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敷设 laying英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-13 17:26:02


敷设 laying英语短句 例句大全



1.High falllaying of 252 kV XLPE cable;252kV交联聚乙烯电缆高落差敷设

2.Discussion oflaying theory of prefabricated heat preservation pipe;预制保温管敷设应用分析与计算

3.Paying attention to the multifunction of the cable tray duringlaying and regarding the cable tray as the focus oflaying during designing ensure the erection quality and apparent quality.在进行电缆桥架安装敷设时注重电缆桥架的多项功能,把桥架做为电缆敷设时的着力点进行施工设计,保证了工程质量和观感质


1.cable laying ship电缆敷设船海底电缆敷设船

2.conductor support box(垂直敷设的)导线支撑盒

3.paving and tiling铺路和敷设排水瓦管

4.multioutlet metal tube work多引线金属管敷设工程

5.sewerage dredger(敷设污水管用的)挖沟机

6.The new railway is still under construction, ie being constructed.新铁路尚在敷设中.

7.Applications of burying and trench laying in heat supply engineering直埋敷设与地沟敷设在供热工程中的应用研究

8.serviced industrial land已敷设公用设施的工业用地

9.public utilities pipeline reserve公用事业设施管道敷设专用区

10.Design Methods of Tee Branch of Directly Buried Heat-supply pipeline直埋敷设供热管道三通支管设计方法

11.The city was equipped with a drainage system,城里甚至还敷设了排水系统,

12.A total of 78 ditches were filled in and sewers were laid.一共填了78条沟,并敷设了下水道。

13.They are laying new sewers along the road.他们正在沿路敷设新的排水管道.

14.Convention relative to the Laying of Automatic Submarine Contact Mines关于敷设自动触发水雷公约

15.Choice and installation of shipboard flexible coaxial cablesGB/T13029.2-1991船用同轴软电缆选择和敷设

16.aviation fuel pipeline reserve飞机燃料管道敷设专用区

17.The ambient temperature under installation should not below00 C.· 电缆敷设时环境温度应不低于00C。

18.The workmendug a trench for the new water-pipe.工人挖了一条沟敷设新水管.



1.Analysis of fault caused byinstallation of submarine XLPE power cables;海底交联聚乙烯电力电缆敷设故障的分析

2.Structural analysis and Installation of marine VFD cable船用变频电缆结构分析及敷设

3.With the development of city construction,the overhead power transmission/distribution conductors in urban areas are being replaced gradually by underground cableinstallations.随着城市建设的发展,城区内的架空输配电线路正逐步改造为地下敷设的电缆线路,而旧城区的敷设路径错综复杂,给电缆工程的施工带来极大困难。


1.Construction method oflaying polybutene pipelines for room floor heating;室内埋地采暖聚丁烯(PB)管道的敷设方法

2.Points to be considered in the selection of the cable,quantity,environment and mode of cablelaying as well as cautions for use of the cable are proposed based on the authors own experience in this field.并根据自己的工作经验 ,提出选用阻燃电缆应考虑的因素 :敷设的数量、环境及方式等 ,以及使用时的注意事

3.It introduces thelaying method of large-diameter steel pipes and p roblems ap peared during construction.介绍大直径钢管的敷设方法及施工中存在的问


5)laying apparatus敷设设备

6)pipeline laying管道敷设

1.It summarizes several ways ofpipeline laying in that re-gion and some insulatio n materials as well as related techniques.简要介绍了冻土的分类、特性及国内外冻土地带管道建设的研究情况和防治冻害的措施,归纳总结了冻土地带管道敷设的几种方式以及寒冷地区管道保温材料和技术,对冻土地带管道建设的关键问题进行了讨论,并提出了建议。

2.Caterpillar rock trencher will play an important role in practicalpipeline laying process.在管道施工建设中,对石方段的管沟开挖一直采用传统的爆破成沟的施工方法,而履带式岩石开沟机在管道敷设的实际应用中可以发挥重要作用。

3.Secondly, it discuss es some practical problems on the design such as the system composition, the way s ofpipeline laying, stem pipes and thermameters installing.就供热采暖系统按户计量、分室调节的提出及设计中有关系统构成、管道敷设方式、干管立管及热表安装等技术问题进行了讨论 ,并阐述了设计和施工过程中的有关注意事


敷设①铺(轨道、管道等):~电缆 ㄧ~铁路。②设置(水雷、地雷等)。
