2000字范文 > 滨海新区 Binhai New Area英语短句 例句大全

滨海新区 Binhai New Area英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-08-06 11:20:25


滨海新区 Binhai New Area英语短句 例句大全

滨海新区,Binhai New Area

1)Binhai New Area滨海新区

1.Impact of Logistics on Environment ofBinhai New Area in Tianjin;天津滨海新区物流对环境的影响

2.Analysis of Water Supply Structure and Countermeasures ofBinhai New Area in Tianjin City;天津滨海新区供水结构及对策分析

3.Discussion of New Design Idea for Roads inBinhai New Area,Tianjin;对天津滨海新区道路设计新理念的探讨


1.On metropolitan governance mode choice in China--take Binhai New Area and Outer Binhai New Area as examples中国大都市区治理模式的选择——以滨海新区及大滨海新区为例

2.Feasibility Study on Utilization of Seawater in Tianjin BinHai New Area;天津市滨海新区海水利用可行性研究

3.Discussion on Integrated Urban-rural Planning in Core Zone of Tianjin Binhai New Area天津滨海新区核心区的城乡统筹规划

4.A Research on the Index System for Ecological Livable Coastal City--A Case Study of Tianjin Coastal New District;宜居生态型海滨新城区指标体系研究——以天津滨海新区为例

5.Innovative Research on the Reformation of the Greening Management System滨海新区绿化管理体制改革创新研究

6.Binhai New Area is situated at the center of the Bohai Bay Rim area.滨海新区位于环渤海湾地区的中心位置。

7.A Study on the Development of Binhai New Area and Regional Economic Cooperation of Around the BoHai Area;滨海新区发展与环渤海区域经济合作研究

8.Growing up of Tianjin Binhai New Area and Rebounding of Loop-bohai Region;天津滨海新区的崛起与环渤海地区的振兴

9.Research on the Construction of Binhai New Area Offshore Financial Market;创办天津滨海新区离岸金融市场研究

10.SWOT Analysis and Strategies on Tourism Development of Tianjin Binhai New Area;滨海新区旅游业发展的SWOT探析

11.Analysis of the Influence of Tianjin Coastal Area on Southern Shandong Economic Belt;天津滨海新区对鲁南经济带影响探析

12.Surroundings Analysis of Developing Venture Investment in Binhai New Area;滨海新区发展风险投资业的条件分析

13.The Establishment of Economy Operation System in the Openness and Development in Binhai New Area;滨海新区开发开放经济运行机制架构

14.A Strategy for Beijing in the Context of Development;天津滨海新区开发与北京的经济发展

15.Implement National Development Strategy,Accelerate the Construction of Binhai New Area;实施国家发展战略,加快建设滨海新区

16.Appraisals of Suitability to Project Constructional in New Region in Caofeidian曹妃甸滨海新区工程建设适宜性评价

17.The Study on Engineering Properties Analysis Mollisol-foundation of Roads in Tianjin Binhai New Area天津滨海新区道路软基工程特性研究

18.Research on OTC Market Operational Pattern in Binhai New Area of Tianjin天津滨海新区OTC市场运行模式研究


Tianjin Binhai new area滨海新区

1.SWOT Analysis and Strategies on Tourism Development of Tianjin Binhai New Area;滨海新区旅游业发展的SWOT探析

2.Female Entrepreneurship in Harmonious Development of Tianjin Binhai New Area;滨海新区的和谐发展与女性创业

3.Analysis of Strategic Human Resources Management in Development and Opening of Tianjin Binhai New Area;滨海新区开发开放的人力资源战略发展研究

3)Binhai New District滨海新区

1.China s Speeding up the Development and Opening of TianjinBinhai New District Influencing Hebei s Economy;国家加快天津滨海新区开发开放对河北经济的影响

2.Design of Utility Tunnel in Central Avenue Project inBinhai New District of Tianjin;天津滨海新区中央大道工程综合管沟的设计

3.Study on allocation of initial water rights in TianjinBinhai New District天津市滨海新区初始水权分配问题研究

4)New Coastal Area滨海新区

1.The Formation and Transformation Trends of Regional Space Structure in the Developing Sub-urban Areas of Metropolises——Case Study of TianjinNew Coastal Area;大城市边缘新兴城区地域空间结构的形成与演化趋势——以天津滨海新区为例

2.Nowadays,development of Tianjin new coastal area has become as a strategy of China.目前天津滨海新区的开发开放已上升为国家“十一五’’期间的战略规划。

3.The development of Tianjin new coastal area has been an important part of the 11 th five years national plan.天津滨海新区开发已被列入国家“十一五”重点发展规划,将成为中国经济增长的“第三极”。

5)new coastal developing zone滨海开发新区

6)hotel business of Binhai New Area滨海新区酒店业


