2000字范文 > 点阵 lattice英语短句 例句大全

点阵 lattice英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-07 04:12:16


点阵 lattice英语短句 例句大全



1.Design of Lattice Electron Display Screen Based on SPCE061A;基于SPCE061A的点阵电子显示屏设计

2.The Realization of Chinese Characters and Pictures s Lattice for Single-Chip Computer System;单片机系统汉字及图形点阵的实现

3.Using the analytical methord of reciprocallattice, the author has approched the relationship between the wide crystallographic planes(HKL)and crystal interplannar specings d_(HKL), and the crystallographic planes(hkl) and crystal interplanar spacings d_(hkl).用倒易点阵分析法探讨Bravais晶格点阵广义晶面(HKL)及面间距d_(HKL)与晶面(hkl)及面间距d_(hkl)之间关系。


1.indices of lattice plane and lattice direction点阵平面指数和点阵方向指数

2.cubic (lattice) cell立方晶胞,立方点阵晶格

3.An element of a print head that places dots to form dot matrix characters in animpact matrix printer.打印头上的一种元件,用于在击打式点阵打印机中打出点阵,形成点阵字符。

4.In this case, bitmap fonts may be more precise.这种情况下,点阵字体可能更为准确。

5.Matrix font of graphic characters for information interchangeGB/T3909-1983信息交换用图形字符点阵形状

6.An arsenic atom can take the place of a germanium atom in the lattice.一个砷原子能取代点阵子中的锗原子.

7.dot-character impact printing technique击打式点阵字符印刷技术

8.The large LCD displays the abundance intuitionistic contents.◇大屏幕点阵液晶---显示内容丰富,直观。

9.Design for the Controller of Large Screen Light-emitting Diode Dot Matrix Display大屏幕发光二极管点阵控制器的设计

10.Methods and Software for Inputting 48×48 Dot Matrix Chinese Character Fonts48×48点阵汉字的录入及其软件

11.Mechanical Performance of the 3D-Kagome Truss Panels;3D-Kagome点阵夹芯板的力学性能研究

12.Microarray Analysis of Transcriptome in Rice Roots under Fe-Deficiency Stress;缺铁水稻根转录本微点阵(Microarray)的分析

13.Study on the Vectorization Technology of Dot Matrix Meteorological Facsimile Maps;点阵式气象传真图的矢量化技术研究

14.The Electron Dynamics of Quantum Dot Arrays with Pumping;具有泵浦的量子点阵列的电子动力学

15.Spurts of warm rain blew fitfully against their faces.阵阵温热的雨点拍打在他们脸上。

16.effect [make] a lodgment占领阵地,夺取据点

17.She nodded slightly, and a wave of emotion swept through her heart.她轻轻地点了点头,心里拂过一阵感动。

18.Matrix printer: Printer that produces images formed from dots that conform to matrix unit.点矩阵印字机:用点子依照矩阵形式而造成图文的印字机.


dot matrix点阵

1.Selection ofdot matrix LCD module and design of interface;图形点阵液晶显示模块的选用及其接口设计

2.Naxi hieroglyph ofdot matrix and vector and curve generativity;从点阵到矢量再到曲线的纳西象形文生成

3.Pattern of Chinese traditional settlements is introduced,which has particulardot matrix features of traditional architecture.介绍了中国传统聚落的模式,指出它具有传统建筑所独有的点阵特点,并列举了能够将充满个性的“点”通过彼此和谐联系的“阵”结合的实例,并以此来启发当代建筑的设计思路,使其在居住建筑中得到体现,值得当代建筑师们思考。


1.Using the screen-printing process,the large-area dot-matrix cathode addressing structure was implemented on the glass substrate with the stack type for the preparation of insulating layer and wiring layer.结合丝网印刷工艺,通过制备绝缘层和布线层的层叠式,在玻璃基底上实现了大面积的点阵阴极寻址结构。

2.This paper mainly narrate how displays on concentric circles on the dot-matrix of MCS-51 Single Chip Computer.主要阐述了如何在51单片机点阵上显示同心圆。

3.The driving circuits of 16×16 LED Chinese dot-matrix display have been designed based on Proteus software,an embedded system simulation flat.在嵌入式系统软硬件设计仿真平台Proteus的基础上设计了16×16LED汉字点阵显示电路。


1.The arrangement precept of fundamental elementmatrix was introduced,with the row and column number of the fundamental elementmatrix,the relative height of the fundamental element on the same side,the relative location of the upper and lower fundamental elementmatrix were studied.从基本体点阵的行列数量、同一侧基本体点阵中各基本体相对位置关系以及上下基本体点阵的位置关系三方面对基本体点阵的排列方案进行了研究,并结合试验进行了验证。

2.On the basis of the funhamental methad by using ED-A seriesmatrix LCD to display chinese characters, an approach to utilize a medial scale LCD s driving module T- 6963- C is presented.本文在介绍ED—A系列点阵液晶显示汉字基本方法的基础上,给出一种中型点阵液晶的驱动模块-T6963C的使用方法,利用它作为驱动模块的DMF-5000系列液晶显示器,可以显示用户需要的图形和字符。

5)lattice matrix点阵矩阵

6)lattice point点阵点


