2000字范文 > 三维冠状面成像 Three-dimensional coronal section imaging英语短句 例句大全

三维冠状面成像 Three-dimensional coronal section imaging英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-02 11:43:16


三维冠状面成像 Three-dimensional coronal section imaging英语短句 例句大全

三维冠状面成像,Three-dimensional coronal section imaging

1)Three-dimensional coronal section imaging三维冠状面成像

2)Three-dimensional coronal section image三维冠状切面成像


1.Application value of three-dimensional coronal section image in the diagnosis of uterine malformation三维冠状切面成像在子宫畸形诊断中的应用

2.3D Reconstruction of Coronary Arteries Using MSCT Images;基于多层螺旋CT成像的冠状动脉三维重建

3.The image at top is a T2- weighted MR in the transaxial plane.上面是一张脑部冠状切面的T2加权像。

4.Application value of three-dimensional coronal section imaging in the diagnosis of uterine malformation combined with early pregnancy三维冠状切面在诊断子宫畸形合并早期妊娠的应用价值

5.Evaluation of coronary lesions with two-dimensional strain echocardiography超声二维应变成像评价冠状动脉病变

6.A Study of Computational Optical Section Microscopy;计算光学切片显微三维成像技术研究

7.3D FIESTA sequence possesses the preliminary clinical application value for the CMRA.结论:屏气三维快速平衡稳态进动序列在冠状动脉磁共振成像中具有一定的临床应用价值。

8.Research on 3D Reconstruction and Quantitative Analysis of Coronary Arterial Tree Based on Angiograms;基于造影图像的冠状动脉三维重建和定量分析方法的研究

9.Shape features for projected 2D images based 3D object recognition基于二维成像的三维物体形状特征分析

10.Study on the Effect of Preoxygenation on Imaging Quality of MSCT Coronary Angiography;面罩吸氧对MSCT冠状动脉成像影像质量影响的研究

11.The Application of Computer Numerical Technology for the Three-dimensional Image on the Surface of Wood Composites;平面图像的数控三维成像木材(杨木)加工技术

12.On Definition of Sagittal and Coronal Planes in Medical Image医学图像矢状面和冠状面清晰度研究

13.Quantitive Analysis of Regional Left Ventricular Function in Coronary Artery Disease Patients Prior and Post to Percutaneous Coronary Intervention by Strain Rate Imaging and Real-Time Three-Dimensial Echocardiography;应变率显像、实时三维超声技术评价经皮冠状动脉介入治疗前后冠心病患者局部心肌功能

14.Study of algorithm of reconstructing 3D figures from 2D gray image and its realization由灰度图像重构曲面三维形状算法研究与实现

15.Effective method for arbitrary image of clip plane extraction and mapping on 3D reconstructed surface三维重建表面任意切面图像提取及映射有效方法

16.Sagittal and coronal T1 WI were most informative.矢状和冠状面T1加权像最为有效。

17.The principle realization and clinical application of3 D ultrasound imaging system are introduced in this paper.本文首先介绍了三维超声成像的发展现状。

18.The use of three-dimensional MR imaging techniques for the demonstration of cranial nerves: the current status and perspective颅神经三维磁共振成像技术的现状及展望


Three-dimensional coronal section image三维冠状切面成像

3)three-dimensional surface imaging三维表面成像

4)3-D imaging三维成像

1.3-D imaging by a 2-D ultrasonic phased array;基于二维阵列的相控阵超声三维成像实现

2.Microwave3-D imaging echo simulation for discrete targets;微波三维成像离散点目标回波数据模拟

3.Analysis and compensation of mismatching between two ISAR images in interferometric inverse synthetic aperture radar3-D imaging;InISAR三维成像中的ISAR像失配准分析及其补偿方法

5)three-dimensional imaging三维成像

1.Clinical value ofthree-dimensional imaging of complex renal calculi with CT data for the access of percutaneous nephrolithotomy复杂肾结石CT三维成像与PCNL通道选择的临床意义

2.A mathematical model ofthree-dimensional imaging has been built and proved according to the physiological features of visual organs inthree-dimensional imaging,the optical property of lenticular screen and the relative coordinate of both eyes.根据三维像形成过程中人们视觉器官的生理特征、柱镜板的光学特性及双目相对坐标建立起三维成像数学模型 ,并对这一模型进行了理论验证 ,为提高柱镜板三维成像质量提高了理论依据和途

3.The model of the interferometric inverse synthetic aperture radar(InISAR)three-dimensional imaging is proposed when the angle between the target and the antenna axis is relatively large.建立了在目标与天线电轴间存在较大斜角情况下的干涉式逆合成孔径雷达(InISAR)三维成像模型。

6)3D imaging三维成像

1.PACS-Based 3D Imaging Study of Bones;基于PACS系统上的骨骼三维成像研究

2.Application of helical CT3D imaging technique in larynx diseases;喉部螺旋CT三维成像技术的应用价值

3.The development of ultrasonic imaging diagnostic technique is mainly introduced and various kinds of ultrasonic imaging diagnostic techniques are mentioned including A-mode,M-mode and B-mode ultrasonic diagnostic techniques,Doppler imaging technique,3D imaging technique and harmonic imaging technique.主要论述超声图像诊断技术的发展历史和A型、M型、B型超声诊断技术、超声多普勒成像技术、三维成像技术以及谐波成像技术及其临床应用现状。


