence in Chengqu District of Jincheng City in Shanxi Province;山西省晋城市城区土地复垦潜力研究

2.Potential Research on County Area Land Reclamation by Taking the Example of Gaoping,Shanxi县域土地复垦潜力研究——以山西省高平市为例

3.Potentiality Analysis and Sustainable Development of Land Reclaimation in HeLin County;土地复垦潜力分析与可持续发展—以和林格尔县为例

4.The Study of Land Reclamation Potential for Subsided Land of Coal Exploitation;黄土丘陵区采煤塌陷地复垦潜力研究

5.Discussion on Land Exploitation and Reclaimed Potential--Given An Example of Pengzhou,Sichuan Province;土地开发复垦潜力分析初探——以四川省彭州市为例

6.Study on the Potentiality Toland Rehabilitation and Utilization Structure Optimization of Subsidence Lands of Coal Extraction in Zhaizhen Town, Xintai City;新泰市翟镇采煤沉陷地复垦潜力及用地结构优化研究

7.for lack of ability of reclamation or for failure to meet the required reclamation, land reclamation fees shall be paid, for use in land reclamation.没有条件复垦或者复垦不符合要求的,应当缴纳土地复垦费,专项用于土地复垦。

8.Thickness and Material of Covering Soil on Land Reclamation土地复垦的覆土厚度及覆土基质确定

9.Living examples show that the hierarchial analysis method is an effective method for a mining area with high ground-water level to select measures for a land reclaim project.通过实例阐述了层次分析法为高潜水位矿区选择土地复垦工程措施的有效方法。

10.Code for design of land reclamation project of bauxite mines铝矿山土地复垦工程设计规程

11.The Study of Land Reclamation Method and Technical Appraisal;露天矿土地复垦方法研究与技术评价

12.Study on Land-reclamation and Sustainable Utilization of Subsided Land in Jiaozuo Mining Area;焦作矿区塌陷土地复垦与可持续利用

13.The existing problems and countermeasures in the land reclamation in mining area in our country;我国矿山土地复垦存在的问题及对策


15.Assessment on the Vegetation Coverage after Land Reclamation Based on RS基于遥感的土地复垦植被覆盖度评价

16.The Application of ArcGIS in the Plan of Land ReclamationArcGIS在矿区土地复垦中的应用

17.Polices,Laws and Regulations on Land Reclamation and the Implications:Comparing China with Other Countries国内外土地复垦政策法规比较与借鉴

18.Opportunity and Challenge for Land Reclamation and Eclogical Reconstruction in Mining Area矿区土地复垦与生态重建——机遇与挑战


land recovery potence复垦潜力

1.Taking Chengqu District of Jincheng City as research area, this paper makes a research on replenishment investigation ofland recovery potence, suitablebility evaluation, potential classification and its calculation method, and potential constituting.以山西省晋城市城区为研究区域,对土地复垦潜力补充调查、适宜性评价、潜力分级及其测算方法、潜力的构成进行了研究。

3)Land reclamation土地复垦

1.Research on countermeasures and development status of land reclamation in Guizhou;贵州土地复垦发展现状及其对策研究

2.Study on land reclamation in mining area and construction of new countryside;矿区土地复垦与新农村建设研究

3.Ecological security assessment of land reclamation for mine areas after mine closure;闭矿后矿区土地复垦生态安全评价研究

4)land restoration土地复垦

1.With map objects and visual basic language,a system was designed forland restoration cost composition and cost count of waste dump in opencast mine area.使用Map Objects组件和VB语言,对露天矿区排土场土地复垦的成本构成及计算进行了系统设计,系统包括排土场土地复垦成本计算和排土场空间地理信息管理两大功能。

2.The potential environmental problems resulted from land rehabilitation, including the virgin land reclamation,land restoration, integrated consolidation of the existing farmland, are analyzed.详细分析了土地整理中的未利用土地开发、土地复垦及耕地综合利用可能引发的环境问题,提出土地整理宏观管理对策。

5)land rehabilitation土地复垦

1.Promoting the harmony development of mine area by doing well realistically theland rehabilitation切实搞好土地复垦 促进矿区和谐发展

2.The miningland rehabilitation and ecological reconstruction is one of major problem for mining industry sustainable development.矿区土地复垦与生态恢复已成为矿业可持续发展的重要问题,综述我国有色金属矿、铁矿和煤矿土地复垦和生态恢复研究进展和实践,提出矿山环境治理的对策。

6)reclamation land复垦土地

1.Then, Back Propagation Neural Network is used to evaluate the suitability ofreclamation land through choosi.然后,基于 BP 神经网络,选取评价因子,通过对已有经验的学习,对复垦土地适宜性进行评价,并与传统的方法相比较,研究结果表明,利用人工神经网络辅助矿区土地复垦决策是可行的。

2.It expounds the application of it in the optimum design ofreclamation land structure combined with the model of linear programming.结合线性规划模型阐述了其在复垦土地结构优化中的应用,通过具体实例给出了其实现过程。


