2000字范文 > 人权事业 cause of human rights英语短句 例句大全

人权事业 cause of human rights英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-16 22:40:53


人权事业 cause of human rights英语短句 例句大全

人权事业,cause of human rights

1)cause of human rights人权事业


1.The Progress of Human Rights in China中国人权事业的进展

2.Progress of the Cause of Human Rights in China《中国人权事业的进展》

3.The Connotation of the Human Right Concept and the Development of the International Human Right Career;人权概念的内涵与国际人权事业的发展

4.The Effect of Deng Xiaoping"s Thought of Human Rights on the Development of Chinese Human Rights Cause邓小平人权思想在中国人权事业发展中的作用

5.All this is aimed at promoting the cause of human rights of the Chinese people.都是为了促进中国人民的人权事业

6.Progress in China"s Human Rights Cause in 1996《一九九六年中国人权事业的进展》

7.New Progress in Human Rights in the Tibet Autonomous Region西藏自治区人权事业的新进展

8.Three Represents"theory and China s human rights cause;“三个代表”重要思想与中国人权事业

9.The fact that human rights in Tibet have improved is beyond all dispute.西藏人权事业进步和发展的事实,是无可辩驳的。

10.A host of facts show clearly that human rights in Tibet are making unceasing大量事实充分说明,西藏的人权事业在不断进步。

11.Selfish men were . . . trying to make capital for themselves out of the sacred cause of human rights自私的人试图从神圣的人权事业中为自己牟利

12.Helping the Poor, China s Great Contribution to the Human Rights Cause of the World --Reflections over Jiang Zemin s Human Rights Thoughts of Helping the Poor;扶贫,中国对世界人权事业的重大贡献 ——江泽民关于扶贫的人权思想

13.The development of the cause of human rights in the Tibet Autonomous Region is an important component of the new progress being made in human rights in China as a whole.西藏自治区人权事业的发展,是中国人权事业新进展的一个重要组成部分。

14.China"s family planning policy is a great contribution to the world"s human rights.中国的计划生育是对世界人权事业的重大贡献。

15.In the last four years the cause of human rights in China has seen new progress.四年来,中国的人权事业又取得了新的进展。

16.This is the road we must take for the cause of promoting human rights in light of Chinas national conditions.这是适合中国国情的人权事业发展的必然道路。

17.From White Paper to Constitution Law:the Constraction and Choices for Human Rights in China;从白皮书到入宪:中国人权事业的展开与抉择

18.Human Rights Improvement;中国共产党对推进中国人权事业的伟大贡献


China"s cause of human rights中国人权事业

3)international human right career国际人权事业

4)construction of human rights人权建设事业

5)right of personnel administration人事权

6)factual human rights事实人权

1.It shows that the ancient Chinese seek for thefactual human rights.中国古人对人性的理解,中国传统文化的精髓——民本思想所内涵的集体人权意识,中国古代社会的等级制度所显示出的对个人(或称不同类别)人权的认识,无不体现了古人对事实人权的追逐。


