2000字范文 > 保产 keep output英语短句 例句大全

保产 keep output英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-27 12:18:49


保产 keep output英语短句 例句大全

保产,keep output

1)keep output保产

2)environmental protection industry环保产业

1.The Present Condition and Developing Trend of Yibin Environmental Protection Industry;宜宾环保产业的现状及发展趋势

2.Development Status of Environmental Protection Industry in China--Result analysis on sampling investigation ofenvironmental protection industry in ;我国环境保护产业发展状况——环保产业抽样调查结果分析

3.A probe into the development ofenvironmental protection industry in Longyan;龙岩环保产业发展问题探讨


1.To Regulate Industrial Structure and to Develop Environmental Industry in Agriculture;调整农业产业结构 发展农业环保产业

2.We will energetically develop the energy conservation service industry and the environmental protection industry.大力发展节能服务产业和环保产业。


4.We supported the development of the environmental industry and the recycling economy.支持发展环保产业和循环经济。

5.Research on the Influence of Environment Technology to the Development of Environmental Protection Industry;环境技术对环保产业发展的影响研究

6.We will introduce clean production methods and develop the environmental protection industry.推行清洁生产,发展环保产业。

7.Protection and conservation of the ecological environment should be strengthened, and the environmental protection industry should be vigorously developed.加强生态环境保护和建设,大力发展环保产业。

8.The Development of Environment Industry and the Theory of Industrial Organization in China;我国环保产业发展与产业组织理论研究

9.Environmental Protection Industry Faces Opportunities for Fast Development中国环保产业面临快速发展机遇

10.A Brief Research into the Strategic Position of Environmental Protection Industry in the Great Western Development略论西部开发中环保产业的战略地位

11.Research on the Analysis and Developmental Strategies of Environmental Industry in Chongqing;重庆市环保产业分析与发展对策研究

12.Risks and Risk Management of BOT Investment & Financing in Environmental Protection Industry;环保产业BOT投融资风险及其管理

13.Promoting the Marketization of the Environment Protection Industry of China through FDI;利用FDI推进我国环保产业的市场化

14.The position and function of the environment protection industry in crvil economy;环保产业在国民经济中的地位和作用

15.On the cultivation and development of environmental protection industrial cluster in Fujian;福建省环保产业集群培育和发展研究

16.Discussion on Government′s Status and Roles on the Development of Environmental Industry;政府在环保产业发展中的地位和作用

17.Environment Protection Industry in Shanxi Province:Meeting the Challenge after Access to WTO;山西环保产业如何迎接“入世”挑战

ponents and Application of the Developing Dynamical System of the Environmental-protection Industry;环保产业发展动力体系的构成与应用


environmental protection industry环保产业

1.The Present Condition and Developing Trend of Yibin Environmental Protection Industry;宜宾环保产业的现状及发展趋势

2.Development Status of Environmental Protection Industry in China--Result analysis on sampling investigation ofenvironmental protection industry in ;我国环境保护产业发展状况——环保产业抽样调查结果分析

3.A probe into the development ofenvironmental protection industry in Longyan;龙岩环保产业发展问题探讨

3)environmental industry环保产业

1.There is no quantitative description toenvironmental industry in Hubei Province.湖北省环保产业的现状一直无准确定量描述,组织了对湖北省环保产业优势、劣势等状况进行了首次全面调查,在此基础上,对湖北省环保产业进行了全面详细的SWOT分析,为湖北省环保产业可持续发展决策提供了科学的依据。

2.Based on the research of industrial technological innovation theory and characteristics ofenvironmental industry, the characteristics of technological innovation ofenvironmental industry have been discussed.本文在综合国内外产业技术创新理论的基础上,从环保产业特征出发,阐述了环保产业的技术创新特征,并对宜兴市环保产业群进行现场调研及数据收集,梳理了该市环保产业群发展过程中技术创新的种类及规模变化特征,进而提出了促进环保产业技术创新发展的若干对策建议。

3.On the basis of the content theory ofenvironmental industry previously advanced and status quo of globalenvironmental industry analysed, the paper suggests the content of Chineseenvironmental industry should be located at between broad sense and narrow sense,mainly including "terminal treatment" and emphasizing a few"cleaner production".通过对环保产业内涵的理论分析,结合国际、国内目前环保产业的发展趋势,文章建议当前我国环保产业的内涵应该界定在狭义和广义之间,以“末端治理”为主要内容,同时应有重点地发展一些“清洁生产”,文章还探讨了产业内涵界定的办法,其目的在于实施有效的政府管理。

4)environment protection industry环保产业

1.The position and function of theenvironment protection industry in crvil economy;环保产业在国民经济中的地位和作用

2.Promoting the Marketization of the Environment Protection Industry of China through FDI;利用FDI推进我国环保产业的市场化

3.This paper analysis major problems and suggests how to accelerate development aboutenvironment protection industry.我国环保产业近年来发展较快,但与我国经济社会发展的要求及国际环保产业的先进水平,仍有不小的差距。

5)Environment industry环保产业

1.China’s environment industry is in childhood influenced some factors now,so we must improve and optimize the condition to promote China’s environment industry’s growing by policy and technologic method.环保产业因其采用技术的生态化和产品的环保公益性,将成为支撑这种新型生产方式存在和发展的重要支柱。

2.Therefore, government of different countries put great emphasis on the investment of the environment industry.本文从分析我国目前环保产业的投资状况入手,提出了制约我国环保产业发展的主要因素,并针对性的给出了在我国环保产业投资的总体对策。

3.In this paper, the meaning about Green Civilization and Environment Industry are discussed, the development of environment industry in the world is summarized, and the status of environment industry in China is analyzed, finally the suggestion of developing environment industry in China is put forward.本文论述了人类社会绿色文明的进步与环保产业的内涵 ,概述了世界环保产业的发展情况 ,以及我国环保产业的广阔市场需求和目前存在的差距 ,并提出了发展我国环保产业的建议。

6)industry protection产业保护

1.The Study of Industry Protection Mechanism in China under the New Situation;新形势下我国产业保护机制研究

2.The means ofindustry protection mainly includes trade policy and industrial policy.产业保护手段主要有贸易政策和产业政策。


