2000字范文 > 雅思口语PART 1话题—家乡

雅思口语PART 1话题—家乡

时间:2019-05-25 21:00:52


雅思口语PART 1话题—家乡


简析:hometown是继work, study之后考官最爱问到的话题之一,对于本地考生来说,苏州是一个非常有特色的旅游城市,所以在说的时候可以加入一些苏州特色的风景事物等细节来扩充自己的回答。

Key words:

With a history of 有着…久的历史

Exquisite pavilions 精致的亭子

Man-made hill 人造假山

Classical garden 古典园林

Lingering garden 留园

Paradise of foodies 吃货的天堂

Troublesome issue 棘手的问题

Go through remarkable changes 经历了重大的变化

Growing population 人口越来越多

Overload of the traffic 交通负荷过重

Put into use 投入使用

Construction of other infrastructure 其他基础设施的建设

Arterial streets 主要街道

Local born and local bred 土生土长的

Happy childhood memories reside 快乐童年回忆的驻扎地

Rest of life 余生

Beautiful city with ancient history 美丽的古城

1) What"s your hometown?

My hometown is Suzhou, which is an ancient city with a history of 2500 years. It is locatedin the southeast of China. Suzhou is famous for its classical gardens such as lingering garden,which has exquisite pavilions and man-made hills. What"s more, Suzhou is also the paradise offoodies. You can try different types of food such as plum pastries and other Suzhou stylepastries. That"s the reason why I love my hometown.

2) Is there anything you dislike about it?

Well, let me think about it. Perhaps the traffic is a troublesome issue in my hometowncurrently. I mean, my hometown has gone through remarkable changes in recent years. Thereis a growing population in the city; consequently, it causes the overload of the traffic.Although two metro lines have been put into use and released the public traffic load to someextent, the construction of other infrastructure on some arterial streets is still a big problem.

3) Do you think you will continue living there for a long time?

Yes, I think I will continue to live there for the rest of my life. Local born and local bred,Suzhou is the place where my happy childhood memories reside. You know, I really like myhometown; it is a beautiful city with ancient history. People there are very friendly. What"s more,it"s the place where my parents and friends live. I can"t imagine a place without them being neararound.
