2000字范文 > 测评框架 framework英语短句 例句大全

测评框架 framework英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-21 01:14:30


测评框架 framework英语短句 例句大全



1.Theframework of reading assessment and the design conceptions in PISA——On the reading assessment in China;PISA中阅读测试的测评框架与设计思路——兼谈对我国阅读测试的启示


1.The framework of reading assessment and the design conceptions in PISA--On the reading assessment in China;PISA中阅读测试的测评框架与设计思路——兼谈对我国阅读测试的启示

2.Idea and Method of Assessments of Civic Education for International Student--Introduction to the Framework of ICCS国际学生公民教育测评理念与方法——ICCS国际学生公民教育测评框架解读

3.Research and Realization of C4KISR Test and Evaluation Prototype SystemC4KISR测试与评估应用框架的研究与实现

4.The Design and Implementation of a Framework of Evaluation on HPC Platform;高性能计算综合评测框架的设计和实现

5.Study of Usability Evaluation and Automated Testing Framework of GUI;GUI的可用性评价与自动化测试框架研究

6.A Framework for Quantitative Evaluation of Coding Standards in Programming Language Teaching;程序设计语言教学中编码标准的定量评测框架

7.Research on the Framework of Educational Software Value Evaluation and Testing based-on ESVUM;基于ESVUM模型的教育软件价值评测框架的研究

8.Study on the Theory Framework of Monitoring and Evaluation of the Implementation of the National Scheme for Scientific Literacy;《科学素质纲要》实施的监测评估理论框架研究

9.Research and Application of Framework Rails in the Evaluation System of Railway Train Operation DepotRails框架在车务段测评系统中的研究与应用

10.Reseach on QoS Testing Framework for Web Service;Web Service QoS测试框架的研究

11.Calculation of Credit Risk of Commercial Bank by the IRB Approach;内部评级法框架下商业银行信用风险的资本测算

12.Framework Analysis of Travel Demand Forecast Sharing Platform Based on Traffic Impact Analysis基于交通影响评价的交通需求预测共享平台框架分析

13.The Equivalence Relations between Hilbert Frames, Frame Measure Function and the Overcompleteness of Frames框架间的等价关系,框架测度函数和框架的超完全性

14.A Review of Researches on the Impact of Event Economy:An Assessment Framework事件经济影响研究述评——一个评估框架

15.Design and Implementation of Automated Unit Testing Framework Based on the Modular Testing Framework;基于模块化测试框架的单元自动化测试框架的设计与实现

16.Framework Agreement on Environmental Impact Assessment in Transboundary Context越境环境影响评估框架协定

17.draft Framework Agreement on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context越境环境影响评估框架协定草案

18.New Outline of Aesthetics: New Frame, New Probe新框架、新探索——评《新编美学概论》


estimate frame评测框架

1.The VTSestimate frame and data processing model;VTS评测框架与数据处理模型

3)Evaluation framework评价框架

1.This paper begins with the introduction of several evaluation frameworks,which is followed by the comparisons and analyses between the sameness and differences among them.首先对现有的几种C4ISR系统评价框架作了介绍,并进行了比较,分析了它们的异同;之后根据基于仿真的系统评价要求,研究评价框架与评价模型、指标体系、仿真模型的关系,并借鉴已有的几种评价框架的优点,提出一种基于仿真的C4ISR系统评价框架。

2.The theory info of highway transport hub planning post-evaluation is discussed and the evaluation framework of the planning post-evaluation is established, which provides reference for the highway transport hub planning post-evaluation, as well as the construction and development of the highway transport hub.根据公路运输枢纽规划的自身特点和要求,结合国内外关于后评价相关问题的研究,分析公路运输枢纽规划后评价的现状,研究公路运输枢纽规划后评价的概念、意义、特点和主要评价内容,探讨公路运输枢纽规划后评价的理论体系,并尝试建立规划后评价框架,可为今后公路运输枢纽规划后评价、公路运输枢纽建设发展提供借鉴与参考。

3.The performance evaluation framework of central and western county health system with a criteria of general performance target, is formed by 12 evaluation dimensions of function, intermediate object, ultimate results combining with sub-systems of health service administration, health services, financing and payment.我国中、西部县域卫生系统绩效评价框架以县域卫生总绩效目标为评价标准,由功能、中间目标和最终目标层面,结合卫生服务管理、服务提供、筹资与支付子系统等组成12个评价维度。

4)evaluation framework评估框架

1.Inevaluation framework, it puts forward the 10 indications to evaluate the results of role mapping for two domains.本文对域间角色映射的研究分为三部分:基础理论和实现、本体评估框架、电力信息系统集成的应用研究。

2.From the regulation of the marketing operation process,the thesis proposes anevaluation framework of the commercial value of the sport stars,based on the change of the psychology and behavior of the target consumer to provide reference to the theoretic research on marketing of the sponsorship of the sport stars.运用文献资料法对国内外体育明星商业价值评估实践和相关理论进展进行梳理,从营销操作过程的调控出发,构建基于目标消费者心理行为变化的体育明星商业价值评估框架,以期为体育明星赞助营销及理论研究提供参考资料。

3.Based on the introduce of several overseaevaluation frameworks,and combine with the COBP methods,effectivenessevaluation frameworks of complex system based on simulation is constructed.通过对国外几种军事装备效能评估框架的介绍和比较,结合COBP方法提出了基于仿真的复杂军事装备效能评估的评估框架。

5)assessment framework评价框架

1.In order to relax the contradiction between the land requirement of highway construction and the lack of land resources,the conception and connotation of land intensive use for highway construction were analyzed,the nature,purpose and indices-selecting principles of land intensive use assessment were studied,and anassessment framework was put forward.为了缓解公路建设用地需求与土地资源紧缺的矛盾,分析了公路建设集约用地的概念与内涵,研究了公路建设集约用地评价的性质、目的及指标选取原则,提出了公路建设集约用地评价框架。

6)assessment framework评估框架

1.Study on the building ofassessment framework in the rigor of case study research案例研究方法严谨性评估框架构建研究

2.This article discusses the background of NAEP and its development course,its mathematics and readingassessment framework,results of assessment,as well as its strengths and problems.本文将就全国教育进展评估建立的背景及发展历程、全国教育进展评估的数学和阅读评估框架、最新评估结果以及这一评估项目的成绩和问题展开论述。


