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语用角度 pragmatic perspective英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-26 17:16:09


语用角度 pragmatic perspective英语短句 例句大全

语用角度,pragmatic perspective

1)pragmatic perspective语用角度


1.Lexical pragmatics--dynamic research into meaning in the perspectiveof pragmatics;词汇语用学—语用角度的动态意义研究

2.Talking about Phatic Utterances in Pragmatics;有用的废话——从语用角度谈“寒暄语”

3.Polite Expressions in Conversation both in Chinese and English from the Point of Pragmatics;从语用角度看英汉日常会话礼貌用语

4.On classification of English ambiguity from syntactic,semantic and pragmatic perspectives;从语法、语义、语用角度划分英语歧义类型

5.Analyse Von Werbetexten in Der Deutschen und Chinesischen Sprache Aus Der Perspektive Der Pragmatik und Textlinguistik从篇章和语用角度分析德语和汉语的广告语篇

6.Violation of Cooperative Principle:From Pragmatic Perspective;从语用角度论对英语合作原则的违反

7.The Application of Compliment in Ancient Chinese Viewed from Pragmatics从语用角度探析古汉语中恭维语的运用

8.A Study on Hedges in Euphemism-A Perspective of Pragmatics;从语用角度看委婉语中语言的模糊现象

9.Linguistic-Pragmatic Perspective on Gender Differences in Verbal Communication;从语言语用角度看言语交际中的性别差异

10.On the classification of English ambiguity from syntactic, semantic and pragmatic perspectives;从句法、语义和语用角度划分英语歧义的类型

11.A Study on English Translation of Chinese Public Signs-A Pragmatic Equivalence Approach;从语用对等角度分析汉语公示语英译

12.Analysis of Slogans in English Advertisements from the Pragmatic Perspective;从语用学角度分析英语广告的口号语

13.Study on the Pragmatic Functions of English Intonation从语用学的角度研究英语语调的功能

14.A Study of English Verbal Humor from Perspectives of Semantics and Pragmatics;从语义学与语用学角度研究英语言语幽默

15.The Study of Pragmatic Failure of Address Forms an Adaptation Approach从顺应论的角度看称呼语的语用失误

16.A Study of Vague Language in Communication;从语用学角度研究交际中的模糊语言

17.A Study of English Humor from the Linguistic Perspective and Its Application;从语言学角度透析英语幽默及其应用

18.An Adaptation-theoretic Perspective on Cultural Context and Pragmatic Translation;从顺应论角度看文化语境与语用翻译


pragmatic perspective语用学角度

1.The motivation of lies can be explored from apragmatic perspective.从语用学角度进行分析,认为谎言产生的动因主要有面子、情感、语言表达效果、个人目的和社会目的等五个方面。

3)grammatical and pragmatical perspective语法语用角度

4)pragmatic perspective语用视角

5)a semantic perspective语义角度

1.This dissertation analyzes reference and referential choice in Chinese narrative discourse from four perspectives: a syntactic perspective,a semantic perspective, a pragmatic perspective and a cognitive perspective.本文从四个角度分析了汉语叙述语篇中的指称和指称选择:句法角度,语义角度,语用角度和认知角度。

6)linguistic perspective语言角度


