2000字范文 > 大学英语四级作文-大学生参与社会实践的利弊


时间:2019-11-10 18:59:24



In recent years,more and more college students(house to take part in social practice. According to a recent survey conducted by China Education Ministry,the past 5 years has witnessed a sharp increase in the proportion of college students taking social practice from 23. 5 percent to 78. 6 percent.

Social practice will bring great benefits to college students on both their study and daily life. On the one, hand,their close contact with working people might help them improve the sense of applying knowledge to practical problem. On the other hand,by taking social practice,college students will further realize what their shortcomings are and therefore have a better understanding of the specific aim of their study.

Students should learn to strike a balance between social practice and their own study. Social practice should never he as an excuse of their not studying hard.
