2000字范文 > 雅思口语Part 2话题——婚礼

雅思口语Part 2话题——婚礼

时间:2019-09-17 04:57:41


雅思口语Part 2话题——婚礼

Well, I"ve been to countless wedding ceremonies so far, but the most memorable one ismy cousin"s wedding, which is not a traditional one that is held in a restaurant or a church, buton a secluded beach in Bali. It was actually a destination wedding and only close friends andfamily members were invited. The wedding celebrations went like a dream, I mean, the azuresky, the crystal clear water, the soothing sound of the waves, the soft sand, everything! Andthe reception was sweet as well. I can see that the wedding planner must have put a lot ofthoughts in it. The bride looked gorgeous in that fancy wedding dress, and my cousin wasdrop-dead handsome, so you see, that wedding was picture-perfect! And my uncle was veryoriginal when he made his speech. He didn"t say that I wish you a happy marriage or youshould start a family soon, like other parents would do. Instead, he shared his opinion onmarriage, and I quote: Life is a long a bumpy journey, and you guys should hold each other"shands and get through this together. Marriage is not a fairy tale. There will be imperfections. Atsome point in your life, you might have a fight or disagreement, but you must never stoploving each other and tolerate each other. There was soft background music while he wasdoing this, which made it incredibly touching, I could see tears welling up in the couple"s eyes.

So, I guess it"s fair to say that wedding is the best one I"ve ever been to, and I hope someday, I could have one just like that.


I was told that a girl in a wedding dress was the most gorgeous, and that"s true. I"ve neverseen my sister as beautiful as she was that day. My father gave her away to my brother-in-law,and they exchanged vows and wedding rings, just like what I"d seen in romantic movies. Mymom was moved to tears, and I believe that was a mixed feeling for her, but mostly happytears.

And the reception was unique as well. It was an all-you-can-eat buffet. I think it was agood way for people to mingle. During the dinner, my brother-in-law proposed a toast and gavea speech. I can"t remember exactly what he said, but the general idea was how lucky it was tomeet my sister and have her as his wife. He has a great sense of humor, so although what hesaid was really touching, he managed to make everybody laugh. I was so happy for my sister.The memory is so fresh as if it happened yesterday.
