2000字范文 > 生态审美观 eco-aesthetic view英语短句 例句大全

生态审美观 eco-aesthetic view英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-06 02:18:56


生态审美观 eco-aesthetic view英语短句 例句大全

生态审美观,eco-aesthetic view

1)eco-aesthetic view生态审美观


1.EA is the theory of rumination about human EA conception.生态美学是对人类生态审美观念反思的理论。

2.See the Ecology Aesthetics of Chinese Mountains-and-Waters Painting from 《Hua Shanshui xu》;从《画山水序》看中国山水画的生态审美观

3.The Aesthetic ldea of Classic Ecological Existentialism in Taoism;老庄道家古典生态存在论审美观新说

4.Aesthetics of Affinity ──A Contemplation of the Aesthetic View of Ecology;“亲和”的美学──关于审美生态观问题的思考

5.From Natural Aesthetics to Ecological Aesthesis:the Identification of the Relationship从自然审美到生态审美:关系的确证

6.As the nature of ecological aesthetics, a harmonious aesthetic view is the ultimate pursuit of aesthetics at different stages of the development of mankind.和谐审美观作为生态美学本质,是人类发展不同阶段上审美的最高追求。

7.The Han Dynasty Stone Carvings Containing the Modern Value of Ecologic Wisdom;汉画像石艺术的阴阳本原与古典生态存在论审美观

8.The Comparison between Ancient Chinese Daoism and the Ancient Christian Ecological Existentialist Aesthetics;中国古代道家与西方古代基督教生态存在论审美观之比较

9.The Aesthetic Redemption of Tragic Life--On Nietzsche"s Aesthetic Philosophy of Life生命悲剧的审美救赎——论尼采的审美人生观

10.Making Ecological Discourse Aesthetic:the Poetic Sentiment Dimension of the Eco-criticism;生态话语审美化:生态批评的诗意之维

11.Analyzing Ecological Ethics and Ecological Aesthetics from the Perspective of Process Philosophy;生态伦理与生态审美的过程哲学解析

12.Question the View: Literature Is Esthetic Ideology;“文学是审美意识形态”观点之质疑

13.An Aesthetic Research on Patterns of Siming Literature;四明文学形态审美观照——诗、词、曲、赋部分

14.Dissussion the Different of the Aesthetic on Chinese and Western Landscape Poetry;试谈中西山水诗审美观物态度之差异

15.Tea Symbol for Zhou Zuoren s Outlook on Life and His Aesthetics;茶——透视周作人人生观与审美观的符号

16.The Contemporary Significance of the Study on Aesthetic Culture Ecology and Its History;审美文化生态和审美文化史研究的当代意义

17.A Study on Ecological Environment and Aesthetic Consciousness;论生态环境与审美意识——青海审美文化研究之一

18.Analysis on Ecological Aesthetics Modality of Tuyao Nationality;土瑶族群社会生态审美意识形态分析


aesthetic ecological view审美生态观

3)ecological aesthetics生态审美

1.In modernecological aesthetics,the theme of conquest has different aesthetic features in Chinese and Western culture and history,which demonstrates different cultural qualities in the East and West as well as the evolution of man s outlook on nature.征服自然是人类的古老命题,在现代生态审美视域中,征服主题在中西文化语境与历史语境中有着迥异的审美特征,这种差异性体现了东西方不同的文化特质以及人类自然观的演变历程。

2.This article starts from the visual angle ofecological aesthetics,analyses ecological aesthetic characters of primal arts.从生态美学的视角出发,分析原始艺术的生态审美特征。

3.This article analyses the ecological aesthetic characteristics of her nature writing,which adopts the ecocriticism angle of view,expounds the three aspects on venerating and the natural life,counter thinking human civilization,and constructing theecological aesthetics.采取生态批评的视角,分析了王秀杰自然写作中的生态审美特征,从自然生命的敬畏与尊崇、人类文明的反思与诘问以及生态审美的艺术建构三个方面展开阐述,并对其创作及自然写作领域存在的问题进行探讨,从个案入手为中国生态文学创作总结经验。

4)ecological aesthetic生态审美

1.The Ecological Aesthetic Vision of the Enterprise Culture;生态审美视野中的企业文化建设

2.This paper analysesecological aesthetics of Confucius landscape "anthropomorphic idea" from three aspects: "anthropomorphic" in the landscape, love transferred to landscape, imitating the landscape.文章从"比德"于山水、寄情于山水、效行于山水三个方面阐释了孔子山水"比德"的生态审美。

3.Ecological Aesthetic is a kind of intersubjective aesthetics activity,and selfhood interaction is an indispensable dimension ofecological aesthetic.生态审美是一种秉持间性姿态的审美活动,自我间性是生态审美的一个不可或缺的重要维度。

5)ancient existentialist ecological aesthetics古代存在论生态审美观

6)aesthetical view of ecological existentialism生态存在论审美观

1.The aesthetic interpretation of some classic texts is one of the important ways to explore the contemporaryaesthetical view of ecological existentialism.当代生态存在论审美观探讨的重要途径之一,就是对于某些经典文本的审美解读。


