2000字范文 > 昭示 enlightenment英语短句 例句大全

昭示 enlightenment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-20 03:18:20


昭示 enlightenment英语短句 例句大全




1.and to demonstrate his friendship with the central land to next generations.并将和中原的友好昭示后人。

2.to remind people of life"s alternation and continuance.向人们昭示着生命的更迭与延续。

3.History shows us with what tenacity the human race survives.历史向我们昭示:人类生存是何等坚韧。

4.The Enlightenment of the Humanities Science and its Infiltration in Teaching;人文科学的昭示与教学中的人文渗透

5.History sometimes seems to teach us that all nations decay in the course of time.历史在昭示我们,任何国家都会逐渐衰落。 、

6.World City Developing Tendency and Enlightenment to China;世界城市发展的未来趋势及其对我国的昭示

7.The Transformation of Prose Writing of the Tongcheng School Exhibited in A Diary of the Experiences of An Ambassador to England,France,Italy and Belgium;《出使英法义比四国日记》所昭示的桐城散文变革

8.Of what I _am_, doth flash itself, and show又回赐给它爱。我那迸发的热情/就象道光,通过我这陋质,昭示了

9.Or else of thee this I prognosticate, Thy end is truth"s and Beauty"s doom and date.要不然关于你我将这样昭示:你的末日也就是真和美的死。

10.In Russia, the episode affirmed, power still counts for more than the law.在俄罗斯,这出插曲再度昭示出权力远比法律来得重要。

11.Through a comparison of the Chinese oceangoing fleet with the Western one in the fifteenth century, this paper is intended to show the power of Zheng He"s fleet to the people all over the world.通过对十五世纪中、西方远航船队的比较 ,昭示世人郑和船队的伟大。

12.History testifies to the ineptitude of coalitions in waging war.历史昭示我们,多数国家联合作战,其进行甚为困难。

13.It declare publicly enormous glamour and things culture of Confucianism is it receive and innovate to vomit each other again.它再次昭示儒学的巨大魅力和东西文化的相互吐纳与创新。

14.Nature not only forests a sense of wonder, but confirms its truth and validity.大自然不仅为我们昭示着奇异还孕育着真理和力量。

15.Therefore,the emergence of marriage institution indicated that the evolution process from ape to man is ended.由是而论,婚姻制度的出现昭示了从猿到人进化过程的终结。

16.Let the History Show the Future:Commemorating the 160~(th) Anniversary of The Communist Manifesto and Marxism;让历史昭示未来——纪念《共产党宣言》发表暨马克思主义诞生160周年

17.Universalization in a Quality Mode: Some Implication from the Historical Development of American High School Education;质量型普及之路:美国高中教育发展历史轨迹的昭示

18.Influences of MAO Ze-dong s Party Construction Thought on Contemporary Era--Pounderation at the Time of MAO Ze-dong s 110 Birthday;毛泽东党建思想的当代昭示——毛泽东同志110周年诞辰之际的反思


historical revelations历史昭示

3)declare to the whole world昭示中外

4)natural inspiration自然昭示

5)It will be declared to the whole world.它将被昭示中外。



