2000字范文 > 情绪社会分享 the social sharing of emotion英语短句 例句大全

情绪社会分享 the social sharing of emotion英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-10 21:44:19


情绪社会分享 the social sharing of emotion英语短句 例句大全

情绪社会分享,the social sharing of emotion

1)the social sharing of emotion情绪社会分享

1.Our research focused on howthe social sharing of emotion influenced the emotional convergence.为了检验情绪社会分享在情绪趋同形成中的作用,本研究根据被试在7天情绪社会分享日记中的分享对象提名情况,匹配出情绪分享组,并比较了情绪分享组被试与随机组被试在情境故事测验材料上情绪反应的相似性。

2.The results of the formal survey on 210 college students showed:the social sharing of emotion has three functions,including emotional improvement,cognitive coping,relational harmony and two risks of negative effects of dissemination and conveyance.以189名大学生为被试,在开放式问卷预调查的基础上,编制包含4方面内容,78个项目的情绪社会分享公众观正式调查问卷。


1.The Review on and Prospects for Social Sharing of Emotion;情绪社会分享的研究现状与发展趋势

2.A Research on Composition of Mood and Attribution about Retarded Pupils Social Ability;弱智小学生社会技能的情绪成分与归因的研究

3.Individual Social Emotions Development and Regulation and ITS Social Adaptation;个体社会情绪的发展、调适与社会适应

4.The Study on the Emotional Experience and the Involvement in Social Comparison of Maximizers and Satisficers;极大化者和满意者的情绪体验与社会比较特征的分析研究

5.A Research on the Mood Composition and Attribution of the Social Ability of Children whose Parent Work Abroad;出国务工人员子女社会技能的情绪成分与归因研究

6.Reliability and validity of standardized chinese version of urban infant-toddler Social and Emotional Assessment(CITSEA) scale中国城市幼儿情绪及社会性发展量表标准化的信度和效度分析

7.Discussion on Emotion, Affect and EQ in the View of Anthropological Sociology and Cultural Sociology情绪·情感·情商——在人类—文化社会学平台上的审视

8.Social and Emotional Development of Gifted Children资优儿童社会及情绪发展

9.Opinion poll have detect a grind swell of support for the socialist民意测验表明拥护社会党的情绪高涨

10.Opinion polls have detected a ground swell of support for the Socialists.民意测验表明拥护社会党的情绪高涨.

11.The Breeding,Letting off and Control of Resentful Emotions in the Society;社会不满情绪的滋生、宣泄及其控制

12.A Study of Minority People"s Social Mood in Northwest Poverty-stricken Areas西北贫困地区少数民族社会情绪研究

13.A Research on the Relationships of Children"s Emotionality and Emotion Control With Social Adaptability儿童情绪性及情绪控制与社会适应能力的关系研究

14.The Effect of Sociality of Context on Undergraduates Emotional Expression;情境的社会属性对大学生情绪表达的影响

15.Children s Judgment and Attribution of Moral Emotion in Prosocial Contexts;儿童在向社会情境中的道德情绪判断与归因

16.The higher education cost-sharing policy was criticized because of a feeling of social deprivation.当前社会中存在的对高等教育成本分担政策的责难在于一种受剥夺的社会情绪。

17.Rural governance has a certain social basis and background of social mood.乡村治理有一定的社会情绪基础和背景。

18.A Study on the Relationship of College Stress, Social Support and Negative Emotion of College Students;大学生校园压力、社会支持与负性情绪关系研究


secondary social sharing of emotion情绪再次社会分享

3)emotion sharing情绪分享

1.Since the 1990s,emotion sharing has been studied systematically.情绪分享在社会生活中是一种普遍现象,在社会生活中,随时随地都在发生着各种各样的情绪事件,当这些事件发生后,人们普遍倾向于自愿地与他人诉说、谈论这些情绪事件以及他们的感受。

4)Social emotion社会情绪

1.This article categorized social emotions and reviewed recent findings concerning the neural bases of different social emotions.该文提出了社会情绪概念的界定及其分类,回顾并总结了近年来对社会情绪神经基础的研究结果,指出了现有的研究范式和方法存在的局限,并对该领域未来的研究方向和研究重点做了进一步展望。

2.The evolution of individual social emotion will affect the relation among the people,the relation between people and society,and people s social adaptation.情绪情感是影响人的认知的内在因素,个体社会情绪的发展会影响人与人之间的关系、人与社会的关系,从而影响人的社会适应。

5)Social Mood社会情绪

1.Rural governance has a certain social basis and background of social mood.乡村治理有一定的社会情绪基础和背景。

2.The results show that people living in these areas have good social mood.采用问卷方法,对西北贫困地区1700余名少数民族成员的社会情绪进行研究。



