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综合化 integration英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-06 01:00:30


综合化 integration英语短句 例句大全



1.The Development and Key Technologies of Integration of New Generation Rocket-borne TT&C Eelectronic Equipment;新一代箭载测控电子设备综合化发展现状

2.On the tend ofintegration of history curriculum reform;论历史课程改革的综合化趋势


1.On the building of a comprehensive disciplines environment in army universities论军队综合大学综合化学科环境建设

2.integrated chemical waste treatment plant综合化学废物处理厂

3.The Research of Integration Character to the Current Junior Chemistry Curriculm;当前初中化学课程的综合化特点研究

4.A New Comprehensive Chemistry Experiment:Synthesis of a Ruthenium Complex-Based Dye推荐一个综合化学实验:钌配合物染料的合成

5.optimum synthesis of linkage mechanism连杆机构的优化综合

6.luteinized unruptured follicle syndrome未破卵泡黄素化综合征

7.omnibus adaptation bill适应化的综合条例草案

8.syndrome of hyperkeratosis palmoplan and periodontosis掌跖角化牙周病综合征

9.Summarization of the Index System of Modernization and Synthesis Evaluation Method;现代化指标体系及综合评价方法综述

10.Study of Using Synthetic Management Technology for PRRSV Eradication;猪繁殖与呼吸综合症净化的综合管理技术研究

11.Optimizing the Teaching of Integrated Skills of English Course to Improve Students English Comprehensive Competence;优化《综合英语》课程教学,发展学生语言综合能力

12.Multiple Outlook: Probe of Comprehensive Subjective Research in Construction of Multiple Curriculum;多维化视角:综合课程研制中综合主体研究透视

13.Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation of the Rationalization of Logistics Distribution;物流配送服务合理化的模糊综合评价

prehensive Control of Ecological Greening Engineering of Hefei Banqiao River合肥市板桥河综合治理生态绿化工程

15.A probe into the complex cultural characteristics of shiji from Wu culture recordation从吴文化记载看《史记》的文化综合特点

16.The Integrated Exploitation of Coal,Electricity and Chemical Products in Guizhou;贵州煤电化产品综合一体化开发研究

17.On Cultural Poetics Meanings of Wang Yuan-hua s "Synthetical Study Method;论王元化“综合研究法”的文化诗学意义

18.The research on rural urbanization s comprehensive evaluation;农村城市化综合评价的量化指标研究



1.On Planning and Designing of Metro Transmission Network with the Trend of Intelligence and Synthesis;智能化和综合化下城域传送网规划设计

2.Building a new socialist countryside andsynthesis of disciplines in the development of agricultural and forestry colleges and universities;试论新农村建设与农林院校学科发展的综合化

3.The paper, based on vocational education theory, analyzes some problems existing in vocational education courses, puts forward the concept and significance of the coursesynthesis and moreover, expounds the methods and processes in terms of coursesynthesis.提出了课程综合化的概念及实施课程综合化的意义。


1.Multidimensional Upgrading of Teacher s Accomplishment under the Concept of Comprehensive Art Teaching;综合化美术教学理念下教师素养的多维提升

2.In new situation,transferring role of traditional library and construction of digital library are briefly described in this article, and itscomprehensive and expert development is pointed out.简述了在新形势下传统图书馆的角色转型和数字化图书馆的建设,指出其向综合化和专门化的方向发展,最后提到图书馆网络安全问题及防范措

3.Having the mainline which is skills-centered and the aim of cultivating student scomprehensive practical ability,the new experiment teaching system is based on the deep studying of necessary skill of pharmacology-majore.打破学科壁垒,根据学科间的内在联系,把现有以理论课内容为主线的各门实验课程进行重组、交叉、融会、整合,以技能掌握为主线,以综合实践能力培养为目标,在深入研究药学专业必备的实验技能的基础上,明确教学目标,确定教学内容,构建"综合化、多层次"的药学实验教学新体系。


1.According to the internal requirement of new developing outlook,synthesized education must be carried out in colleges.根据新发展观的内在要求 ,大学必须实行综合化教育。

2.Transformism views on curriculum can offer some implication to its reform: (1)synthesize the course system, (2) establish activity course, (3) choose some social problems and (4) set up the study of special problems.在研究改革我国现行课程存在的门类过多、划分过细、结构和要求单一、内容脱离实际等问题时 ,可以从改造主义的课程观中得到启示 :(1)课程体系综合化 ;(2 )开设“活动课程”;(3)选择一些社会问题 ;(4)创设专题性问题。

3.Tendency of product design education issynthesize,course must be search and reform.工业设计教育的发展趋势是综合化,课程设置应不断探索和改革。

5)synthetical clean综合净化

1.It is same body type,sleam box type,chimney smokesynthetical clean processor,with three umbrella-water-screensand continuous working.提出并论述了冲天炉洁玉烟气净化处理(器)系统,它是同体式、笼屉式三级伞形水幕并连续作业的烟气综合净化装置,其上有可高可低的器上烟囱,其下有余热锅炉;它集除尘、除微粒、除有害气体和降温于一体,足以实现常温无污染排放;它不仅适用于冲天炉和其他竖炉,而且还可以普遍推广到一切工业烟囱。

6)optimization synthesis优化综合

1.Application of partheno-genetic algorithm based on asexual reproduction to distillation separation sequenceoptimization synthesis;应用无性繁殖单亲遗传算法实现精馏分离序列优化综合

2.On the basis of error probability analysis,a mathematic model for theoptimization synthesis of accuracy probability of robotic mechanism is established.在误差概率分析的基础上 ,建立了机器人机构精度概率优化综合的数学模


