2000字范文 > 教育规律 law of education英语短句 例句大全

教育规律 law of education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-12 02:30:56


教育规律 law of education英语短句 例句大全

教育规律,law of education

1)law of education教育规律

1.The paper summarizes the status of the study onlaw of education these years,and points out that the study of educational law must be in the educational study.通过对近些年来教育规律的研究现状进行了梳理,指出教育研究不能缺失“教育规律”这一主题;当前教育规律的研究需要反思教育规律的话语平台、研究逻辑、研究方法论等方面的问题。

2.Correctly grasping thelaw of education is the basis of upgrading the school running level of colleges and universities.正确把握教育规律是提升高等学校办学水平的理论基础。

3.This essay bases on thelaw of education, the features of teaching and principle of teaching to raise some requirements on teaching management in the new time.如 何与时俱进、开展教学管理,本文以教育规律、教学过程特点和教学原则为支点,对教学管理提出了相应要求。


1.Educational regularity" and"About educational regularity;“教育规律”与“关于教育的规律”

2.The Way of Understanding Educational Law and Characteristics of Educational Law;教育规律的理解方式与教育规律的特点

3.Following the Rule of Vocational Education and Actively Developing Order Form Education;遵循职业教育规律 积极开展订单教育

4.Coverting Educational Thought and Rereading the "Law of Education;转换教育思维 重读“教育规律”

5.Abiding by Rules of Education Development Developing Higher Education Industry;遵循教育规律 发展高等教育产业

6.Enhancing Legal Consciousness by Educative Rules;运用教育规律 提高护生法律意识

7.The Market Economy and Adult Higher Education:Agreement and Particularity;成人高等教育的市场机制与教育规律关系探讨

8.Researching the Rule of Higher Vocational Education of Promote Chinese Higher Vocational Education Development Healthily;认识高职教育规律 推动我国高职教育健康发展

9.Road to education research--Detailed inquiry about research of law of education教育研究,路在何方——关于教育规律研究的追问

10.The Assemble Law and Radiation Law of Higher Education in Our Country;我国高等教育的集聚规律和辐射规律

11.Law And Regulations Teaching in Different Type of Nursing Education不同类型护理教育中的法律法规教育

12.The Combination Law of Higher Engineering Education and Humane Education;高等工程教育与人文教育的融合规律

13.Ponderations on the Physical Education Regularities and the Improvement of PE Teaching Quality;把握体育教学规律 提高体育教学质量

14.Exploring The Law Of Vocational Education Of Physical Culture And Ways Of Developing The Undertaking;探索体育职教规律 发展体育职教事业

15.That is the golden rule of education, and a very difficult ride to follow.这就是教育上的规律,一条很最难把握的规律。

16.Standardize Teaching with Law--The Study of the Legal Issues in Adult Higher Education;依法治教——成人教育管理的法律化规范

17.Biorhythm Helping Promote Teaching & Education;运用生物钟规律 提高教育教学效率

18.Conform to Law of Modern Higher Education and Promote Vigorously Education Innovation;顺应现代高教规律 大力推进教育创新


educational law教育规律

1.Analysis on the relation betweeneducational law and economic law;教育规律与经济规律相互关系探析

2.Under the universaleducational law,a certain class or branch of learning has its special regularity.在普遍的教育规律之下,某一门类或学科的教育教学有其特殊的规律性。

3.Therefore theeducational law we are exploring should be the middle narration of certainty and uncertainty.为此,我们要探寻的“教育规律”应是确定性和不确定性的“中间”描述。

3)The law of Education教育规律

1.Revealing the law of education is the basic task of the education theory research.揭示教育规律是教育理论研究的根本任务,文章对当前教育规律研究的状况进行了反思,同时思考并追问教育规律研究的一系列问题。

4)education law教育规律

5)educational regularity教育规律

1.Educational regularity" and"Abouteducational regularity;“教育规律”与“关于教育的规律”

6)law of tourism education旅游教育规律


