2000字范文 > 人本生态观 humanist ecology英语短句 例句大全

人本生态观 humanist ecology英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-29 00:22:59


人本生态观 humanist ecology英语短句 例句大全

人本生态观,humanist ecology

1)humanist ecology人本生态观

2)ecological pro-human生态人本

1.Only architecturers and planners stick to the idea ofecological pro-human in planning and design of residential quarter environment,can its construction more healthily develop.随着人们生活质量的提高,住区环境越来越受到重视,但住区空间环境建设中依然存在着设计脱离场地条件、缺乏人文关怀、环境可观不可用、噪声污染严重等一系列问题,唯有建筑师、规划师将生态人本精神贯彻于小区环境策划设计和建筑的始终,才能使小区建设更健康的发展。

3)concept of people oriented life人本生命观

1.Being on the basis of Analects,this essay explains such long-ignored or misinterpreted concepts in the Confucius thinking as "concept of Heaven","concept of Destiny","human nature" and theconcept of people oriented life formed comprehensively,and it takes the people as center.本文以《论语》为依据,主要论述了历代诸儒均予以回避或曲解了的孔子思想中的"天道观念"、"天命观念"、"人性观念",及其综合形成的以人为中心的"人本生命观"。

4)humane ecological perspective人文生态观

1.This paper discusses the natural ecological perspective andhumane ecological perspective in Tao Yuan-ming s poetry.本文论述陶渊明诗文蕴含的自然生态观及人文生态观。


1.Buddhist Concept of Pure Land and the Cultural and Ecological Outlook of the Ancient Chinese Writers;佛教净土观念与中国古代作家的人文生态观

2.Green Wealth View: Ecology Civilized Time Humanity s Rational Choice;绿色财富观:生态文明时代人类的理性选择

3.The Distorted "Text": An Anthropological Observation of Suojia Ecomuseum;变形的“文本”——梭戛生态博物馆的人类学观察

4.On the Implication of Ecological Civilization ofMarxist Human-Nature Concept;试论马克思人化自然观的生态文明意蕴

5.Views on the Union of Nature and Human of Confucianism,Taoism and Buddhismand the Construction of Ecological Civilization儒、道、释的“天人合一”观与生态文明的构建

6.Setting up Ecological Civilization Viewpoint and Strengthening the Construction of Ecological Morality;树立生态文明观 加强生态道德建设

7.Research on ecological environment idea and ecology civilization construction of China生态环境观与我国生态文明建设研究

8.Study on the ecology, culture and landscape--A case of Nanshan cultural resort in Sanya;生态、人文与园林景观研究——以三亚南山文化旅游区为例

9.Ecological Concept of Value and "Ecological Transformation" of Contemporary Outlook on Life;生态价值理念与当代人生观的“生态化”

10.On the Ecological View of Ecological Wholeness from the Perspective of Literary Anthropology: A Case Study of Zhang Wei"s Novel The Fables of September论文学人类学视野下的整生性生态观——以张炜的《九月寓言》为例

11.Revisiting Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress:On Land/Human Affinities and Humanistic Critique of Ecology;重读/观《巴尔扎克和中国小裁缝》——兼论人地亲和与人文生态批评

12.The Biological Prospect of Human Civilization and the Construction of Biological Civilization;人类文明的生态走向及生态文明构建

13.Ecological Cultural World Outlook and Cultural Value Orientation;试论生态文化世界观与文化价值取向

14.Ecological Civilization:Interpretation from Views of Development,Value and Practice生态文明:发展观、价值观、实践观视域解读

15.Retrospection and Recreation --The Historical Transformationof the Chinese Humanistic IntellectualsExistential State;返观与重塑——中国人文知识分子生存形态的历史流变

16.On the view of "unity of nature and human" in pre-Qin Confucianism and its implication for ecological civilization construction试论先秦儒家“天人合一”观及其对生态文明建设的启示

17.The Construction of Contemporary Chinese Harmonious Ecological Civilization under Marx"s Humanization Natural View马克思人化自然观视阈下当代中国和谐生态文明的构建

18.Diagnoses on Students "Notion of Ecological Civilization in Vocational School高职学生生态文明观现状调查与分析


ecological pro-human生态人本

1.Only architecturers and planners stick to the idea ofecological pro-human in planning and design of residential quarter environment,can its construction more healthily develop.随着人们生活质量的提高,住区环境越来越受到重视,但住区空间环境建设中依然存在着设计脱离场地条件、缺乏人文关怀、环境可观不可用、噪声污染严重等一系列问题,唯有建筑师、规划师将生态人本精神贯彻于小区环境策划设计和建筑的始终,才能使小区建设更健康的发展。

3)concept of people oriented life人本生命观

1.Being on the basis of Analects,this essay explains such long-ignored or misinterpreted concepts in the Confucius thinking as "concept of Heaven","concept of Destiny","human nature" and theconcept of people oriented life formed comprehensively,and it takes the people as center.本文以《论语》为依据,主要论述了历代诸儒均予以回避或曲解了的孔子思想中的"天道观念"、"天命观念"、"人性观念",及其综合形成的以人为中心的"人本生命观"。

4)humane ecological perspective人文生态观

1.This paper discusses the natural ecological perspective andhumane ecological perspective in Tao Yuan-ming s poetry.本文论述陶渊明诗文蕴含的自然生态观及人文生态观。

5)Humanities, Ecology, Landscape人、景观、生态

6)humanistic and ecological beauty人本生态美


