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指导 guidance英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-01 18:23:33


指导 guidance英语短句 例句大全



1.Enhancing Guidance of Diploma Thesis of New Speciality and Training Future Industrial Engineers;强化新专业毕业论文指导培育未来工业工程师

2.Learning Strategy Guidance in English Teaching for Professional College Students;在高职英语教学中加强对学生学习策略的指导


1.Serving to direct.指导性的用来指导的

2.Of or relating to a director or directorate.指挥者的指导者或指导者职位的,或关于指导者或指导者职位的

3.The act or function of directing.指导,指挥指导的动作或作用

4.To act as commander, director, or guide.指挥如指挥官、指导者或向导的行动

5.The capacity or activity of a tutor;instruction or teaching.辅导,指导辅导者或指导的能力或行为;指导或教导

6.Niperiod of instruction given by a tutor in a university, esp to one or two students指导课(尤指大学导师指导一两个学生的)

7.guided teaching practice由导师指导的教学实习

8.Studemt"s Consultant Office生徒(学生)指导室

9.A person who gives instruction, as in singing or acting.指导员在歌唱或表演上给予指导的人

10.nondirective counseling非指导式咨询 非指导式谘商

11.self instructional training自我指导训练自我指导训练

12.One who conducts sessions or teaches at a clinic.临床指导在诊所讲授或指导研讨的人

13.Serving to direct, indicate, or guide.管理的、指导的用来管理、说明或指导的

14.A source of guidance or inspiration.(喻)指路明灯,指导人进行指导或鼓励的来源

15.He can"t get his ring off his finger.他无法指导戒指从手指上拿下来。

16.The director"s indirect direction led to the incorrect erection of the rectifier.指导者间接的指导导致整流器的错误安装。

17.willing to be taught or led or supervised or directed.甘愿被教导、领导、管理或指导。

18.Occupation Instruction and Employment Guidance--On Operation Ideology of Employment Guidance to College Students;谈职业指导与就业指导——兼论大学生就业指导的工作理念



1.Applicatle Whole Nursing Guide Operating Room Work;运用整体护理观念指导手术室工作

2.On how to stress scientific research and thesis writingguide in middle & small-sized hospitals;中小型医院加强科研和论文写作指导管理的探讨

3.The Guide of Health Value and Life Method about Diabttes Melli tus Patients;糖尿病病人健康价值与生活方式的指导


1.The dietinstruction to diabetic patients on admission;新入院糖尿病患者饮食指导

2.Learning and Instruction on Medical Ancient Chinese Prose;《医古文》的学习与指导

3.The tentative idea for improving nursing student job-seekinginstructions;完善护理专业大学生就业指导的设想


1.Discussion of the NursingDirection in 4000 Neonates;4000例新生儿护理指导浅谈

2.The direction of educational assessment and attributive way to benefit the development of student s psychology should lie in process of assessment, directing based on attributive way and personal.有利于学生心理发展的教育评价与归因方式的指导应是在评价过程中,根据学生的归因方式与个性特点进行指导,对外控型学生可以启发鼓励的方式进行内部归因指导,对优秀生可以进行角色转换的归因指导。


1.The view of scientific development is the embodies of directing world view development and methodology.科学发展观是指导发展的世界观和方法论的集中体现,它正确回答了“为何发展”、“为谁发展”、“怎样发展”、“靠谁发展”的问题,明确了医疗卫生事业的发展方向、发展目的、发展道路和发展力量,为促进医德医风建设赋予了新的历史任务、提出了新的内涵要求、提供了新的工作视角、增强了新的行动活力。

2.It points out the key to promote the level of team skill must give full scope to play a leading role of coachers by organizing and directing every session rationally and correctly.文章结合实际,从明确目的任务、严格实施计划、控制训练负荷和选择方法手段等方面,系统分析了影响1堂排球训练课的因素,指出发挥教练员的主导作用,合理地组织和正确地指导每堂训练课,是实施、完成训练任务、提升球队水平的关键。

3.To promote the Navy warship-repair in a high quality level and healthy development,we must direct the work with scientific methods from Scientific Outlook on Development including grasping the basic requirement,stressing points and increasing scientism,initiative,farsighteness and definite aim.以科学发展观指导修船工作实践,要掌握科学发展观蕴含的科学方法,把握科学发展观对修船工作实践的基本要求,找准军队修理系统贯彻科学发展观的着力点,增强抓修船工作的科学性、创新性、预见性、针对性,提高修船工作质量,推动海军修船工作的健康发展。


1.Eighty-one years pratice of Chinese Communist party tells us that we forever must insist on combining Marxist essential theories with Chinese factual pratice,we forever must insist on beingconducted by scientific socialist theories and we forever must insist on marching on the road of Chinese characteristic socialism.中国共产党的 81年来的实践启示我们 ,必须始终坚持马克思主义基本原理同中国具体实践相结合 ,坚持科学社会主义理论的指导 ,坚定不移地走有中国特色的社会主义道


