2000字范文 > 土地生态 land ecology英语短句 例句大全

土地生态 land ecology英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-23 23:45:47


土地生态 land ecology英语短句 例句大全

土地生态,land ecology

1)land ecology土地生态

1.Based on clarifying of land ecological security and taking Hebei Province as the case, this article discusses the methods of security evaluations ofland ecology.以河北省为例,在界定土地生态安全概念的基础上,探讨了土地生态安全评价的方法。

2.Problems in China"sland ecology security in China involve soil erosion, soil pollution, soil desertification, salinization, alkalin-ization, soil depauperization, etc.我国土地生态安全方面的主要问题有水土流失、土壤污染、土地沙漠化、盐碱化、潜育化、沼泽化、贫瘠化等,围绕这些土地生态问题,我国已经制订了《环境保护法》和《土地管理法》等综合性法律,又制订了有关的专项法规。

3.Considering the illegibility and uncertainty character of the security evaluation ofland ecology,the paper synthetically makes use of entropy and matter-element theory to establish ecological security of land index system and to macroscopically judge the ecological security degree of land of Heilongjing province during 2000.土地是我们人类赖以生存和发展的物质基础,土地生态安全关系到我们人类的生存和发展。


1.Discussion on the on Ecosystem Building of Land;土地生态建设探讨——保护土地原生态建设土地新生态

2.The Land Ecology Evlution and the Analysis of Regional Land Dispostion;土地生态的演变与区域土地配置分析

3.Changes of Land Ecosystem Value and Ecological Risk in Yulin City of Northern Shaanxi Province陕北榆林市土地生态价值及生态风险动态分析

4.A Study on the economical value of land ecology and the green land price and its application;论土地生态经济价值与绿色土地价格及其应用

5.Land eco-economic system and its sustainable use.;土地生态经济系统与土地资源持续利用研究

6.Study on the Classification of Land Ecosystemin the Yellow Soil Plateau;黄土高原地区土地生态系统基本类型研究

7.Study on Land Ecological Risk in Taiyuan City Based on Land Use Change基于土地利用变化的太原市土地生态风险研究

8.Research on the Land Ecosystem Adaptability and Ecological Exploitation;土地生态适宜性分区及土地生态开发——以重庆市忠县为例

9.The Regional Land Ecological Security Evaluation and Ecological Rebuilding Study;区域土地生态环境安全评价及生态重建研究

10.A Study on Land Eco-Use in the Suburbs of Guangzhou in View of Eco-City;基于生态城市的广州市郊区土地生态利用研究

11.Land eco-economical suitability evaluation based on niche fitness;基于生态位适宜度的土地生态经济适宜性评价

12.Analysis of Ecological Capacity Based on Ecological Footprint Model in Cangzhou基于生态足迹的沧州市土地生态承载力分析

13.Eco-land Economic Evaluation and Eco-land Plan and Design in the South-middle of the Loess Plateau;黄土高原中南部村级生态经济评价与土地生态规划设计

14.Eco-land planning and designing based GIS in the villages of the Loess Plateau;基于GIS的黄土塬区村级土地生态规划设计

15.Dynamic change of land use and its ecological effects on the Loess Plateau黄土高原土地利用动态变化及其生态效应

16.Evaluation on Ecological Security of Desertification in Chaidamu Basin柴达木盆地土地荒漠化生态安全评价

17.Study on Land Use/Land Cover Change and Ecologic Effects in Western Jilin Province;吉林西部土地利用/土地覆盖变化及其生态效应

18.Study on Land Use/Land Cover Change and Ecological Effects in Da an City;大安市土地利用/土地覆盖变化及其生态效应


land-ecological area土地生态区

3)Land niche土地生态位

4)land ecology土地生态学

1.The purpose of this paper is to discuss some basic issues,summarize the research progress,analyze the subject development trend and propose some development suggestions ofland ecology in China.研究目的:阐述中国土地生态学的某些基本问题,总结土地生态学最新研究进展,分析学科发展方向,提出发展建议,为推动土地生态学学科发展提供参考。

2.Land ecological planning and design is the focus ofland ecology,and the study on its theory, method and practice has to be deepened.土地生态规划设计是土地生态学研究的核心内容 ,其理论、方法及应用亟待深入探索和研究 。

5)land ecological risk土地生态风险

1.Based on RS and GIS,the land use change and structural character were studied,and aland ecological risk index was constructed based on the land-use structure.基于RS和G IS技术,以东营市为例,研究黄河三角洲的土地利用变化及其结构特征,确定综合土地生态风险指数,然后通过系统采样、变异函数分析及空间插值对土地生态风险指数进行变量空间化,生成1996和土地生态风险演变规律分布图。

2.It is concluded that,with the speeding up of the economic development and urbanization course,the extent and depth of land use will be increasing;meanwhile,land use tends to be fragmentized,which obviously increasesland ecological risks.研究结论:伴随经济快速发展和城市化进程的加快,土地利用的广度和深度上都会不断增大,同时土地利用趋于破碎化,使得土地生态风险程度明显增大。

6)Land eco_classification土地生态分类


