2000字范文 > 光纤复合架空地线 OPGW英语短句 例句大全

光纤复合架空地线 OPGW英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-15 22:48:00


光纤复合架空地线 OPGW英语短句 例句大全



1.Study on the thermal effect of short circuit current forOPGW;光纤复合架空地线短路电流热效应研究

2.Calculation for WiringOPGW;光纤复合架空地线(OPGW)的架线计算

3.The application of AS wire inOPGW;铝包钢线在光纤复合架空地线中的应用


1.Type spectrums for optical fiber composite overhead ground wires光纤复合架空地线(OPGW)的型谱分析

2.Analysis and Discussion on a Lightning Fault of Optical Fiber Composite Overhead Ground Wire一起光纤复合架空地线雷击故障的分析探讨

3.Establishment of Mathematical Models of Lightning Current on OPGW光纤复合架空地线雷击电流数学模型的建立

4.Analysis & Research on Lightning s Damage for OPGW of High-voltage Transmission Line;雷电对高压输电线路光纤复合架空地线(OPGW)危害的分析与研究

5.Analysis about a Case of Grounded Spot Fusing of Optical Fiber Composite Overhead Ground Wire一起光纤复合地线搭接地点熔断案例的分析

6.Study on performance of the resin matrix of fiber reinforced composites core in overhead transmission line架空输电导线纤维增强复合芯用基体树脂的性能研究

7.Optical Fibre Sensor System to Test Strain in Power Cable;高压架空线路应力测试的光纤传感系统

8.Optical Phase Conductor Application and DiscussionOPPC光纤复合相线的应用与探讨

9.Cause Analysis of Composite Insulator String Dropping in Overhead Transmission Lines and Its Countermeasures架空输电线路复合绝缘子掉串原因分析及对策

10.overhead and underground system架空线和地下线系统

11.Dispersion Properties of Photonic Crystal Fiber with Composite Square Air Hole Lattice复合四边形空气孔格点光子晶体光纤的色散特性分析

12.bracket for compound optical microscopes复合光学显微镜托架

13.Research on OADM with Fiber Grating Coupler Structure;光纤光栅耦合器型光分插复用器研究

14.Study on the Use of Silicon Rubber Insulator on the Strain Insulator Tower架空线路耐张杆塔上使用硅橡胶复合绝缘子设计探讨

15.Fiber laser precision cutting of stainless steel stent of high linear density光纤激光精密切割高线密度不锈钢支架

binations of both overhead and under-ground HVDC line segments frequently occur.高压直流架空线路和地下线路分段的组合也常采用。

17.Modification of Bacterial Cellulose Nanofibrous Tissue Engineering Scaffolds and Its Composites细菌纤维素纳米纤维支架的改性与复合

18.Then, it describes the formation of ring type network, and explains in more detail the optical add drop multiplexing, space switching, and tunable fiber grating technologies they adopt.接着,较全面地介绍它们采用光插分复接、空间交换和可调谐光纤光栅方式的特点。


Composite fiber Optic overhead Ground Wire(OPGW)光纤复合架空地线

3)optical fiber composite overhead ground wire(OPGW)光纤复合架空地线

1.Aiming at the lightning-induced strand breakage of optical fiber composite overhead ground wire(OPGW),it is indicated that low-amplitude and long-time continuous lightning current is the main cause of strand breakage.针对光纤复合架空地线(optical fiber composite overhead ground wire,OPGW)雷击断股的问题,指出雷击电流中的低幅长时间持续电流是OPGW断股的主要原因。

4)optical fiber composite overhead ground wires光纤复合架空地线

1.The comparison between the standard of electric power industry for Optical fiber composite overhead ground wires(OPGW) and others;光纤复合架空地线(OPGW)电力行业标准与其他标准的比较

2.According to the condition that the strands inoptical fiber composite overhead ground wires(OPGW)are frequently broken,it is necessary to analyze the mechanism of the strands breaking and research corresponding preventive measures.针对我国光纤复合架空地线(opticalfibercompositeoverheadgroundwire,OPGW)断股时有发生的现状,有必要分析OPGW的断股机理并研究相应的防治措施。

5)OPGW optical cable光纤复合架空地线光缆


1.According to the faults of earth wire andOPGW damage by lightning stroke occurred in 500 kV power transmission in North China in recent years, the reasons for earth wire damage, were analyzed, and the standards for repairing and technical process flow about different damage of twisted line andOPGW were introduced.针对北京超高压公司负责运行维护的华北地区500kV输电线路中,近年来多次发生的架空地线、光纤复合架空地线(OPGW)遭受雷击后,造成的避雷线本体断股损伤或断线事故,以及OPGW损伤或纤芯损伤造成保护通信中断等进行了介绍,并对避雷线损伤原因进行了分析和判定;对不同材质的镀锌钢绞线、铝合金绞线及OPGW发生不同损伤情况下的修复工作标准和工艺流程进行了详细介绍。


