2000字范文 > 湿地生态旅游 Wetland ecotourism英语短句 例句大全

湿地生态旅游 Wetland ecotourism英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-15 09:34:41


湿地生态旅游 Wetland ecotourism英语短句 例句大全

湿地生态旅游,Wetland ecotourism

1)Wetland ecotourism湿地生态旅游

1.Based on the wetland ecotourism traits and literature review,constructs the evaluation index system was constructed in the paper.构建了湿地生态旅游发展潜力评价指标体系,并运用模糊层次分析法(Fuzzy-AHP),对三江平原9个湿地保护区生态旅游发展潜力进行了比较研究。

2.However,the problems bring bad effects on the Xiazhuhu wetland ecotourism development.下渚湖湿地生态旅游资源丰富,具备湿地生态旅游的良好基础。


1.The Development of Ecotourism: a Case Study on Honghu Wetland;湿地生态旅游开发探讨——以洪湖湿地为例

2.Development of Eco-tourism in the Estuarine Wetland of Minjiang River in Changle;长乐闽江河口湿地生态旅游开发研究

3.On Use and Protection of the Wetland and Ecological Tourist Resources of Our Country;我国湿地生态旅游资源的利用及保护

4.A Research into Development Mode of Eco-tourism in East Dongting Lake;东洞庭湖湿地生态旅游开发模式研究

5.East of Henan province Yellow River old course wetland eco-tourism development probing豫东黄河故道湿地生态旅游开发探析

6.Therefore, sustainable development should become the direction to Honghu wetland ecotourism.洪湖湿地生态也面临一些生态问题,影响了湿地生态旅游的开展。

7.Resource Assessment and Development Trend Analysis of Wetland Eco-tourism in Zhangdu Lake涨渡湖湿地生态旅游资源评价及发展态势分析

8.Wetland ecotourism is important to sustainable development of wetland area, which is the trend of wetland tourism development.湿地生态旅游对于湿地可持续发展具有重要意义,是未来湿地旅游的发展方向。

9.Countermeasures of the wetland ecotourism resources protection and expIoitation in Daqing City大庆市湿地生态旅游资源的保护与开发对策

10.A Study on Community Paticipation in Ecotourism Development of Littoral Wetland in Yancheng;盐城海滨湿地生态旅游开发中的社区参与研究


12.Sustainable Development of Wetland Ecotourism in Ningxia Hui Autonomics Region;宁夏回族自治区湿地生态旅游可持续开发研究

13.A Research on the Development of Countryside Wetland Eco-Tourism in the Dongting Lake Plain;洞庭湖平原农村湿地生态旅游开发探析

14.Study on the environmental capacity of the wetland ecotourism in Minjiang River estuary;闽江河口区湿地生态旅游环境容量研究

15.Study on Developing Wetland Eco-tourism Resources of the Yellow River’s Old Course in Shangqiu;商丘市黄河故道湿地生态旅游资源开发初探

16.A Study of the Development of the Cultural and Ecological Tourism in Xixi Wetland of Hangzhou;杭州西溪湿地文化生态旅游开发研究

17.Tourism resources and ecological exploitation in Hongze Lake wetland;洪泽湖区湿地旅游资源及其生态开发

18.Analyzed on Conservation and Restoration of Wetlands of Tourism City--A Case of Taihu Lake National Tourism District in Suzhou旅游城市湿地生态建设探讨——以苏州太湖国家旅游度假区为例


wetland eco-tourism湿地生态旅游

1.Based on an analysis of the concepts of "eco-tourism" and "wetland eco-tourism",this paper discusses the significance of eco-tourism development in Ruoergai Wetland.根据生态旅游和湿地生态旅游的内涵,探讨了若尔盖湿地生态旅游开发的重要意义。

2.There is a new opportunity to the development of countrysidewetland eco-tourism due to the launching of the socialism new countryside construction and "China countryside tourism",and the improving of the people s view of wetland.在简要阐述农村生态旅游的内涵与国内发展概况的基础上,提出了农村湿地生态旅游的内涵与意义。

3)ecotourism destination生态旅游地

1.Based on the four definitive aspects of tourism destinations, the authors hold thatecotourism destination planning is the community tourism planning of micro scale.针对旅游地4个方面的限定,提出相应的生态旅游地规划的要求,认为生态旅游地的规划属于微观尺度的社区旅游规划,更注重景点及服务设施的建设设计与布局,而不是宏观的发展战略及中观的规模聚集效应,其出发点和归宿点是旅游资源的开发和保护。

2.By analysing some viewpoints aboutecotourism destination,this paper proposed the solution to differentiateecotourism destination with a point of view of landscape ecology,and took human disturbance degree,landscape matrix,scale and landscape function as four differentiation standards ofecotourism destination.通过对生态旅游地现有观点的评析,提出从景观生态学的角度判别生态旅游地的思路,并把人类干扰程度、基底成分、尺度和景观功能作为生态旅游地判别的4个标准。

4)Wetland tourism湿地旅游

1.On the basis of the systematic elaboration about the concept and survey of the wetland tourism in Yancheng City,Jiangsu Province,this paper investigates and analyzes the feasibility of developing wetland tourism in the city,emphasizing the planning of the wetland tourism in terms of function division,environmental protection education,mechanism of talented people training,and infrastructure.在系统论述湿地旅游概念和盐城湿地概况的基础上,将生态学的有关理论和方法运用到盐城湿地旅游的开发中,对盐城开展湿地旅游进行了调查和可行性分析等,并强调从功能分区、环保教育规划、人才培养机制、生态化旅游基础设施规划等几个方面进行盐城湿地旅游的规划。

2.With his rich experience in planning several wetland tourism destinations, the author begins the paper with an analysis of China s wetland resources, defines wetland tourism resources, interprets basic connotations of wetland tourism, and then proposes some methods for wetland tourism development.本文从分析中国湿地资源入手,结合笔者近年来主持数个湿地旅游目的地规划的实 际,界定湿地旅游资源定义,阐析湿地旅游的基本内涵,并提出湿地旅游开发中一些基本思路。

3.Today, many cities in our country begin urban natural wetland tourism, and many of them appeared in a pattern of natural urban weltand park.目前我国很多城市开始了城市自然湿地旅游,其中很多以国家城市湿地公园的形式出现,但是由于我国湿地公园建设和旅游还刚刚起步,针对湿地公园规划设计还处于探索阶段,并没有成熟的理论可供借鉴,因此城市自然湿地发展旅游过程中,在初期的湿地规划设计和中期的湿地管理2个方面容易出现不利于湿地生态的盲目性和无方向性。

5)Wetlands Tourism湿地旅游

1.Wetlands have the function of tourism,the development of wetlands tourism is an aspect of wetlands utilization,some wetlands in our country has made a try on this area.结合杭州西溪湿地等具体事例,分析近年来我国湿地旅游资源开发中的成功与失误之处。

6)agro-eco-tourism land农业生态旅游地

1.Evaluation and Planning on Sustainable Development of Agro-Eco-Tourism Land;农业生态旅游地可持续发展评价与规划研究


黄河滩湿地自然生态保护区黄河滩湿地自然生态保护区是本的核心和灵魂,作为本规划的物质基础和客观载体,有其独特的不可替代的功能,是中国焦作黄河滩湿地生态旅游区的地望所在。黄河滩地自然生态保护区总占地面积 为12.863平方公里。要的主题形象是黄河滩湿地自然生态,以黄河滩、黄河水、野生植被景观为核心,竭力营造突出生态、绿色、环保、野趣特色的自然环境景观。黄河滩湿地生态保护区的植物植被分人工栽种和野生的,其中人工栽种地带性植被为落叶阔林毛白杨已达十万亩,三所内就能形成夺目的壮丽景观和巨大的自然氧吧。黄河滩湿地野生草类有蒲草、蔺草、抓地龙、芦草、涝豆、狗尾草、羊胡子草、水白草、地绵草、旱莲草、节节草、鸭拓草、鸡眼草、灯笼草、车前草、鸡爪草、牛心草等近百种。遗憾的是早些年,人们为了温饱而大面积开荒各地使黄河滩上的野生草类只能偷偷生长,问题的关键在于是否能够退耕还草,使之得到有效保护,如果能够坚持退耕还草,并进行为期两年的全封闭式的养护,其生态景观的吸引力将是无法估量的,不仅仅是对人类,而且对于野生动物种群都同档具有吸引力。黄河滩上的野生灌木如果能得到有效保护,两年内就能形成独特的野生植被景观。黄河滩上的野生动物有布谷鸟、大雁、斑鸠、乌鸦、啄木鸟、鹌鹑、猫头鹰、麻雀、灰喜鹊、苍鹰等鸟类;黄鼠狼、刺猬、蝙蝠、野兔、蛇、狐、鼠类等兽类以及水生动物,野生昆虫数十种。黄河常年奔流不息,由于近年水位下降,只能在夏季出现使其恢复长急流。但是作为母亲河形象在炎黄子孙心目的地位是无法替代和消失的。
