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桥架 bridge英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-30 01:43:29


桥架 bridge英语短句 例句大全



1.Design and execution ofbridge s usage in large space steel structural lighting;桥架用于大空间钢结构照明设计及实施

2.Parameterized design ofbridge of overhead traveling crane based on KBE;基于KBE的桥式起重机桥架参数化设计技术

3.Finite Element Analysis of the Bridge of a Cutter Suction Dredger;绞吸式挖泥船桥架结构有限元分析


1.prestressed concrete bridge erection预应力混凝土桥架设

2.A bridge spans the river there.一座桥架在那边河上。

3.The Research on Three-dimensional CAD System of the Metal Structure of Overhead Traveling Crane;桥式起重机桥架三维CAD设计系统研究

4.bridge formation桥结[现象],架桥结构

5.Standards for railway bridge erection by girder erecting machine铁路架桥机架梁规程

6.On Viaduct Pier Underpinning Technology When the Tunnels under Construction Meeting the Existing Viaducts隧道与既有高架桥相遇时高架桥桥墩托换技术

7.A transverse structural member or framework used for strengthening a bridge or trestle.排架用于加固桥梁或支架的横向构架或框架

8.a bridge was extended over the canyon峡谷上架起了一座桥。

9.a bridge supported by trestlework.一座靠支架支撑的桥。

10.The engineers bridged the river.工程师们在河上架桥。

11.double-beam bridge type grab crane双架桥式抓斗起重机

12.rigid dirve axle非独立悬架式驱动桥

13.a bridge supported by trusses.一种靠构架支撑的桥。

14.support(a roof,bridge,etc)with trusses(truss )用构架支撑(屋顶、桥梁等).

15.The Thames is spanned by many bridges.泰晤士河上架有许多桥。

16.Design of Waterproofing for Trestle Bridge Decks of Overpassing Zhengzhou Airport Highway郑州市跨机场路高架桥桥面防水设计

17.Construction Surveying Method for Super Large Bridge with Mobile Formwork Bridge Building Machine特大桥移动模架造桥机施工测量方法

18.Practical Calculation for the Non-abutment Slant-legged Rigid Frame Bridge无桥台斜腿刚架桥实用计算方法研究


metal structure桥架

1.Research on the Key Technology of Parameterized Design of the Metal Structure of Overhead Traveling Crane;桥式起重机桥架参数化设计关键技术研究

2.Technological Research and Application on the 3D Parameterized Design to the Metal Structure of the Overhead Traveling Crane;桥式起重机桥架三维参数化设计技术研究及应用

3)bridge frame桥架

1.This paper introduces a way of how to design special cranebridge frame with structural mechanics.介绍一种特种起重机桥架的力学结构设计方法,针对该起重机旋转半径大,桥架尺寸大且置于高空,室外作业等特点,通过力学分析和反复试验,解决了实践中碰到的桥架振动大,稳定性差等问题。


1.[n]Ferrocenophanes are the ferrocene derivatives of intramolecularlybridged, and strained [n]ferrocenophanes are potential monomers for ring-opening polymerization.单桥二茂铁番化合物([n]ferrocenophane)是一类分子内架桥的二茂铁衍生物,张力结构的二茂铁番类化合物是开环聚合潜在的单体,能生成具有独特的氧化还原、电、光、磁等特性的金属有机聚合物。

2.The purpose is to feed cooked rice by inequable velocity twin screw feeding machine for single screw extruder, also to solve the problem of "bridge" when it feeds materiel to the single screw extruder.目的是通过不等速双螺杆送料机构来为米线挤出机进行送料,较好地解决单螺杆加料时容易出现的“架桥"现象。

3.The construction of thebridge across Taiwan Strait has been studied for a long time andthe feasibility study that has attracted attention among scientists and engineers on both sides of the Taiwan Strait.《科技导报》第4期7~10页刊登了国家海洋局彭阜南与清华大学等专家和台大去美国的华裔学者方晓阳等专家联合发表的文章,以及参考文献[1-4]中所引术的内容,讨论在台湾海峡架桥和修筑隧道的可行性及相关问题。


1.Mechanical improvement of the second PVA crusher againstbridging accident;聚乙烯醇第二粉碎机“架桥”故障的机械改进

2.Thebridging construction technology at the condition of large longitudinal slope and falling slope在线路纵坡大且下坡条件下的架桥施工技术

3.By analysing and researching the function of the feeding system and the structure feature, the method for solving thebridging problem of the feeding funnel is discussed, so as to seek the way for increasing the adaptability between the feeding screw and material based on the summary of various feeding device.介绍同向平行双螺杆挤出机喂料系统的现状与发展,通过对同向平行双螺杆挤出机喂料系统功能与结构特点的分析研究,在总结国内外各种类型喂料机的基础上,探讨解决料斗架桥问题的方案,寻找提高喂料螺杆对物料适应性的途径,并自行设计了新型喂料系统,较好地解决了物料架桥问题。

6)rear axle bridges后桥桥架


