2000字范文 > 公益伦理 Public Welfare Ethics英语短句 例句大全

公益伦理 Public Welfare Ethics英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-07 21:27:22


公益伦理 Public Welfare Ethics英语短句 例句大全

公益伦理,Public Welfare Ethics

1)Public Welfare Ethics公益伦理


1.On the Two Historical Traditions of Public Welfare Ethical Thought in Western Countries;论西方公益伦理思想的两大历史传统

2.On the Right of the Public Good Ethics View--And On the Connotation of Morality Right;论公益伦理主张的权利——兼论道德权利的含义

3.The Problems in the Contemporary China Public Welfare Ethics and the Challenges the its Faces;当代中国公益伦理的研究主题及其面临的挑战

4.On the Moral Duty Which Public Welfare Ethics Advocates;公益伦理主张的道德义务——论对弱势群体的救助

5.The Integration of Ethical Theories and the Ethical Justification for Public Interest;伦理理论的整合与公共利益的伦理学论证

6.Virtues of Advertising--On the Ethical Value of Public Service Ads;广告的德行——论公益广告的伦理价值

7.An Analysis of the Conception Construction of Public Interest--From the Perspective of Public Administrative Ethics;公共利益的概念建构评析——行政伦理学的视角

8.Ethical Dimension of Political Subject and the Attainment of the Public Interest政治主体的伦理向度与公共利益的达成

9.We believe that from ethics, enlightened self-interest, and the commonweal, our governance will emerge .我们相信,我们的治道将从伦理、明智的自我利益和公益中产生出来。

10.Interest Ethics:A non-neglect Issue in Medical Ethics;医学伦理学不可忽视的课题:利益伦理

11.By considering every stakeholder, ethics uses justice to resolve the many conflicts surrounding intellectual property rights.伦理考虑到每位利益相关者的利益,以公正的态度,来解决围绕着知识产权产生的各种纠纷。

12.Ethics also urges the revision of legislation when it becomes clear that intellectual property rights regulations act against the interests of the public.在明确知识产权条例已经损害了公众利益的情况下,伦理也鼓励修改法律。

13.The first task of ethical reasoning in such conflicts is to carve out the principles that will protect the interests of the public.在这种冲突中伦理首先要论证的就是创立保护公众利益的原则的必要性。

14.Legal Interest and Ethics:Double Choices of Substantial Illegality;法益与伦理:实质违法性的双重选择

15.Research on Regulating Accounting Behavior in the View of Interest Ethics利益伦理视角下的会计行为规范研究

16.Pubic Administrative Ethics:The New Field of Ethics Study;公共管理伦理学:伦理研究的一个新领域

17.From Ethical Life to Life Ethics --Prospects for Citizen Ethic Education in the 21st Century;从伦理生活到生活伦理——展望21世纪的公民伦理教育

18.ethnic ethics has become an important branch in ethnology and ethics.民族伦理学日益成为民族学和伦理学研究中的一个重要分支领域。


contemporary China public welfare ethics中国公益伦理

1.The problems in thecontemporary China public welfare ethics mainly include the code of honor,the moral awareness of the public participating in the public welfare activity,the fairness of public welfare resources deployment as well as the question of rights and obligations between donors and beneficiaries,etc.当代中国公益伦理面临的挑战主要来自经济全球化、社会主义和谐社会的构建以及我国公益事业的发展等方面。

3)principle of of public welfare ethics公益伦理原则

4)An Introduction to Public Welfare Ethics公益伦理略论


6)interest ethics利益伦理

1.Interest ethics emphasizes the“self-evidence”and“Self-limitation”of interest, and it’s corn is interest.然而目前的主要研究成果并没有深入从利益伦理视角来研究规范会计行为。


奉和杜相公益昌路作【诗文】:春半梁山正落花,台衡受律向天涯。南去猿声傍双节,西来江色绕千家。风吹画角孤城晓,林映蛾眉片月斜。已见庙谟能喻蜀,新文更喜报金华。·139 ·【注释】:【出处】:全唐诗:卷248_52
