2000字范文 > 空间关系推理 spatial relation reasoning英语短句 例句大全

空间关系推理 spatial relation reasoning英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-27 16:29:50


空间关系推理 spatial relation reasoning英语短句 例句大全

空间关系推理,spatial relation reasoning

1)spatial relation reasoning空间关系推理

1.Research methods aboutspatial relation reasoning空间关系推理的研究方法

2.Route-finding is always a hotspot ofspatial relation reasoning.路径查找历来是空间关系推理的一个热点,是一个计算机科学、地理信息科学、人工智能等众多学科相交叉的研究领域。

3.The formalization ofspatial relation reasoning is a core part of spatialreasoning, a precondition of processing any spatial data, an absolutely necessary part ofspatial expert systems and geographic information systems (GIS), and an assistant toolfor spatial data mining.形式化的空间关系推理是空间推理的一个核心部分,是实现任何空间数据处理方法的一个前提,是空间专家系统和地理信息系统的一个必要组成部分,是空间数据挖掘中的一个重要的辅助工具。


1.Research on Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Mechanism for Spatial Relation Reasoning;空间关系推理的知识表示与推理机制研究

2.Hierarchical Spatial Relation Reasoning Based on Spherical O-QTM Partition基于球面四元三角网剖分的层次空间关系推理

3.The Design and Realization of Spatial Relation Reasoning Based on Ontology and SWRL;基于本体和SWRL的空间关系推理的设计与实现

4.Reasoning About Spatial-nonspatial Relations in Adolescents with Non-verbal Learning Disabilities;非言语学习不良青少年空间和非空间关系推理特点

5.Study on Topological Spatial Relationship and Spatial Reasoning in Geographic Information System;地理信息系统中拓扑空间关系及空间推理研究

6.Determinate Description and Integrating Reasoning of Geographic Spatial Relations;地理空间关系确定性描述与集成推理

7.Representation and Reasoning of Spatial Topological Relations Based on Cognition;基于认知的空间拓扑关系表示与推理

8.Qualitative Representation and Reasoning on Direction Relation of Three-dimension Space三维空间方向关系的定性描述与推理

9.Research on Spatial Directional Relations Models and Combined Spatio-temporal Reasoning;空间方位关系模型与时空结合推理的研究

10.Research on Spatial Directional Relation Models and Integrative Reasoning of Multi-aspect Spatial Relations;空间方位关系模型及多方面空间关系结合推理的研究

11.The Psychological Effect of Spatial Relation in Inductive Inference;空间关系在归纳推理中的心理效应研究

12.Representation and reasoning of spatial relationship are the basic problem in situation assessmant.空间关系表示及其推理是态势估计的基本问题。

13.Constraint Satisfaction Problems Based Spatial Direction Relation Reasoning;基于约束满足问题的空间方向关系推理

14.Qualitative Spatial Reasoning for Multi-Dimensional Topology and Size Relations混合维拓扑和尺寸关系的定性空间推理

15.Research on Reasoning and Topological Relations between Spatial Region with Holes and Simple Unclosed Line空间带洞区域与简单非闭合曲线间拓扑关系及推理的研究

16.A Model for Representing and Reasoning of Spatial Relations between Simple Concave Regions简单凹形区域间空间关系的一种表示及推理模型

17.Theoretics and Methods Research of Fuzzy Description and Compose Reasoning of Spatial Relations;空间关系模糊描述及组合推理的理论和方法研究

18.Research on the Key Theory of the Spatial Relations in the Spatial Database空间数据库空间关系的关键理论研究


reasoning about nonspatial relation非空间关系推理

3)qualitative reasoning of spatial relations定性空间关系推理

4)representation and reasoning of spatial relations空间关系表达和推理

1.They makerepresentation and reasoning of spatial relations more accordant with the way that human beings manage and process spatial knowledge.该文基于地理空间和地理现象的本质且顾及地理空间认知,总结了地理空间中空间关系表达和推理的特点,具体包括空间的有限性、地球的球面特征、地物的地理语义、地物形状的复杂性、面状地物、特殊的空间关系、空间关系的层次性与尺度相应原则、不确定性、三维与时态特性九方面;进而介绍了地理空间关系表达的两个应用,即地理信息检索和基于对象的图像分析。

5)Spatial direction relations hierarchy reasoning空间方位关系层次推理

6)temporal relation reasoning时间关系推理

1.This research has two kinds of main paradigms— periodical temporal reasoning andtemporal relation reasoning.对时间推理的研究主要有两种范式,习俗周期性时间推理和时间关系推理。


