2000字范文 > 民族体育 national sports英语短句 例句大全

民族体育 national sports英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-27 14:44:57


民族体育 national sports英语短句 例句大全

民族体育,national sports

1)national sports民族体育

1.Development outlook for cultural comprehensive innovation and modernization of Chinesenational sports——Discussion with Wan Yi and Bai Jinxiang;文化的“综合创新”发展观与我国民族体育的现代化——与学者万义、白晋湘商榷

2.Research on the Diversity Trends of Chinese National Sports Culture;我国民族体育文化多元化趋势研究

3.The value and application prospect ofnational sports form in large-scale group calisthenics;大型团体操中民族体育形式的价值及应用前景


1.On the Feasibility of Offering National Sports Dance in National Colleges and Universities;民族高校开设民族体育舞蹈的可行性

2.Concepts and mutual relations of sports in folk,traditional sports,folk sports and minority sports;民间体育、传统体育、民俗体育、民族体育的概念及其关系辨析

3.Concepts and mutual relations between sports in folk,traditional sports,folk sports and ethinic sports民间体育、传统体育、民俗体育、民族体育概念再探讨

4.Talking About Nationalities Sports Times Value From the Tu Nationlity“Wheel Swing”;从土族“轮子秋”论民族体育的时代价值

5.Research on the Practice of Nationality s Sports Policy in National Minority Area;民族体育政策在少数民族地区的实践研究

6.An investigation and analysis upon the developing status Quo of the national sports in the minority towns of Sichuan province;民族体育在四川民族城镇开展现状调查分析

7.On the Role of the Minority Sports in the Building ofYunnan into a Prosperous Province with its Typical Ethnic and Cultural Characteristics;民族体育在云南民族文化大省建设中的作用

8.The Study of Cultivating the National Spirit in China Educational System;国民教育体系中的民族精神教育研究

9.Folk Sport Value of National Traditional Festival in China;民族传统节日中民俗、民间体育的价值

10.Our Minorities Traditional Sports andNational Keeping-Fitness in National Regions;少数民族传统体育与民族地区全民健身

11.on Demos as the Protecting Subject of Ethnic Traditional Sports;论作为保护民族传统体育主体的民众

12.National Traditional Sports Immersion in Water and Fire--Comparative Study on Sports between Dai and Yi Nationality水与火洗礼中的民族传统体育——傣族体育与彝族体育的比较研究

13.Leisure Sports and the Development of Our Traditional Sports;休闲体育与我国民族传统体育的发展

14.The Relationship Between the Traditional Minority. Nationality Sports and the Modern Athletic Sports;民族传统体育与现代竞技体育的关系

15.The Value of Nationality Traditional Sports on College Sports谈民族传统体育在高校体育中的价值

16.Study into the Model Construction for the Traditional Sports Development of Yi Nationality彝族民族传统体育发展模式构建研究

17.“A Study of Physical Culture” and the Building of Traditional Chinese Sports Science;《体育之研究》与民族传统体育及体育学科建设

18.Research on National Traditional Sports at the Age of Folk Festival in China我国岁时节日中民族民间体育的研究


national sport民族体育

1.Development of China-ASEAN free trade and Guangxinational sports tourism resource;中国-东盟自由贸易与广西民族体育旅游资源开发

2.A follow-up discussion about the concept of and relation between civilian sport,national sport,traditional sport and folk sport——A discussion with Mr.TU Chuan-fei and his associates;也谈民间体育、民族体育、传统体育、民俗体育概念及其关系——兼与涂传飞等同志商榷

3.Taking development of ancient Chinese traditional local sport culture as a background,this paper analyzes the evolvement of Dongyi sport culture and its effect on Chinesenational sport culture.以我国古代区域体育文化发展为背景,追溯了东夷历史文化区的体育文化流变及其对我国民族体育发展的影响。

3)ethnic sports民族体育

1.Discussion on the effects ofethnic sports for physical education in colleges;民族体育对普通高校体育教学效果的有效性影响

2.Based on literature review,expert interview,field survey and logical analysis,this paper studies physical education in universities and colleges in Chongqing and its educational environment,and investigates the resources ofethnic sports culture characteristic of Chongqing.运用文献资料、专家访谈、实地调查和逻辑分析等方法,在对重庆市各高校体育教育、教学环境条件以及重庆市所特有的人文地理环境、少数民族体育文化资源进行实地考察和分析的基础上,提出重庆市高校体育的开发与发展应与民族传统体育相结合,以构建独具特色的重庆市体育文化通道。

3.With the help of a large amount of literature and from the angle of sports,economics and tourism,this article researches into the status quo and development of sports tourism resources in southeast Chongqing ethnic minority regions and proposes suggestions to developethnic sports tourism resources in the hope of providing reference to its sustainable development.从体育学、经济学、旅游学的角度,通过收集,整理大量文献资料,对渝东南地区民族体育旅游资源现状和开发进行深入的研究,提出开发民族体育资源的对策建议,以期为渝东民族体育旅游的可持续发展提供理论依据和有益的参考。

4)Traditional Sports民族体育

1.The development and innovation of traditional sports means and modern sports means are emphasized.运用文献资料法、调查访问法对体育手段发展进行了比较全面的分析,强调了传统体育手段和现代化体育手段的发展与创新,充分发挥体育手段这一不断发展的开放体系的特点,把各种体育手段进行多重组合;健身手段与健康手段结合;国际体育手段与民族体育手段结合;竞技运动项目向体育手段、娱乐手段转化;自然与都市化生活的体育手段的选择、有意识地促进体育手段的现代化、科学化、系统化、国际化、大众化。

5)national physical education民族体育

1.Encircling if our human physical value could emboby in ournational physical education or not and how to meet the Olympic cultures, this thesis focuses on the following two points.围绕我国民族体育所代表的中国人文体育价值观同奥运如何接轨、能不能接轨的问题 ,从两个方面进行了探索 :民族体育在中华民族文化的发展与演变过程中所起的凝聚作用十分突出 ;历史上 ,民族体育的理念主要依托孔子所确立的儒学表达出来的 ,但它并不是跟在儒学后面亦步亦趋 ,相反 ,在一定程度上抵制了后期儒学愈演愈烈的重文轻武倾向 ,对社会的健康发展起了明显的积极作用。

6)national sports circle民族体育圈


