2000字范文 > 潍坊风筝 Weifang kites英语短句 例句大全

潍坊风筝 Weifang kites英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-22 07:52:25


潍坊风筝 Weifang kites英语短句 例句大全

潍坊风筝,Weifang kites

1)Weifang kites潍坊风筝

1.The Historical Heritage of Weifang Kites Art;潍坊风筝艺术的历史传承

2.It is well known that theWeifang kites with a long history are famous for their pureness and plainness.潍坊风筝历史悠久,以纯厚质朴著称于世。

3.Among these problems, how to comply with convention and how to break new ground are the prominent ones the development ofWeifang kites has to face.潍坊风筝是历史悠久的一种民间工艺,以造型精致、形象逼真、色彩艳丽、具有浓郁的乡土气息而著称于世。

2)Weifang International Kite Festival潍坊国际风筝会

1.Exploitation of folk sports cultural resources and the development of local social economy——Economic benefit analysis ofWeifang International Kite Festival民间体育文化资源开发与地方社会经济发展——潍坊国际风筝会经济效益分析


1.Exploitation of folk sports cultural resources and the development of local social economy--Economic benefit analysis of Weifang International Kite Festival民间体育文化资源开发与地方社会经济发展——潍坊国际风筝会经济效益分析

2.Weifang Jinshuai Machinism Co., Ltd located in beautiful China kite capatial-Weifang City.潍坊金蟀机械有限公司座落在中国美丽的风筝之都——潍坊。

3.Research on the Present Situation of Criticizes Taking Part in Kite Sport in Wei Fang City潍坊市参与放风筝的人群开展风筝活动的现状调查

4.The Kite Activity and Sustainable Development Research in Weifang Areas潍坊地区风筝活动现状及可持续发展研究

5.The Design and Implementation of International Trade Risk Management System for Weifang City;潍坊市国际贸易风险管理系统的设计与实现

6.Shandong Weifang Economic and Technological Development Zone, situated in the famous world kite capital-Weifang, the plan area is57.8 square kilometers.山东山东潍坊经济开发区,位于著名的世界风筝都-潍坊市市区,总规划面积57.8平方公里。

7.Kitemark [British Standards Institution]风筝标记〔英国标准协会〕

8.I can fly a kite. I can fly a kite.我会放风筝。我会放风筝。

9.Research on the Offensive and Defensive Characteristics of the China Youth Team in "Weifang Cup" International Youth Football Tournament“潍坊杯”国际青年足球邀请赛中国青年队攻防特征的研究

10.Study on the Investment Risk Management of the Logistics Park in China--A Case Study of Binhai Logistics Park in Weifang中国物流园区投资风险管理研究——以潍坊滨海物流园区为例

11.Wal-Mart is confident that it will be well received by Weifang residents and will contribute to Weifang′s economy.沃尔玛希望潍坊东风东街分店受到潍坊市民的喜爱,也希望能为潍坊的经济发展做出贡献。

12.Weifang Centralized Treasury Payment System Analysis and Design;潍坊市国库集中支付系统分析与设计

13.Have you got a Chinese or a Japanese kite?你有中国的风筝还是日本的风筝?

14.Oh,I"ve got a chinese kite and a Japanese kite.噢,我有一个中国风筝和一个日本风筝。

15.A kite, a kite. This is a kite.风筝,风筝,这是一个风筝。

16.Research of Environmental Risk Management of Weifang Rainbow One Million Tons of Chlor-alkali Project潍坊润丰100万吨氯碱项目环境风险管理研究

17.Research on Total Risk Management for A Real Estate Project of WeiFang潍坊市A房地产开发项目全面风险管理研究

18.Weifang·Bailang River Underground Project Risk Management Research潍坊白浪河地下通道工程项目风险管理研究


Weifang International Kite Festival潍坊国际风筝会

1.Exploitation of folk sports cultural resources and the development of local social economy——Economic benefit analysis ofWeifang International Kite Festival民间体育文化资源开发与地方社会经济发展——潍坊国际风筝会经济效益分析


1.Analysis of Managerial System Reform for State-owned Hospitals inWeifang;潍坊市公立医院管理体制改革剖析

2.An analysis on urban morphology ofWeifang since the reform and opening-up;改革开放以来潍坊城市空间形态演变及其分析

3.Pathological research for clinical case of PMWS inWeifang;山东潍坊地区PMWS临床病例的病理学研究

4)Weifang in Shandong province山东潍坊


1.Study on Blind Faults inWeifang Urban Area;潍坊市主要隐伏断层活动特征研究

2.Study on the Surplus of Agricultural Labor Force inWeifang;潍坊市农业剩余劳动力转移研究

3.Methods: The study was a cross-sectional survey of 2 500 young men aged 18-30 years in the city ofWeifang, and all of them completed a questionnaire on prostatitis.方法:应用NIH-CPSI和自行设计的前列腺炎相关因素问卷对潍坊市潍城区2500例青年男性(年龄18~30岁)进行调查,收集相关信息,进行病例对照研究,筛选前列腺炎样症状发生的危险因素。

6)Weifang boys潍坊男童


