2000字范文 > 电信监管模式 regulating mode of telecom industry英语短句 例句大全

电信监管模式 regulating mode of telecom industry英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-21 13:05:25


电信监管模式 regulating mode of telecom industry英语短句 例句大全

电信监管模式,regulating mode of telecom industry

1)regulating mode of telecom industry电信监管模式

2)trust supervision models信托监管模式

3)telecommunication regulation电信监管

1.The New Exploration of Intending Telecommunication Regulation System in China;我国未来电信监管模式的新探索

2.It is necessary to be aware of the position and roles of standardization intelecommunication regulation.中国在电信监管中引入标准起步较晚,但目前相关工作已经取得了重大进展。

3.It is an urgent thing for China to strengthentelecommunication regulation in order to build up an effective telecommunications regulation system,as well as a fair and orderly telecommunication market.加强电信监管、建立有效的电信监管体系、形成公平有序的市场竞争环境是目前急需解决的问题。


1.On the Regulation of Telecommunication Based on the Protect of Consumers Rights;基于消费者权益保护的电信监管研究

2.Research on Telecom Regulation in the Post Transition Period of WTO in China;中国WTO后过渡期电信监管问题研究

3.Search Algorithm for Mass Target List in Telecom Supervise System电信监管系统海量目标名单查找算法

4.Analysis on building up an effective telecommunications regulation system;我国建立有效电信监管体系的对策研究

5.Supervising Telecom Market and Stimulating Reform & Development in the Telecom Industry;依法监管电信市场 促进电信业的改革和发展

6.The Research of Supervised the Telecom Interconnected Voice Quality;电信网网间语音质量监管问题的研究

7.Information System of Power Insulation Supervision Management Based on WEB;基于WEB的电力绝缘监督管理信息系统

8.New Mode of the Government Regulation of the Telecommunication Industry s Investment and Financing in China;我国政府监管电信业投融资的新思路

9.Discussion on Construction of the Supervision Information System in Energy-Saving Power Generation Dispatching节能发电调度监管信息系统建设探究

10.Strengthening administration of Chinese telecom industry by reconstruction of regulation mechanism;通过管制重构加强对我国电信产业的政府监管

11.Development & Research of the Remote Monitoring Management System about Telecomm Equipment of Power;电信机房电源远程监控管理系统开发研究

12.Telecommunication Regulation Reform: Theory Foundation, International Experience and Rebuilding Our Modern System;电信业监管改革:理论基础、国际经验及我国电信业现代监管体系的重构与完善

13.Discussion on the Development and Supervision of Telecom Value-added Service by Analyzing the Evolution of Telecom Service Value Chain;从电信业价值链的演变看电信增值业务的发展及监管

14.Suggestions on Enhancing ICT Market Supervision关于进一步加强电信市场监管工作的意见

15.Provisional supervision specification for telecommunications conduit & cable channel engineering通信管道和电缆通道工程施工监理暂行规定

16.Design of the Monitoring and Management Information System of Locomotive s Electric Energy Consumption;电力机车能耗监测及其管理信息系统的设计

17.Distant Data Traffic and Supervision Based on Internet of Solar Power Station;光伏电站的远程数据通信及网络监控管理

18.The Research of the Fault Management in Power Communication Management Network;故障管理技术在电力通信网监控系统中的研究


trust supervision models信托监管模式

3)telecommunication regulation电信监管

1.The New Exploration of Intending Telecommunication Regulation System in China;我国未来电信监管模式的新探索

2.It is necessary to be aware of the position and roles of standardization intelecommunication regulation.中国在电信监管中引入标准起步较晚,但目前相关工作已经取得了重大进展。

3.It is an urgent thing for China to strengthentelecommunication regulation in order to build up an effective telecommunications regulation system,as well as a fair and orderly telecommunication market.加强电信监管、建立有效的电信监管体系、形成公平有序的市场竞争环境是目前急需解决的问题。

4)Regulation model监管模式

1.Investment of occupational pension in China is operated under the limit-regulation model.企业年金资产累积快速及其巨大投资规模必将对金融体系乃至整个社会经济产生巨大影响,我国目前对企业年金基金投资监管的模式主要采用限量监管模式,但是国际年金监管模式的演变趋势、年金收益率的历史经验、现代投资理论以及风险防范等,都说明审慎性监管模式是较优选择。

2.Proper regulation models can effectively control the risks,with different performances though.无论其潜在的内部和外部风险,最终都将带来巨大的社会影响,而适合的监管模式则可以进行有效地控制风险,但是不同的监管模式效能差异也不

3.This article focuses on the derivation of the three regulation models after the Enron case.文章着重分析了三种监管方式在安然事件前后的演变,同时对我国的注册会计师行业的监管进行了思考,通过比较研究,结合国情,最后提出了改进我国注册会计师行业监管模式的思路。

5)regulation mode监管模式

1.Theregulation mode is an artificial designed restraint condition in sports industrial capital market in China for the restriction of mutual behavior.体育产业资本市场监管模式是我国体育产业资本市场中人为设计的制约相互行为的约束条件,它必须根植于我国具体的体育产业经济、体育产业资本市场环境,切合我国体育产业资本市场发展的步伐。

2.Based on a comparative analysis of existing operation mode, transition mode andregulation mode adopted by different financial systems, the paper points out that during its banking scope deregulation, China should select Pure Financial Holding Company as operation mode, "Artificial Gradualism" as transition mode, and synthesis Regulation asregulation mode.在分析和比较银证混业有关经营模式、过渡模式和监管模式的基础上,结合我国现有国情,指出我国应选择纯粹金融控 股公司的经营模式、"人为渐进"的过渡模式,辅之以银监会牵头的牵头监管模式,渐进地推进银证混业。

3.From this we can see that our country\"s food safetyregulation mode still needs to be improved.论文从经济学、社会学及法学等学科视角,综合解构剖析了食品安全监管这一涉及社会政治、经济、生活方方面面的战略性问题,从而梳理清食品安全监管的理论基础即其应然要求,由此看出我国食品安全监管模式还有待进一步改进。

6)supervision mode监管模式

1.Study of the Transformation of Commercial Bank Supervision Mode under Mixed Operation Trend;混业经营趋势下商业银行监管模式转换研究


国际电信联盟标准(见国际电信联盟)国际电信联盟标准(见国际电信联盟)standards of ITU: see International Telecommunication Union; ITU切网1 Ulan欠jnL心n厅泊ngb泊。zhun国际电伯联盟标准(,tan由Ids际电信联盈。of TYLJ)见国
