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《政治学》 Politics英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-30 23:30:38


《政治学》 Politics英语短句 例句大全



1.Educational Construction in "Good Governance"——An Interpretation of Aristotle sPolitics;“善治”中的教育构建——亚里士多德《政治学》解读


1.On Nation from Politics Perspective;政治学视野中的民族探讨

2.Analysis of research methods inpolitics;简析政治学中的研究方法


1.Ecological Politics· Ecological Political Science· Ecological Political Science Research;生态政治·生态政治学·生态政治学研究

2.An Analysis of the Field of Political Science--Political Culture and Political Consciousness;政治学范畴探析——政治文化与政治意识

3.PPE (Philosophy Ploitics Economics)哲学、政治学、经济学统称

4.The Postmodern Horizon on the Political Philosophy: Nomad Politics政治哲学的后现代视域:游牧政治学

5.Mary teaches politics to university students.玛丽教大学生政治学。

6.London School of Economics and Political-Science伦敦大学经济政治学系

7.She" s reading politics at university.她在大学里攻读政治学.

8.On the Purport of Montesquieu"s Eco-Politics Doctrine孟德斯鸠政治学说的生态政治旨趣

9.A Political Analysis of Peasants Disorderly Participation in Politics;农民无序政治参与行为的政治学分析

10.An Annotation on Developing Politics of China sPolitical Development Strategy;我国政治发展战略的发展政治学诠释

11.From Politics to Political Science: Problems of Chinese Political Research and Its Paradigm Alternatives;从政治学到政治科学——中国政治学研究的难题与范式转换

12.Political Economics and Economic Politics--Summary of Research in New PoliticalEconomics;政治的经济学与经济的政治学——西方新政治经济学研究综述

13.Zur Kritik der politischen Oekonomie《政治经济学批判》

14.Political Metaphysics:Renovation of the Threshold of Political Philosophy;政治形而上学:政治哲学视阈的转换

15.International Society of Political Psychology国际政治心理学学会

16.I learn ME at school.我在学校里学思想政治。

17.Political Power,Art and Moral: an interpretation of Machiavelli s Politics;政治权力、政治权术与政治道德——对马基雅维里政治哲学的重新解读

18.Nature, Human and Politics: An Enquiry Concerning Spinoza s Political Philosophy;自然、人与政治:斯宾诺莎政治哲学研究



1.On Nation from Politics Perspective;政治学视野中的民族探讨

2.Analysis of research methods inpolitics;简析政治学中的研究方法

3)political teaching政治教学

1.The political production teaching resources produce in the dynamicpolitical teaching process.政治生成性教学资源产生于动态的政治教学过程。

4)political study政治学习

1.Some thinking on enhancing actual effect of instructorspolitical study;增强教师政治学习实效性的几点思考

5)Politics teaching政治教学

1.Cultivating students′ creative thinking ability in politics teaching——Talking in addition on the importance of creativity education;谈初中政治教学中学生创新思维能力的培养

2.On the realization of the cooperative study model in the politics teaching;论政治教学中合作性学习模式的实现

3.The author,in this paper holds that politics teaching should break through the traditional teaching method,which concerns primarily with the examinations rather than students practical considerations.政治教学应打破传统的以应试为主的教学模式 ,体现以学生为主体 ,借助先进的教学设备和手段 ,采取灵活的教学方法 ,在传授好理论知识的基础上 ,培养学生应用知识解决实际问题的能力 ,更好地实现教育的目标。

6)philosophy of politics政治哲学

1.A Preliminary Analysis of Deng Xiaoping s Views of Philosophy of Politics;邓小平政治哲学思想初探

2.A Preliminary Analysis of Deng Xiaop ing s Views of Philosophy of Politics;邓小平政治哲学思想探析

3.In fact, at that time Marx doesn t carry on philosophical research of pure world outlook, and the theme of his early years philosophy isphilosophy of politics.事实上,马克思早年没有进行过纯粹世界观性质的哲学研究,他早年持有的哲学的主题是政治哲学。


